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Zero Waste ToothBrushes - 10 Brands We Recommend
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
The average person will use about 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime. But while taking care of ourselves, it’s important to take care of the environment too. So using a zero-waste toothbrush is the best way to ensure that your oral hygiene is not putting the environment at risk.
24 Best Online Thrift Stores for Second-Hand Fashion (2023)
Sustainable FashionSustainable Fashion
Rather than always buying new, we can now shop online for second-hand fashion with merely a few clicks. And a whole range of online thrift stores, appealing to almost any style and taste, has cropped up to help us beat fast fashion ills.
17 Best Eco-Friendly Flip Flops & Sustainable Sandals
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Flip flops have become super popular and versatile footwear, from summer wear around the house to beach essentials. However, manufacturers make a lot of them with plastic or synthetic rubber. As such, they don’t biodegrade or, at best, biodegrade slowly. We have put together a list of 17 footwear brands that produce eco-friendly sustainable flip-flops […]
13 Best Bamboo Toothbrushes for Zero Waste Natural Brushing
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Bamboo toothbrushes are quickly becoming the go-to eco-friendly alternative to plastic toothbrushes. Apart from their sustainable nature, they also come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and bristle styles. If you’re looking to switch out your plastic toothbrush to bamboo, we’ve prepared a list of the best bamboo toothbrushes.
13 Zero Waste Stores for Plastic & Packaging Free Goods
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
On average, a single individual will produce about 4.38 pounds of landfill-bound trash every single day, according to the EPA. A family of 4 will put out more than 17 pounds of waste, a significant contribution to municipal solid waste (MSW). Reducing landfill-bound trash to the minimum requires us to live a package-free, plastic-free, and […]
11 Best Eco-Friendly Yoga Mats For Sustainable Practice
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
For more than 5000 years, the citizens of the Indian subcontinent have known something that Western Civilization has only relatively recently discovered: yoga is hugely beneficial to human well-being. Today, yoga has become popular, and many have begun practicing or starting out a home amongst COVID19 restrictions. As such, below, we take a look at […]
7 Best Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper Options -For Tree-Free Wipes
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
The soft, pure white toilet paper in your bathroom hardly looks like it could hurt anyone or anything—however, a quick investigation into how they make it might reveal otherwise. You might also find it hard to imagine that something as small and as ubiquitous as toilet paper contributes to climate change. Yet, for these reasons, […]
What are Soap Nuts? How to Use Natural Soap Berries for Eco Laundry
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
An age-old alternative to chemical laundry detergent, soap nuts are a 100% natural detergent. You’ll have no problem using soap nuts if you have sensitive skin or nut allergies, as they are not actually nuts but berries. The fruit gets the “nut” in its name from the hard shell that forms around it when it […]
Hemp Clothing - Benefits and 11 Brands to Check Out
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
As more people become aware of the need for environmental sustainability and our roles in it, we’re learning that fashion costs much more than money. And more people understand the need to reduce this cost drastically. The hemp plant is one of the viable solutions to cut the environmental cost of fast fashion. It produces […]
Zero-Waste Floss - 10 Best Choices for Eco-Friendly Oral Hygiene
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
What tiny, innocuous product is more important to our health than a little strip of dental floss—perhaps only 12 inches long. Floss is a dentist’s best friend, and your sure way to make your teeth happy. Floss is an enormously important part of our dental hygiene. Further, we can connect dental hygiene directly to our […]
Eco-Friendly Packaging - 15 More Sustainable Packaging Options
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Here, with the ongoing march of eCommerce and online shopping, we explore some of the choices you have available as a store owner to purchase eco-friendly packaging. Or, for that matter, if you’re simply looking to post a parcel to a loved one and are seeking to avoid plastic waste or non-sustainable options.
12 Best Zero Waste Shampoo Bars for Eco-Friendly Haircare
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Zero waste shampoo bars help reduce plastic waste, last longer, and most often come naturally chemical-free for a toxin-free hair routine. Here’s our list of some of the best zero waste shampoo choices out there for naturally healthy hair, waste-free. We hope you enjoy it.
11 Alternatives to Biodegradable Balloons & Eco-Friendly Balloons
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Colorful and bright balloons. The problem is that our latex balloons are neither environmentally friendly nor sustainable. Here we explore eco-friendly balloon alternatives and why switching out balloons is a small step we can all take to help the environment.
Zero Waste Sunscreen - 10 Best Plastic Free and Reef Safe Choices
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Whether at the austere mountaintop or the tranquil oceanside, there is one thing above all that is necessary to fully enjoy these settings: sunscreen. And to protect these beautiful places and your skin you’re best to choose zero waste sunscreen.
Zero Waste Shaving - 19 Best Low Waste Shaving Essentials
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Modern shaving is a plastic laden affair. Disposable handles, plastic tubes, and a seemingly never-ending arms race to add more blades, vibration, and lubricating strips are all designed for promising a better shave. And encourage you to buy the latest handle. Here we look at the zero waste shaving alternatives, selecting the essentials you need […]
Hemp Straws - 6 of the Best for Biodegradable Slurping
Intellectually, we all side with the environmentalists who want to end the multiple environmental hazards of plastic straws. Only, how are we supposed to drink our sodas, smoothies, and milkshakes? Paper straws simply will not suffice. The answer is really quite simple: we need to move away from PLA plastic straws, forget about paper straws, […]
Best Reusable Tea Bags and Eco-Friendly Strainers
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Join some of the world’s more discerning and more environmentally friendly tea drinkers and eschew the single-use tea bag. We can accomplish this by kitting ourselves up with reusable tea bags and strainers. To speed that process, here is our list of the 17 best reusable tea bags and strainers.
Hemp Socks - 13 Best for Eco-Friendly Feet Treats
For breathable, all-day comfort, whether on the commute to work or hiking in the outdoors, give a pair of hemp socks a try. Once you’ve tried a pair of hemp socks, there’s a decent chance you’ll end up replacing those cotton socks and synthetic fibers in your sock draw as they wear out with hemp […]
Best Hemp Backpacks - 7 Pure Hemp & Himalayan Backpack Picks
Now is the season when backpacks are on everyone’s mind. Of course, students are getting into back-to-school mode all the way from preschool through graduate school. More than that, as the world gradually reopens for business, more and more of us are carrying our work documents, laptops, and supplies in backpacks. A great many of […]
17 Zero Waste Makeup Brands for Sustainable Beauty Routines
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
For people who love makeup and are also creating a zero-waste lifestyle, the idea of zero-waste makeup may seem a challenging task. But new and innovative brands are promising that we can go waste-free and wear makeup at the same time. To help you on the way we’ve compiled a list of 17 zero-waste makeup […]
25 Zero Waste Gifts Ideas For Conscious Presents
Ethical GiftsEthical Gifts
Gift buying can be a challenge for anyone. Coming up with eco-friendly, zero waste gift ideas is even more tasking once you attempt the search. As we celebrate special events and seasons with the people in our lives, we should remember to consciously pick items which will eventually cause little to no harm to our […]
How to go Plastic Free in the Bathroom
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Humans are creatures of habit as they say and this is true for the way in which we use plastic in the bathroom. If we stop and take a look around, the bathroom is littered with plastic packaging and items. From shower gels housed in single-use plastic to cotton buds and toothbrushes, not forgetting the […]
Zero Waste Christmas - Gifts, Ideas & Tips for a Plastic-Free Christmas
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
When the leaves start to turn yellow and the weather begins to cool its the time of the year when we know we’re on the downward slope to Christmas. Or for those of you in the southern hemisphere the BBQs come out and the beach calls. As we approach this Christmas we may also stop and […]
15 Zero Waste Kitchen Products & Plastic-Free Kitchen Ideas
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Does the special person in your life enjoy creating in the kitchen? Even if they aren’t quite ready for master chef, we’ve compiled a bunch of plastic-free gift ideas for home and kitchen. Give the gift of plastic-free to help cut down on plastic waste.
15 Zero Waste Baby Products & Ethical Baby Gift Ideas
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
Any new parent will be keen to get their kids off to the best start. Yet if you look around many of the baby products out there plastic is everywhere. Being a parent and fighting plastic pollution as it turns out is not all that easy. Plastic nappies, bottles and wipes all add to the amount […]
17 Sustainable Pet Products & Ideas for Zero Waste Pet Care
Eco FriendlyEco Friendly
In our pursuit of cleaner living and less plastic waste, one member of the family or household can often be forgotten. Thus we've compiled 17 sustainable and zero waste products and ideas for pets, both cats and dogs. 
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