TRVST Latest


Developing Leadership Skills For Change
Work & SkillsWork & Skills
BY Dene Stuart ·
History has shown that there is no one right way to lead and that for every swashbuckling, charismatic hero there has been a quiet unassuming modest person of indomitable spirit who has achieved amazing things. Because leadership, like many things in life, is neither a good or bad thing of its own right. It is […]
Productivity Tools And Apps For Change Projects
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Are you starting a social enterprise or project? Or managing the next stages of growth, spinning plates with loads to organise? It can be pretty overwhelming. Having the right productivity tools and software in place can make all the difference in the quality of your work, your organization level and communication with your stakeholders and […]
Plastic Straws Environmental Impact - Why Are Straws Bad?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Plastic straws are almost always used only once before being disposed of. Further, they really are non-essential (we can drink soda without right?). Plastic straws are single-use, lightweight, and made from Polypropylene, a material which isn’t easily recycled and degrades slowly. As a result, the negative environmental impact of plastic straws is disproportionate compared to […]
History of Plastic Straws - How Did They Become So Popular?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
This brief history of plastic straws looks their early uses in ancient times through to the modern day. From ancient times used to drink beer from ancient gourds, through to their modern-day popularity, originally helping alleviate health concerns from sharing glasses in Americ's soda fountains. Right up to current times when it seems no takeaway […]
How to Survive the 4th Industrial Revolution? Creativity & Critical Thinking
Work & SkillsWork & Skills
Is your job about to be eaten by a robot? AI is developing faster than you can say “Blade Runner” and automation is radically remodelling the way we work. Add the rising gig economy to this equation and you may be looking anxiously over your shoulder right now. Why is creativity and critical thinking more […]
People Management for Change In A Changing World
Work & SkillsWork & Skills
It’s tough out there and whereas doing good is very rewarding you are also going to need to manage people and relationships to grow and develop your social enterprise. What's involved in people management for change and why is it important?
Importance Of Storytelling
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
For National Storytelling Week, Writer Katherine Wiseman explores the importance of storytelling, and why storytelling is still essential today.
How to use Quora to Build your Reputation & Grow the Reach of Your Social Enterprise
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Quora is the biggest online platform where you can find user-generated answers to questions about anything. People ask about work, DIY help, relationships, and personal life experiences. And there are usually people ready to give answers. This article lays out why you should pay attention to Quora, and what you need to do to build […]
Morning Rituals For Productivity - Start Well and Get More Done.
Work & SkillsWork & Skills
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
It can be hard work setting out on a journey to create change. Where do you start? How do you go about it? If you’re starting up a social enterprise, charity or change project, or growing one that exists being productive is key. Having a morning ritual for productivity can make all the difference.
Our Toxic School Run
BY David Smith ·
David Smith is a father on a mission to reduce the dangerously high air pollution children breathe everyday whilst they travel to school. He’s campaigning for a change in traffic light phasing during the toxic school run, to reduce emissions from vehicles start-stop-idling in congested traffic.
Ocean Plastic And Pirates: The Trouble With Wilderness
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Zoe Cuckow ·
The issue of ocean plastics hit our TV screens with the BBC’s Blue Planet II, a national debate was sparked, and now public pressure is accelerating policy change. On the surface, this issue appears to be a product of our ultra-modern obsession with plastics, but in reality, the issue has a deeper, darker history. Ultimately, […]
TRVST: What’s in a name?
BY Ben Hart ·
How did we come up with the name TRVST and what does it mean? TRVST empowers collective action follow our story as we bring people together for impact.
Wet Wipes & Plastic: The Hidden Menace?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Olivia Rosane ·
2018 has seen the United Kingdom join the fight against ocean plastics in a big way. On January 9th, the ban on plastic microbeads in cosmetics went into effect, and in February the Queen herself entered the fray, banning plastic bottles and straws from Royal properties. But one enemy combatant has escaped this recent round […]
Eat Like A Bear And Discover A Happier Way Of Healthy
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Jens Hannibal ·
Good food and good eating shouldn’t be about diets, deprivation or turning foods into enemies. Food is joy, and should never induce feelings of guilt and shame. We should respect each others’ choices whether it’s vegetarian, vegan, or an omnivore. That’s why we’re bringing the notion of ‘healthy’ back down-to-earth. Relax, and let’s unite around […]
Ingenious Solution To Protect Children From London Air Pollution
BY David Smith ·
David Smith is a father on a mission to reduce the effects of London air pollution by reducing the highly polluting fumes children breathe everyday whilst they travel to school. He’s campaigning for ‘Keep Clear’ road markings to be used at bus shelters to prevent traffic idling whilst children wait.
The 101 of Intersex (Something You Really Should Know About)
Equality & DiversityEquality & Diversity
Why intersex individuals are demanding recognition and how small everyday changes that can make a real difference. Many social issues such as climate change or food insecurity are well-known, but so many issues aren’t featured in mainstream media. As the world wakes up and sees injustices that have previously been hidden, there are many groups […]
Mental Health Art Exhibition: AHEAD - Can Art Challenge, Engage and Agitate For Change?
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Zoe Cuckow ·
In the midst of all the busyness of A-Head London 2018 Mental Health Art Exhibition, here’s why it’s all worth it. I had a sneak preview of the exhibition, and I highly recommend it. To become pioneers in mental health awareness and treatment isn’t easy, but psychiatrists Calapai and Lo Giudice have done just that. Their […]
DEKI - Can Blockchain Transform Microfinance in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
BY Bryony Spooner ·
Microfinance enables people living in poverty to become financially independent. The benefits of ethical microloans really are striking. Simply put, they create jobs. Bryony from DEKI explains more about their mission and the technological developments transforming microfinance right now. 
“Gold That Grows”: How Can Blockchain Transform Forest Ownership and Impact Investing?
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
BY Ian Choo ·
When most people think about investments, owning sustainable forests as a means of growing wealth reliably over time doesn’t usually come to mind.  Yet there has been growing recognition amongst discerning investors, that forests offer a plethora of unique benefits, which include real, stable returns over the long term that are largely uncorrelated with more […]
Will The ‘Latte Levy’ Actually Tackle Ocean Plastics?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Brad Frankel ·
The ‘latte levy’– a new tax on disposable plastic cups- has hit the UK headlines this week. Brad Frankel gives his expert opinion as a marine conservationist and co-founder of Flooglebinder, a sustainable travel and education company.
Is Education Our Best Weapon Against Climate Change?
Climate ChangeClimate Change
BY Brad Frankel ·
Robert Swan once said "The biggest danger to the planet is to think someone else will save it". Brad Frankel at Flooglebinder unpicks how to actually create lasting impact to address climate change. Many people have the mentality that someone else will do it, someone else will pick it up, someone else will put it […]
The Community Resiliency Model: How Can We Truly Democratise Global Mental Health?
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Nick Skenderian ·
Nick Skenderian and his team from the Trauma Resource Institute, have developed an innovative, globally applicable model for mental health disorders treatment. Here’s a sneak preview of their Marmalade Festival session on 10th April!
Are Local Communities The Key To Tackling Plastic in the Ocean?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Samanta Skrivere ·
Meet Sam from Ministry of Waste who tackles beach plastics in the Philippines and connects local communities to global leaders of sustainability and waste industry innovators to tackle the issue of plastic in the ocean. She speaks honestly on the power of local communities and how starting her project gave her life a deeper sense […]
Washed Ashore: Can Art and Education Change Attitudes on Plastic Waste?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Angela Haseltine Pozzi ·
It takes someone special to see the world in a different light and encourage others to do the same, just like Washed Ashore’s vision and the phenomenonal talent of its founder,  Angela Haseltine Pozzi. Frank, one of the team, gives us an insider’s look to this team of artists, visionaries and public educators.
Keeping “The Camino” Clean: The Impact of Many Marked Footsteps on a Landscape
Waste & RecyclingWaste & Recycling
Augusta Thomson, shares her perspective on sustainability and her research on the Camino de Santiago and how to keep the Camino clean. My research begs a larger question about our responsibility to the planet more generally. If we are all implicated in environmental degradation, how can we work together to think through wise, culturally-sensitive, and long-lasting […]
9 Tips For Staying Motivated Starting a Social Enterprise From Home
Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Staying motivated as a social entrepreneur or ambitious changemaker requires constant effort because all the great aspects of setting out and doing good in the world equally contribute to its downsides. Setting out on an entrepreneurial path requires focus and dedication. Here are 9 Tips to Staying Motivated Starting a Social Enterprise From Home:
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