types of scorpion
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15 Types of Scorpions: Species, Facts and Photos

There are various types of scorpions, each with varying sizes, colors, pincers, and even levels of venom lethality. They have also adapted to diverse habitats, ranging from desert sands to tropical rainforests. 

This article will explore the 15 most interesting scorpions out of the 2,000 species. Whether you are an amateur naturalist or just curious, this article will introduce you to the diverse types of scorpions in the world. 

General Information about Scorpions

Scorpions are arachnids with segmented bodies, eight legs, and a curving tail ending in a venomous stinger. They range in size, but most are 2 to 3 inches long. 

Scorpions are a member of the Arachnida class and have fascinated scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. The arachnids offer a diverse range of species, with over 2,000 species belonging to the Scorpiones order. 

Scorpions can live in deserts, rainforests, and even mountains, although they typically inhabit arid and semi-arid regions. 

The Arizona bark scorpion inhabits the rocky terrain of the Sonoran Desert. Meanwhile, the Emperor scorpion reigns supreme in the rainforests and savannas of West Africa. Meanwhile, the Brazilian yellow scorpion is an example of a scorpion adapted to urban life.

Moreover, scorpions have evolved unique adaptations, such as slowing their metabolism under extreme conditions and glowing under ultraviolet light. Interestingly, only 25 scorpion venom are considered lethal for humans2.

However, they are susceptible to environmental changes, making conservation efforts essential to safeguard their survival in various habitats. According to IUCN, there is one species each for critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable status for the Scorpiones order.

Read more: Scorpion Facts.

15 Types of Scorpion Species

1. Arizona Bark Scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus)

Arizona Bark Scorpion
Photo by Andrew Meeds on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY 4.0 (Cropped from original).

The Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most venomous scorpion found in North America. They have adapted to survive in the harsh and arid Sonoran Desert. During the hottest parts of the day, they seek shelter under rocks, logs, or burrows to avoid the scorching heat.

At night, the Arizona Bark Scorpions become active and become skilled hunters. They use their sharp pincers and stingers to catch insects, spiders, and other small creatures, and their light brown color helps them blend with the sandy environment. 

Unlike other scorpions, the Arizona Bark Scorpion is an adept climber, often hanging upside down from ceilings or scaling vertical surfaces. 

They display communal tendencies, often huddling in large groups during the chilly winter. During spring and early summer, they engage in complex mating dances, and the females give birth to live young. They hitch a ride on their mother's back until they shed their skin for the first time. 

Most importantly, it is the only scorpion species whose venom can cause severe pain in adults lasting up to three days. Other relatives, like the Florida Bark Scorpion, also carry venom, which is much less toxic. Still, it could be fatal.

Keeping a safe distance when encountering these fascinating creatures in the Sonoran Desert is essential. Moreover, always seek professional help from pest services to resolve scorpion infestation in your home.

2. Deathstalker Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus)

Deathstalker Scorpion
Photo by Ester Inbar on Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

The Deathstalker Scorpion lives in the arid regions of North Africa and the Middle East. Its body is typically yellow to light brown, which allows it to blend in with its desert surroundings to avoid predators.

This type of scorpion is primarily active at night and spends its days hidden under rocks or in burrows to avoid the scorching desert heat. 

It also uses its stinger quickly in self-defense and while hunting. The deathstalker mainly eats insects, spiders, and centipedes. It may also prey on small vertebrates if the opportunity arises.

Interestingly, its scorpion sting may hold potential benefits for humans. The venom contains neurotoxins, and scientists are researching it to develop treatments for cancer and diabetes. Despite its lethal nature, the Deathstalker Scorpion may hold promise as a potential lifesaver.

3. Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator)

Emperor Scorpion
Photo by Axeblokie on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 (Cropped from original).

The Emperor Scorpion is a large scorpion found in the forests and savannas of West Africa. It has a dark black or blue-black hue and can stretch up to 7.9 inches in length. 

This giant scorpion is a nocturnal creature well adapted to the dark, using its dark exoskeleton as a camouflage against predators. 

Interestingly, its scorpion stings resemble a bee sting and are not dangerous to humans. The Emperor Scorpion primarily feeds on insects but occasionally preys on small vertebrates like mice and lizards.

This arachnid is a social creature and can share its home with up to 15 others. It also has a maternal instinct and carries its young until their first molt.

4. Desert Hairy Scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis)

Desert Hairy Scorpion
Photo by Robb Hannawacker on Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

The Desert Hairy Scorpion, or Giant Hairy Scorpion/Arizona Hairy Scorpion, is one of the largest scorpions in North America. Its brown hair serves as finely tuned sensors to pick up vibrations in the soil, alerting the scorpion to nearby prey or predators. 

These scorpions live in hot, dry, and sandy environments, such as the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts in the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico. 

They also dig burrows that can plunge up to 2.5 meters deep, providing cool, dark sanctuaries from the scorching heat above. 

At night, they come out to hunt insects, spiders, and small lizards using their powerful pincers and potent stings. Despite their intimidating appearance, their venom is usually not life-threatening to humans. 

Lastly, the Desert Hairy Scorpion glows under ultraviolet light, which it shares with many scorpions.

5. Striped Bark Scorpion (Centruroides vittatus)

Striped Bark Scorpion
Photo by k.draper on Flickr licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 (Cropped from original).

The Striped Bark Scorpion is a nocturnal predator that preys on other pests. This highly adaptable species can thrive in different environments, from arid deserts to grasslands and forests. This species also prefers hiding in crevices between rocks, piles of leaves, and cracks in rotting logs. 

It is the most commonly spotted scorpion in North America and is identifiable by the two dark stripes on its back. Although its venom can cause pain, swelling, and numbness, it rarely threatens humans. 

The Striped Bark Scorpion mating ritual is interesting. Males perform a courtship dance to attract females. Once the dance is successful, the female gives birth to a litter of 25 to 35 young ones.

Contrary to popular belief, the Striped Bark Scorpion is a silent hero that regulates pest populations. 

Baby striped bark scorpions ride on their mother's back until they molt for the first time. Encountering one should not cause panic.

6. Vietnam Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus laoticus)

Vietnam Forest Scorpion
Photo by Chris huh on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (Cropped from original).

The Vietnam Forest Scorpion lives in the lush forests of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Its counterpart, the Giant Forest Scorpion, lives in Malaysia and Thailand. This scorpion can create intricate homes on the soft, damp forest floor.

Its dark, sleek exoskeleton helps it blend into its surroundings and grow up to 3.3 inches long. 

This species primarily feeds on insects but may prey on small mammals or reptiles if given the chance. Despite having a venomous sting, it only causes minor pain and swelling in humans. 

Female scorpions give birth to live young; they stay with their mothers until they are ready to venture out into the wild.

Generally, the Vietnam Forest Scorpion only shows aggression when provoked. Its first line of defense is a warning, where it raises its pincers and tail high in a "scorpion stance." 

7. Shiny Burrow Scorpion (Opistophthalmus glabifrons)

The Shiny Burrow Scorpion lives in the sun-baked areas of southern Africa. This species has a glossy and polished-looking exterior, but it possesses more capabilities than its physical appearance suggests. 

For example, this type of scorpion is a skilled architect constructing complex tunnel systems in sandy or loamy terrain, a haven for the scorpion and a trap for its prey.

During the night, these burrowing scorpions venture out of their hideout to hunt for food. It preys on various insects, reptiles, and arachnids, waiting and pouncing on unsuspecting critters passing by its burrow entrance. 

If confronted by a potential predator, the scorpion prefers to retreat to its burrow for safety rather than fight. Likewise, its venom is not a significant threat to humans. However, it can still hurt a lot.

8. Yellow Fat-tail Scorpion (Androctonus australis)

The Yellow Fat-tail Scorpion is a venomous species found in arid regions of North Africa and the Middle East. It can grow up to 4 inches long, and its diet consists mainly of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. 

During mating season, male and female scorpions engage in a unique dance where they lock their pincers and move back and forth until the male finds a suitable spot to deposit his spermatophore. Once the young are born, they climb onto their mother's back until their first molt. 

The Yellow Fat-tail Scorpion is active at night, preferring the cooler temperatures for hunting. Its curved stinger can release venom that can cause severe pain, paralysis, and even death if left untreated.

9. Brazilian Yellow Scorpion (Tityus serrulatus)

Brazilian Yellow Scorpion
Photo by José Roberto Peruca on Flickr licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Cropped from original).

The Brazilian Yellow Scorpion is a yellow to golden-colored scorpion species found in Brazil and other areas of South America. They can survive in various environments, including urban and suburban areas. 

Despite being aggressive and venomous, they are crucial in controlling insect populations. During the day, they hide under rocks or rubble. They hunt small arthropods and insects at night. 

Additionally, the Brazilian Yellow Scorpion is one of the world's most dangerous scorpions. Their sting can cause severe pain, breathing difficulties, and even death. Nonetheless, scientists are studying the venom's potential for developing new drugs that could save lives1.

10. Tanzanian Red-clawed Scorpion (Pandinus cavimanus)

The Tanzanian Red-clawed Scorpion inhabits the tropical belt of East Africa, particularly in Tanzania's forests and grasslands. 

This scorpion species is nocturnal, hiding under rocks and logs during the day but becoming active at night to hunt. It has a highly sensitive sensory system; the tiny hairs covering its body act as antennae, warning it of approaching prey and dangers. 

This type of scorpion feeds on insects, small lizards, and occasionally small mammals. Despite its aggressive nature and cannibalistic tendencies, it is a popular pet for experienced owners because of its striking appearance and manageable care requirements.

11. Transvaal Fat-tailed Scorpion (Parabuthus transvaalicus)

Transvaal Fat-tailed Scorpion
Photo by RichardMcJimsey on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original).

The Transvaal Fat-tailed Scorpion is a venomous creature native to southern Africa. The scorpion is well adapted to its semi-desert environment, spending its days hiding and becoming active at night to hunt. 

The Transvaal Fat-tailed Scorpion hunts insects, spiders, and small vertebrates. It has a large tail used for defense and prey-catching. Its venomous sting is potent and can even kill, although human fatalities are rare. As a live-bearing species, the female carries her young until they are ready to molt. 

12. Israeli Gold Scorpion (Scorpio maurus)

Israeli Gold Scorpion
Photo by Guy Haimovitch on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (Cropped from original).

The Israeli Gold Scorpion is a medium-sized member of the scorpion family that inhabits the desert terrain of Israel. It measures up to 4 inches long and has a brilliant golden-yellow exoskeleton. 

Despite its fierce appearance, the Israeli Gold Scorpion is typically more defensive than aggressive. It will arch its tail and open its pincers to warn predators when threatened.

These desert scorpions can dig burrows in sandy or rocky areas, surviving the unforgiving conditions of their arid habitats. It is a nocturnal hunter who avoids the daytime heat and feeds on insects, spiders, and other small arthropods. 

Although its venomous sting can be dangerous to humans with allergies, the Israeli Gold Scorpion is generally not considered harmful. Due to its striking appearance and generally calm nature, it has become a popular pet for exotic animal lovers.

13. Indian Red Scorpion (Hottentotta tamulus)

Indian Red Scorpion
Photo by Dinesh Valke on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (Cropped from original).

The Indian Red Scorpion lives in the humid climates of India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Its reddish-brown to bright orange coloration is the reason behind its name. Moreover, the females are larger than the males and contain greater amounts of venom. 

Despite its size, it is one of the most venomous scorpions, and its sting can be lethal, especially to children. 

In the wild, this type of scorpion must stay alert to threats from birds, centipedes, giant spiders, and other scorpions. However, it is famous for enthusiasts who keep it in captivity, drawn by its unique color and size.

14. Northern Scorpion (Paruroctonus boreus)

Northern Scorpion
Photo by Xbuzzi on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original).

The Northern Scorpion is a species well-suited to colder climates. Found in North America, from the northern parts of the United States up to Canada, this small species measures 1.5 to 2 inches and has a yellowish-brown to dark brown color that provides excellent natural camouflage. 

The Northern Scorpion is a solitary creature that prefers to live and hunt alone. This nocturnal hunter feeds on small insects, spiders, and other scorpions. 

Interestingly, the Northern Scorpion has a unique reproductive trait called parthenogenesis, which is rare among scorpions. Female scorpions can produce embryos without needing sperm to fertilize their eggs.

It has a robust defense mechanism enables it to protect itself when threatened. Despite its venomous sting, the Northern Scorpion is harmless to humans and is a valuable predator in the ecosystem.

15. Seychelles Forest Scorpion (Afrolychas braueri)

The Seychelles Forest Scorpion has a yellowish-brown hue and a compact body measuring up to 1.4 inches long. With noticeable stubby pincers and a narrow, curve-tipped tail, it possesses a unique physical appearance in the scorpion world.

This scorpion is native to the rich forests of the Seychelles Islands, where it thrives in warm, humid conditions under leaf litter and tree bark. Unfortunately, due to deforestation and severe habitat loss, the Seychelles Forest Scorpion is now classified as critically endangered, needing immediate conservation efforts to protect its population.

Conclusion: Types of Scorpions

Scorpions, with their robust diversity, play an often overlooked yet integral role in maintaining ecological balance. They regulate pest populations, contributing to the health of their habitats. Notably, while the sting of some scorpion species may be harmful, the majority do not pose a significant threat to humans, further underlining the need to conserve these remarkable creatures.


Pucca, F. B., Cerni, F. A., Pinheiro Junior, E. L., Bordon, K. C., Amorim, F. G., Cordeiro, F. A., ... & Arantes, E. C. (2015). Tityus serrulatus venom—A lethal cocktail. Toxicon, 108, 272-284.


Shamoon, Z. (2023). Scorpion toxicity. StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf.

Mike is a degree-qualified researcher and writer passionate about increasing global awareness about climate change and encouraging people to act collectively in resolving these issues.

Fact Checked By:
Isabela Sedano, BEng.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash.
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