animals that start with s
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30 Animals That Start With S With Pictures And Facts

You've come to the right place if you're curious about animals that start with S. We're taking a comprehensive look at them, exploring their characteristics, behaviors, and habitats. 

As we go down this list of fun facts or curiosities, we'll also shed light on the wonders of these animals that start with S. So, keep reading to expand the horizons of your understanding of these remarkable animals and their role in our ecosystems.

30 Animals Beginning with S

1. Sea anemone

sea anemone
Photo by AliceKeyStudio on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that sea anemones are not plants but ocean animals? Despite their flower-like appearance, these fascinating creatures, alongside jellyfish and corals, belong to the phylum Cnidaria.  

Sea anemones have vibrant colors and delicate tentacles that sway with the ocean currents. Since they are attached to the sea bed, they can't move and must wait for food to float. They sting their prey using specialized cells called nematocysts, which inject venom into their victims. (Only sea slugs can eat sea anemones without triggering these venom cells.)

While some sea anemones are solitary, others form symbiotic relationships with clownfish, providing them shelter and protection in exchange for food scraps and nutrients.

2. Sea lion

sea lion
Photo by Chris Stenger on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that sea lions are among the world's fastest marine mammals, reaching up to 25 miles per hour in the water? With their streamlined bodies and powerful flippers, they are built for speed and maneuverability, allowing them to navigate the ocean depths gracefully. 

These mammals live along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, spanning both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Their 'lion-ness' comes from their thick blubber coat and the large flippers that endow them with a fantastic prowess for underwater acrobatics. Moreover, they flaunt external ear flaps and parade on land with their flippers.

3. Sea otter

sea otter
Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that sea otters use rocks as tools to crack open shells and pry out their tasty contents? They often float on their backs, place a rock on their chest, and then repeatedly smash the shell against the rock until it breaks open2

The sea otter lives in the frigid northern and eastern Pacific Ocean. Have you ever noticed their thick coat? Sea otter fur is the densest in the animal kingdom, keeping them warm in the icy waters.

Related read: Otter Facts.

4. Sea urchin

sea urchin
Photo by Sonia Kowsar on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that sea urchins are not fish but marine animals from the echinoderm family? These spiky creatures can be found worldwide, from shallow coastal waters to the deep sea. 

What makes sea urchins truly fascinating is their ability to regenerate their spines. If a sea urchin loses a spine due to predation or damage, it can grow a new one! 

The sea urchin's spines deter predators and also capture prey. Moreover, its unique mouth structure, Aristotle's lantern, helps the urchin scrape algae–its favorite meal–off rocks.

Read more: Sea Urchin Facts.

5. Salmon shark

Fun Fact: Did you know that salmon sharks are among the fastest-swimming shark species in the ocean? They can reach up to 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour) in the water while pursuing their favorite prey, the Pacific salmon.

Salmon sharks live in the icy waters of the northern Pacific Ocean. Its name comes from its favorite meal - Pacific salmon.

Moreover, the salmon shark can modulate its body temperature3, which is rare in other sharks. This helps the shark survive the frigid waters of its habitat.

6. Squirrel

Photo by Ryan Hyde on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that squirrels can leap up to 20 feet in a single bound and effortlessly navigate trees? They can even rotate their ankles 180 degrees, allowing them to descend headfirst down trees. 

Squirrels boast a uniquely captivating presence in diverse landscapes worldwide. Wherever you go, except Australia and Antarctica, you're bound to bump into one of over 200 squirrel species.

Read more: Squirrel Facts, Types of Squirrels.

7. Striped rocket frog

Fun Fact: Did you know that the striped rocket frog, also known as the "Savage's thin-fingered frog," is a master of disguise? This tiny amphibian, found in the rainforests of South and Central America, can change its skin color and pattern to blend in with its surroundings. 

Tucked in the wild corners of Australia and Papua New Guinea, you'll come across a peculiar creature - the Striped Rocket Frog. Besides camouflage, the striped rocket frog can leap up to two meters in a single bound.

Read more: Frog Facts.  

8. Sea Turtle

sea turtle
Photo by bphelan on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know sea turtles have been swimming in our oceans since the dinosaurs? Thanks to their streamlined bodies and powerful flippers, sea turtles can swim long distances and even migrate thousands of miles to lay their eggs on the same beach where they were born4

Moreover, sea turtles are like oceanic gardeners, tending to seagrass beds and coral reefs. During their long migrations, spanning thousands of miles from feeding grounds to nesting beaches, they use the Earth's magnetic field to help them find their way. However, many species of sea turtles are critically endangered.

Read more: Sea Turtle Facts.

9. Steller's sea eagle

stellar's sea eagle
Photo by Natalia_Kollegova on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Stellar's sea eagle, one of the world's largest and most powerful eagles, has a wingspan that can reach up to 7.5 feet (2.3 meters)? This magnificent bird has a white head and tail against a dark brown body. Moreover, it flies over the sea, feeding on fish. 

Soaring above Northeast Asia, the Stellar's sea eagle is an awe-inspiring bird. Interestingly, its name comes from the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller. The Steller's sea eagle lives along the coasts of Russia, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula.

Read more: Eagle Facts.

Before moving on to the rest of the article, here's a bonus animal: the Satanic leaf-tailed gecko! These lizards are popular pets worldwide but are shy and would rather hide in trees than let humans handle them. Another exciting animal is the pin sand lizard; males turn green during spring.

10. Starfish

Photo by shahd h on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Despite their name, starfish are not classified as fish but are echinoderms. These creatures come in various colors, shapes, and sizes; some species have up to 40 arms! 

Moreover, starfish can regenerate their arms if they lose one. Some species can even regenerate a new starfish from just a single arm! 

Have you ever thought about how starfish move? A hydraulic system powers starfish's tube feet, allowing them h to navigate their underwater terrain and manipulate their prey skillfully.

Read more: Starfish Facts.

11. Scorpion

Photo by andrey_barsukov on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that scorpions have survived mass extinctions and adapted to various environments worldwide? Thanks to their distinctive pincers and venomous stingers, scorpions thrive in harsh conditions, from deserts to rainforests. While some scorpion species are harmless to humans, others possess potentially fatal venom.

Scorpions belong to the Arachnida class, sharing a kinship with spiders and ticks. Over 2,000 unique scorpion species live around the world, except Antarctica. While most of these arachnids thrive in arid and semi-arid habitats, such as sub-Saharan Africa, some inhabit lush rainforests and grasslands.

Out of the 2,000-odd species, only about 25 possess venom potent enough to threaten humans. This small but deadly subset has saddled the scorpion with an ominous reputation, mostly unmerited considering the relative harmlessness of most scorpion species.

Read more: Scorpion Facts.

12. Sloth

Photo by Bennet Robin Fabian on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that sloths spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping or resting? Their name "sloth" comes from the Old English word "slaw," meaning slow. Their slow movements are due to their low metabolic rate1, which helps them conserve energy in the rainforests of Central and South America. 

These mid-sized mammals have carved out a unique life, high in forest branches and are also skilled swimmers. 

Read more: Sloth Facts, Types of Sloths.

13. Stingray

Photo by Fum Bally on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know that stingrays use their electroreceptive senses to detect the electrical signals emitted by their prey, such as small fish and crustaceans buried in the sand? Flapping their pectoral fins like wings, stingrays create a cloud of sand covering their body. Once they sense a potential meal, they swiftly strike, using their powerful jaws to capture their prey. 

Settling primarily in tropical and temperate waters, stingrays are experts in camouflage. They nestle under the sandy sea floor or tuck themselves in murky estuaries, only their eyes and the tip of their tail hinting at their presence. This clever disguise guards against predators and hides them from prey.

14. Sea dragon

sea dragon
Photo by James Rosindell on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original)

Fun Fact: Despite their name, sea dragons are a type of fish closely related to seahorses and pipefish. With their leaf-like appendages and vibrant colors, these fish have evolved to become masters of camouflage. They live exclusively in the waters around Southern and Western Australia. 

Sporting leaf-like appendages on a body reminiscent of a seahorse, these fish are members of the Syngnathidae family. This club also counts the seahorses and pipefish. Their unusual body art keeps them hidden among seaweed and kelp, their favorite hangout spots.

Related Read: Seahorse Facts.

15. Spider

Photo by 12019 on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that spiders are not insects? Unlike insects, spiders have eight legs instead of six and have two main body parts - the cephalothorax and the abdomen. 

With over 45,000 known species worldwide, spiders come in various sizes and colors, from tiny jumping spiders to impressive tarantulas. Despite their creepy reputation, spiders control insect populations and serve food for other animals. 

Additionally, spiders live in every nook and cranny of the world. They reside in our homes' quiet corners and across huge rainforests. 

Read more: Spider Facts.

16. Sea snake

sea snake
Photo by MemoryCatcher on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that sea snakes are the most venomous reptiles in the world? These slithery creatures, found in the warm coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, possess highly potent venom. However, sea snakes are not aggressive toward humans and will only bite if threatened. 

Sea snakes, or coral reef snakes, glide through warm ocean currents. Their laterally compressed bodies and flattened tails help them achieve peak swimming efficiency. Moreover, they can survive in saltwater thanks to specialized glands (found under their tongues) that excrete salt. 

17. Saluki

Photo by elisabettabellomi on Pixabay

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Saluki, also known as the Persian Greyhound, is one of the oldest known dog breeds? This elegant and graceful canine has been depicted in ancient Egyptian tombs for over 4,000 years! 

Known for their incredible speed and endurance, Salukis were highly valued by nomadic tribes for their hunting skills. They were often used to chase down gazelles and other swift prey in the deserts of the Middle East. With their slender bodies, long legs, and silky coats, Salukis are exceptional hunters and loyal and affectionate companions.

Born from the severe, dry expanses of the Middle East, Salukis are one of the world's oldest domesticated dog breeds. Long, silky fur wraps around their slender, elegant frames. 

Salukis can run at 42 miles per hour. Bred for grace and speed, they sit firmly in the ranks of the planet's swiftest dog breeds. 

In a family setting, a Saluki is affectionate and gentle. They are undoubtedly intelligent dogs, but house-training them can be both a joy and a trial due to their independent spirit. They respond best to positive reinforcement, and their actions often reflect their sensitive character. 

18. Sand crab

sand crab
Photo by Jason Pischke on Unsplash

Fun Fact: Did you know sand crabs have a unique way of breathing? These tiny crustaceans, also known as mole crabs, live on sandy beaches and have fascinatedly adapted to their sandy environment. Instead of using gills like most other crabs, sand crabs have specialized feathery appendages called pleopods to extract oxygen from the water. These pleopods are on their abdomen and constantly wave back and forth, creating a current that brings oxygen-rich water over their gill-like structures.

Moreover, they dwell in sandy beaches, their oval-shaped bodies perfectly designed for life beneath the surface. Additionally, sand crabs camouflage themselves in the sand thanks to their shells. As they stick to the sand, they can slip past predators and beachgoers without their noticing.

Read more: Crab Facts, Types of Crab.

19. Sun Bear

Sun Bear
Photo Credit: Rushen, (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Fun Fact: Ready for a surprise? The Sun Bear's tongue could be a mini red carpet, rolling out up to an incredible 25 cm!

This smallest of all bear species, native to Southeast Asia's dense forests, radiates uniqueness with its striking, sunshine-inspired chest patch. Their extraordinarily long tongue isn't just for show; it's perfect for indulging its sweet tooth, dipping into beehives for delicious honey. As versatile eaters, Sun Bears' menu extends beyond honey to include fruits, insects, birds, and rodents - a true survival guild in the variable terrain of their habitat!

20. Saber Tooth Tiger

Fun Fact: Did you know the Saber Tooth 'Tiger' was not a tiger at all? Misleadingly named, these extinct animals were a species of its own.

Hailing from the Pleistocene epoch, the Saber Toothed Tiger, correctly termed as 'Smilodon', has fascinated scientists and animal lovers alike with its colossal fangs. These were not just for show; the fangs, almost a foot long, were the Smilodon's primary weapon for hunting. It would pounce on its prey from a short distance and use those deadly daggers to swiftly deliver the killing strike, debunking the common perception of it as a long distance chaser.

Why these wonderful creatures went extinct around 10,000 years ago continues to bewilder researchers. Some theorize climate change, while others consider the extinction of large herbivorous mammals, their primary source of sustenance, as the culprits. Either way, the Saber Tooth Tiger is emblematic of the mystery and majesty of lost epochs, reminding us of a time when larger-than-life predators such as these roamed our world.

21. Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw
Photo: Public Domain.

Ever marveled at the brightly colored beauty of a parrot? Look no further than the scarlet macaw, a seven-colored spectacle from South and Central America's forests.

Scarlet macaws aren't just about aesthetics either; they're impressively intelligent. They've earned their stripes in problem-solving, and their social structures are complex. Always communicating, their calls ricochet across the forests, reinforcing bonds. Sadly, they're threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade, but they continue to enchant as enduring symbols of their lush, tropical homes.

22. Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard
Photo by Latrach Med Jamil on Unsplash.

Snow leopards, the "mountain ghosts" with their camouflaging white-grey coats, thrive in harsh altitudes of Central Asia's mountainous regions. Agile climbers and extraordinary leapers, their oversized paws are natural snowshoes, while their lengthy tails double as snug scarves during biting cold nights.

These felines are the backbone of high-altitude ecosystems; these efficient hunters play a lead role in controlling grazing populations. However, they're endangered, with habitat loss, global warming, and poaching posing hefty threats. These majestic snow ghosts, secretive yet crucial, certainly need our attention and advocacy.

Read more: Snow Leopard Facts.

23. Sambar

Photo by Rijul Chaturvedi on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Did you know the sambar, a large, robust deer species native to the tropical forests of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and southern China, is capable of living in diverse environmental conditions, from thick, tropical forests to chilly mountains?

The sambar’s adaptability marks it as an incredibly sturdy and resilient species in the animal kingdom. Unlike many of its deer relatives who prefer grazing, the sambar is an avid browser, eating a wide variety of vegetation, leaves, fruit, and even bark. Such diet variety is thought to contribute to its ability to populate diverse territories.

What's truly unique about the sambar is its antler shedding and regrowth process. They are among the few deer species where males shed and re-grow their antlers annually.

Read more: Deer Facts, Types of Deer.

24. Siamese Cats

Siamese Cat
Photo by Alecsander Alves on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Did you know Siamese cats, with their royal Thai roots, are one of the oldest recognized breeds? These cats are real stunners with their vivid blue eyes and unique color points!

Physically, these slender and muscular cats captivate with distinctive features that set them apart. Their vivid blue eyes, striking color points on ears, tail, paws, and face, make them a living piece of art! Moreover, these color points change with the temperature, a remarkable effect of their unique genetics!

Siamese aren't just looks, they're chatty social butterflies too. They crave attention and interaction, holding 'conversations' with their owners with a melodic series of meows and purrs.

Read more: Cat Facts.

25. Seal

Photo by Neil Cooper on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Did you know some seals can hold their breath for nearly two hours underwater? Yes, these amazing creatures, more specifically Weddell Seals, are record-holders for the longest dives among mammals.

Seals, belonging to the family of pinnipeds, are widely celebrated for their agility in the water, using their strong, forward limbs equipped with flippers to speed through the ocean. Their bodies are designed perfectly to survive cold waters, thanks to a thick layer of blubber that reservoirs both warmth and energy.

Arguably, the most distinctive feature about seals is their communication style. They communicate using a series of grunts, hisses, and other complex vocalizations, leading to an unexpected level of social interaction one wouldn't inherently associate with ocean life.

Read more: Seal Facts.

26. Seagull

Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Seagulls are one of the rare bird species that know how to "tap dance"? They'll stamp their webbed feet in a group to imitate rainfall and trick worms into coming to the surface.

Seagulls, which are clever and versatile in their behaviors, are not just coastal dwellers as many assume. They can beautifully adapt and flourish in varied terrains like seashores, farmlands, and even bustling urban areas. With their impressive wing spans and sleek bodies, they're gifted flyers and swimmers, symbolizing the freedom of the skies and seas.

Read more: Seagull Facts.

27. Shrimp

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Shrimps are the kangaroos of the sea? They carry their eggs in a pouch too! With ten pairs of legs and a body that blends head and torso into one, shrimps are truly fascinating creatures. They can rocket backward in a flash to flee dangers with an in-built reverse gear. And their sizes range from tiny to a foot long!

Shrimps aren't just interesting to watch; they're vital to the food chain. They munch on plant matter and tiny creatures and end up as dinner for bigger sea dwellers. But they're more than food—they're the ocean's tidy-upper. Consuming leftovers and dead matter, they keep the seas clean. Big punch, big role—shrimps are small but mighty sea heroes.

Read more: Shrimp Facts, Types of Shrimp.

28. Skunk

Photo by Jack Bulmer on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: A skunk's defensive spray can be sniffed out a whole mile away!

This black and white mammal, famed for its smelly defense, is small but mighty. Sporting stripes with panache, skunks are nature's unique brand of punk. Their shy demeanor belies the big attitude they carry around in their scent glands.

Nocturnal foragers, they serve as efficient pest control munching down mainly on insects. Yes, these creatures keep the ecology in check, one insect at a time.

Read more: Skunk Facts | Types of Skunks.

29. Snail

Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Did you know snails outlived dinosaurs?

These mobile-home-carrying critters navigate life in their own lane. Able to reproduce with any peer they meet, snails are efficient little lovelies. Their shell, a swirled work of natural art, offers vital protection and grows along with them.

Read more: Snail Facts, Types of Snails.

30. Squid

Photo by Jonathan Diemel on Unsplash.

Fun Fact: Did you know that squids boast the largest eyes in the entire animal kingdom?

These oceanic jet fighters employ a thrilling jet propulsion technique, zipping through the water at impressive speeds.

But squids aren't just speed demons. They're underwater chameleons, flaunting the ability to change color and shape with the help of special cells called chromatophores.

Read more: Squid Facts, Types of Squid.


Animals that start with S are some of the most fascinating creatures on our planet. From the speedy sea lion to the large and powerful sea eagle, these amazing animals never fail to impress us with their beauty, strength, and unique characteristics. By learning more about these creatures, we can deepen our appreciation for the incredible diversity of life on our planet and work to protect them for future generations. So next time you encounter an animal that starts with S, take a moment to marvel at their unique characteristics and their important role in our world.

More A-Z Animals:


Cliffe, R. N., Haupt, R. J., Avey-Arroyo, J. A., & Wilson, R. P. (2015). Sloths like it hot: ambient temperature modulates food intake in the brown-throated sloth (Bradypus variegatus). PeerJ, 3, e875.


Riedman, M. L., & Estes, J. A. (1990). The sea otter (Enhydra lutris): behavior, ecology, and natural history. Biological Report. US Fish and Wildlife Service. 


Goldman, K. J., Anderson, S. D., Latour, R. J., & Musick, J. A. (2004). Homeothermy in adult salmon sharks, Lamna ditropis. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 71(4), 403–411.


Lutz, P. L., & Musick, J. A. (Eds.). (1997). The Biology of Sea Turtles (Vol. 1). CRC Press.

Mike is a degree-qualified researcher and writer passionate about increasing global awareness about climate change and encouraging people to act collectively in resolving these issues.

Fact Checked By:
Chinny Verana, BSc.

Photo by Mark mc neill on Unsplash
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