Animals that start with E
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27 Animals That Start With E With Pictures and Facts

Hundreds of animals around the world have interesting names that start with E. From the biggest mammals to tiny insects, fish, and birds. 

Perhaps you are trying to make a list of animals that start with E, or you may be curious to find out the different species of animals that start with E.

Whatever the case, in this article, we have curated a list of some of the most interesting animals beginning with E from different parts of the world.

List of animals that start with E 

1. Eagle

Photo by Philipp Pilz on Unsplash

Type of animal: Bird
Location: Every continent except Antarctica 

Eagles are some of the largest birds and powerful avian predators, with over 70 species. Eagles are known for their remarkable speed and strength in the air. In addition, they have long curved beaks, strong, sharp claws, and exceptional eyesight, which helps them spot and swoop for their prey from high up in the sky. 

The bald eagle, found in wetlands and coasts of North America, has a grip that is ten times stronger than a human's. 

The world’s largest eagle is the Steller’s Sea Eagle by body weight, the Philippines Eagle by body length, and the White-tailed Eagle by wingspan. The Harpy Eagle is also one of the largest eagles, typically found in tropical rainforests in South and Central America. Sadly, the destruction of the Harpy Eagle's natural habitat has led to near extinction in Central America; however, Harpy reintroduction programs show some hope1.

Eagles belong to the Accipitridae bird family, a family of birds like kites and hawks. Check out our compilation of eagle quotes for people talking about the soaring majesty of the eagle, as a metaphor for life and in appreciation of these beautiful birds.

Read more: Eagle Facts.

2. Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird
Photo by MICHAEL MURPHY on Unsplash

Type of animal: Bird
Location: Eastern North America      

The Eastern Bluebird is one of the most beautiful little birds you commonly find during spring in North and Central America. They are conspicuous and easy to find perching on a telephone wire or fence. Eastern Bluebirds have no trouble living among humans and make their nests comfortably around a house. These birds feed on insect pests, grubs, different types of snails, and other small invertebrates. 

Eastern Bluebirds are gregarious, which means they live in huge flocks except during the breeding season when a male claims and defends around one to two acres of territory.

Male eastern bluebirds come in a pure bright blue color with a white belly, a small beak, and short legs. The females are larger and appear duller in color. Juvenile eastern bluebirds are brownish-grey with a touch of blue on the tail and wings. For more avian info, we have a rundown of interesting bird facts you might like.  

3. Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern Coral Snake
Photo: iStock

Type of animal: Reptile
Location: Southeastern United States 

Next up in our list of animals, starting with E, is the Eastern Coral Snake, also known as the Harlequin snake. This amazing creature is one of the most beautiful snakes in the United States. They come in white, red, and black with a mix of narrow yellow rings. 

While these snakes appear attractive, they are also very dangerous as they produce a paralyzing neurotoxin. When this snake attacks its prey, it sends venom to the nervous system, which paralyzes and kills the prey. As our snake facts further detail, humans could die from their bite when their respiratory system gets paralyzed6

However, the Eastern Coral Snake hides and will not bite unless provoked. You can find these snakes in the Southeastern United States. They live in sandy, open areas without much vegetation. 

Unlike other snakes that feed on mammals, the Eastern Coral Snake prefers to feed on frogs, fish, lizards, other snakes, and so on.

Read more: Snake Facts.

4. Eastern Gorilla

Eastern Gorilla
Photo: iStock

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: Africa 

The Eastern Gorilla belongs to the class of great apes and mammals. They include subspecies of the mountain and eastern lowland gorillas. These creatures have strong, sturdy bodies with black-colored fur, bare chests, and long arms. Although their chests, arms, and soles are less hairy. 

These creatures are peaceful and are known to rest and sleep in their nests, which they build in trees. The Eastern Gorilla spends most of its time relaxing and carrying out food-related activities. However, male Eastern Gorillas may sometimes be aggressive when dominating a territory. 

You can find these types of gorillas in regions ranging from Rwanda to Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Eastern gorilla is different from the Western gorilla, which is located in Western Africa. For one, Eastern Gorillas are larger than Western Gorillas. 

Primarily, Eastern Gorillas are herbivores and feed on fruits, tree bark, flowers, fungi, and some small invertebrates. With their fingers and thumbs similar to humans, these creatures can easily grab their food from high and low places.

Read more: Gorilla Facts.

5. Earthworm

Photo Credit: schizoform (CC BY 2.0)

Type of animal: Insect
Location: Every continent except Antarctica 

Did you know that there are over 5,500 known earthworm species worldwide?5

Earthworms are tubular invertebrates that belong to the Opisthopora Order. You can find these insects pretty much everywhere except Antarctica, predominantly living in the soil. Earthworms eat various organic matter like bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and other microorganisms. 

The earthworm has a tube body type with external and internal segmentation. Outside the earthworm’s body, you will notice little bristles called setae. With the setae, the earthworm moves by contracting and expanding its body in a push-and-pull motion.  

Fun fact: Earthworms do not have eyes or lungs. Instead, they breathe through their skin and have light-sensing cells on their skin. Interestingly, Earthworms also possess both male and female parts. 

Read more: Worm Facts.

6. Eastern Phoebe 

Eastern Phoebe
Photo Credit: Kelly Colgan Azar (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Type of animal: Bird
Location: Central America and North America 

The Eastern Phoebe is from the flycatcher family. You can find these birds in North and Central America in states like Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Eastern Phoebes build their nests in locations that provide sufficient support and protection. They come in a brownish-grey color and off-white underbelly. Their beaks are short and thin and have a wingspan of around 11 inches.

Eastern Phoebes are solitary birds and won’t spend much time with their mates. They feed on insects and mostly catch their prey mid-air. They also pick on small fruits and seeds. 

What’s peculiar about Eastern Phoebes is that they are songbirds and get their name from the way they sing. Bird song has made birds popular throughout literature and the talking point of many a bird quote. The male bird uses this song during the breeding season to attract mates2

7. Earwig

Photo Credit: Pavel Kirillov (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Type of animal: Insect
Location: Africa, Asia, South America, Eurasia, etc 

Earwigs are insects that you can find in most parts of the world, from Africa to Europe, and North and South America, except Antarctica. They have small, hard, and shiny flat bodies that come in colors brown or yellow. Their upper wings are short and have a leathery texture, protecting their more delicate hindwings. 

Earwigs have six legs with a segmented abdomen and mouth that can bite and chew. These creatures are active at night and hidden away in crevices and under rocks during the day. You may also find them in garbage cans, bathrooms, and lawn furniture.

Earwigs are omnivores and feed on both plants and animals. Their food ranges from plants and crops to lice, aphids, flies, and maggots. 

You might like our compilation of bug facts for more creepy crawly info!

8. Eastern Lowland Gorilla

Eastern Lowland Gorilla
Photo: iStock

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: Africa 

Eastern Lowland Gorillas are the largest of the four gorilla species. They have large hands and short muzzles and appear somewhat intimidating, as a few of our gorilla quotes explore. Eastern Lowland Gorillas have thick dark fur and prefer to walk on their knuckles. They live in Africa, precisely in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Unfortunately, due to poaching of their natural habitat, these creatures fall under the critically endangered species. 

Eastern Lowland Gorillas are also not aggressive and spend most of their days eating. They are social animals and stay together in troops or bands, communicating through growls, hoots, barks, laughs, and screams. They are also one of the most intelligent primates. The Eastern Lowland Gorilla feeds on termites and ants and can also go for rodents and lizards. 

9. Eastern Mole

Eastern Mole
Photo Credit: Bert Cash (CC BY 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: North America 

Eastern Moles are mammals you can find underground across the Eastern United States, Mexico, and Canada. These creatures prefer to live in moist or loamy soils and clay-rich soils. They also live underground in woodlands, pastures, and meadows. They rarely are seen above the ground. You can find them on golf courses which is an ideal habitat for them. 

Eastern Moles have shut eyelids and can only distinguish between light and dark. Their snouts are very sensitive and function as an organ of touch. They have bare hands and feet, which they use for digging and collecting food. 

Eastern moles are more abundant in warm climes than in cold weather. They feed on earthworms and other foods like slugs, snails, insects, etc. 

Another type of mole, the naked mole rat, features in our list of the world’s ugliest animals.

Read more: Mole Facts.

10. Echidna

Photo by Enguerrand Blanchy on Unsplash

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: Australia and New Guinea 

Echidnas are ground-dwelling animals that you can find in Australia and New Guinea. All four species of Echidna and the related platypus are the only mammals that reproduce by laying eggs. These four species include the Short-beaked echidna, Western long-beaked echidna, Eastern long-beaked echidna, and Sir David’s long-beaked echidna. 

These creatures have a spiny appearance and feed mainly on insects. Echidnas with short beaks mainly feed on ants and termites, while long-beaked echidnas feed on worms and insect larvae. Echidnas do not have teeth and gather their prey using long, sticky tongues.

Read more: Echidna Facts.

11. Edible Frog

Edible Frog
Photo: Public Domain

Type of animal: Amphibians
Location: Europe

The Edible frog is also called the Green frog or Common Water Frog. They are a hybrid of two other European Frogs - the Pool Frog and the Marsh Frog. These two species diverged as far back as the Ice Age. However, fertile hybrids between the two come about regularly, and they are some of the few animals in the world with a mix of two different species. 

The Edible Frog is found in Central Europe, Germany, and Estonia, commonly very close to the water in rivers and streams with a slow current and constant flow of fresh water. 

The Edible frog is active during the daytime and will move around to find food. However, they spend most of their time staying motionless on muddy banks. Edible frogs are carnivorous and eat other animals. They feed on small invertebrates like insects, spiders, flies, and moths.

As the name suggests, the Edible frog is eaten across the continent and commonly consumed in France, where Frog Legs are a popular dish.    

12. Eider (Common)

Eider (Common)
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Type of animal: Bird
Location: Europe, North America, and Asia 

Eiders are a bird species found in Asia, Europe, and North America. This giant sea duck breeds in the Arctic.

Other species of eiders include King Eider and Spectacled Eider.

Eiders have dense bodies with layers of fluffy feathers under their stiff external feathers, which provide insulation and keep them warm against the cold. The females pluck their feathers to create nests, one of many interesting duck facts. Sadly, these sea ducks fall under the Near Threatened animals, as humans collect their feathers to make clothing and bedding.   

13. Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau
Photo Credit: George Agasandian (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammals
Location: Africa

The Egyptian Mau is an active and friendly cat. They are naturally spotted and have a rounded triangular head shape. They are medium in size and have unique almond-shaped green eyes. They are street cats found in Egypt but are extremely rare everywhere else. You will rarely find a pure Egyptian Mau breed. The Egyptian Mau mixed breed is often between a domestic shorthair cat and the Egyptian Mau. 

These cats come in three primary colors - Bronze with black or dark brown spots, Silver with charcoal spots, and Smoke with black spots. Egyptian Maus are considered loyal and friendly with humans, which makes them a popular domestic cat choice. 

Also, check out our facts about the sand cat, a cute desert warrior! 

14. Electric Eel

Electric Eel
Photo Credit: Brian Gratwicke (CC BY 2.0)

Type of animal: Fish
Location: South America 

The Electric Eel is a freshwater fish well-known for its strong electrical charge. It lives in murky and freshwater in South America. We can find the Electric Eel in the Orinoco and Amazon river basins. It is scaleless and has an almost slimy snake-like skin. 

This animal, starting with E, feeds on fish, amphibians, and crustaceans. This snake-like fish will typically not shock humans. However, if this happens, it can lead to heart failure and drowning while swimming. The Electric Eel uses this electricity to navigate dark waters and attract prey since they are blind.

Read more: Eel Facts.      

15. Elephant

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

Type of animal: Mammal
Location:  Africa and Asia 

When asked, "what animal starts with an E," we certainly could not complete our list without one of the largest animals in the animal kingdom. We characterize these ingenious animals by their huge bodies, thin tails, round ears, stout legs, and strong tusks. One of the unique features of the elephant is its trunk. These majestic giants use their trunks to bring food and water into their mouths and grab objects, making them distinctly and recognizably an elephant. 

Elephants come in three species: African bush elephant (the world’s largest land animal), Asian elephant, and African forest elephant. As their names suggest, you can find both the African bush elephant and African forest elephant in Africa and the Asian elephant in Asia (throughout India and Southern Asia).

However, as our list of more detailed elephant facts explores, African elephants have more prominent ears and deeply wrinkled skin, while Asian elephants have smaller ears and smoother skin.

Elephants typically live in savannas, deserts, forests, and marshes near rivers in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They are herbivorous and feed on vegetation like grass, leaves, bark, and fruits. 

16. Elephant Seal

Elephant Seal
image by photoeverywhere (CC BY 3.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location:  North Pacific and Antarctica waters

These creatures get their name from their trunk-like nose. You can identify the Elephant Seal by its dark greyish fur, round face, dark eyes, and whiskers. Male elephant seals have large trunk-like noses, while female elephant seals have normal-sized noses. The males are also much larger than the females in size.

The Elephant seal has two short front flippers and webbed back flippers for swimming in the oceans. They are expert swimmers and spend most of their time underwater.

The Northern elephant seal lives in the North Pacific near Baja, California. On the other hand, Southern elephant seals live in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctica waters. 

Elephant seals are both social and solitary animals. On land, the elephant seal stays together in a group but is solitary while swimming3. Elephant seals are carnivorous, feeding on penguins, crabs, and small sharks, and eat fish.

They are also not the prettiest animals and also make our list of ugly animals. The eared seal, also known as the sea lion, is related to these guys - another animal that starts with the letter E.

17. Elephant Shrew

Elephant Shrew
Photo Credit: Eric Kilby (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: Africa 

Elephant Shrews are small mammals that you can find only in Africa. These creatures are similar to rodents in appearance. However, they are most closely related to moles. Depending on the species, Elephant shrews can come in sports black, brown, white, tan, grey, and even multiple colors. They have strong hind legs, long, thin snouts, and long feet. Their long snouts enable them to hunt for insects and escape predators. In addition, their back legs allow them to jump as high as three feet in the air.

The Elephant screw typically lives in stone deserts, savannas, and arid areas in Africa. They feed primarily on insects like ants, termites, and spiders. However, they may also eat leaves, seeds, and fruits. 

18. Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin
Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Type of animal: Bird
Location: Antarctica  

Emperor Penguins are the tallest and largest penguin species in the Antarctica continent. Their feathers have varying colors—Black at the back, white in front, and yellow patches close to their neck. 

What’s unique about the Emperor Penguin is that, unlike other penguins that breed during warmer seasons, Emperor Penguins lay eggs and incubate them in the coldest time of the year. These birds are very social and live together in a colony. They also remain faithful to their mate throughout their life4

The Emperor Penguin is carnivorous and feeds mainly on fish. However, they also eat crustaceans, squids, and so on.

Read more in our compilation of interesting penguin facts.

19. English Cream Golden Retriever

English Cream Golden Retriever
Photo: Public Domain

Type of animal: Mammal
Location:  Europe 

English Cream Golden Retrievers are fluffy dogs with intelligent personalities. They are medium size with light golden fur and fluffy coats. The male breeds are taller and heavier than the females. They have sweet and loyal personalities and love to play and spend time outside.

English Cream Golden Retrievers are pretty common but not recognized by any Kennel Club. These beautiful dogs love to eat and can gain unhealthy weight if their owners do not supervise their diet.          

20. English Shepherds 

English Shepherds
English Shepherd (front). Photo Credit: loriejeanne (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammals (Dogs)
Location: North America 

English Shepherds are descendants of Shepherd dogs from England and Southern Scotland. The United Kennel Club has recognized them since 1927. However, they are not currently recognized by the American Kennel Club. They are medium-sized, and the males are a bit larger than the females. English Shepherds are loyal, active, intelligent, and easy to train.         

21. Eurasian Beaver

Eurasian Beaver
Photo Credit: NTNU (CC BY 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location:  Asia and Europe

Eurasian beavers are large rodents native to Europe, Asia, and Scandavania. They are one of the largest species of rodents, and we characterize them by their long thick furs, which come in pale brown or fawn colors. In addition, they have stocky bodies, flat tails, and webbed feet. 

Eurasian beavers are one of the two beaver species, with the other being the North American beaver. Eurasian beavers look different and have narrower muzzles and a less rounded head than the North American beaver. 

Eurasian beavers are busy and have the unique ability to build dams. These creatures live in ponds and lakes and prefer freshwater bodies close to forested areas. They are herbivores and feed mainly on riverbank plants like water lilies.    

22. Eurasian Red Squirrel

Eurasian Red Squirrel
Photo Credit: big-ashb (CC BY 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location:  Europe and Asia 

The Eurasian Red Squirrel is commonly known as the “Red Squirrel.” They come in a medium size with chestnut red fur, tufted ears, and long bushy tails. Their long tail helps them maintain balance when jumping from tree to tree. It also helps to keep them warm while asleep. Eurasian Red Squirrels also have sharp curved claws, which help them climb trees and walls. 

You can easily find them in the woodlands and forests in Europe and Northern Asia. 

Eurasian Red Squirrels are solitary animals and are pretty shy. However, you may see a red squirrel share a drey to keep warm during winter. 

Eurasian Red Squirrels are herbivores and feed on nuts, garden flowers, vegetables, and seeds. Read more in our list of 19 interesting squirrel facts, and we also explore if squirrels hibernate and what they do during the winter.  

23. Eurasian Wolf

Eurasian Wolf
Photo Credit: Tim Strater (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: Northern Asia and Europe 

Eurasian wolves are one of the subspecies of the gray wolf. These animals have a tawny color that easily blends with the color of the mountains. They have thick chests covered in white fur. Their short and coarse white fur helps them stay warm in the cold weather.           

The Eurasian Wolf lives in areas with woodlands, plains, and mountains and will typically distance itself from humans. They are carnivorous and feed on wild game like deer, roe, and other wild game species. 

You might also like our compilation of wolf quotes for what people have to say about these majestic hunters across biodiversity and folklore. 

Also, beginning with E is the Ethiopian wolf, the world's rarest member of the Canidae family, native to the Ethiopian highlands.

Read more: Wolf Facts.

24. European Common Frog

European Common Frog
Photo Credit: Richard (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Type of animal: Amphibian
Location:  Europe and Asia 

The European Common Frog, or simply the Common Frog, is a medium-sized frog you can find throughout Europe and Asia. These creatures typically come in light brown and olive green colors. However, their colors may vary depending on the habitat and location. 

During their mating season, the females turn to a darker shade of brown or red, while the males turn greyish-blue. The Common Frog has powerful hind legs, webbed feet, and a stocky body.

They inhabit different types of forests, grasslands, marshes, parks, and gardens. 

Common Frogs feed on a range of invertebrates, including snails, slugs, worms, and insects.  

25. European Snow Vole

European Snow Vole
Photo: iStock

Type of animal: Mammal (Rodents)
Location: Southern Europe 

European Snow Voles are small rodents with long tails, beady eyes, and big ears. These creatures can grow up to 5.5 inches long. They live in the mountains of Southern Europe in countries like Italy, Greece, and Istanbul.

European Snow Voles live solitary in rocks and crevices in the mountains. During the mating season, these cute rodents can get aggressive. However, the males are more tolerable. 

26. Eskimo Dog

Eskimo Dog
Photo: Public Domain

Type of animal: Mammal
Location: North America 

Eskimo dogs are descendants of the German Spitz breeds brought to America by German immigrants in the early 1800s. However, their name was changed from German Spitz to the American Eskimo Dog during World War I.

We characterize these dogs by their lion-like manes, smiling faces, and white coats. They are the perfect show dogs and come in standard, miniature, and toy sizes ranging from nine to nineteen inches. Eskimo dogs are typically fun-loving, friendly towards humans, and easy to train.

27. Emu

Emu face head on
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash.

Fun fact: Did you know that emus have the extraordinary ability to survive in scorching heat without food or water for weeks?

Emus, the only birds taller than humans apart from ostriches, are a sight to behold in the animal kingdom. Native to Australia, these large, flightless giants, decked in shaggy, brownish-grey feathers, showcase an unmatched spectacle of strength and survival. Their ability to dash across the vast Australian Outback at speeds reaching 31 miles per hour sets them apart as unique speedsters among birds.

Second only in stature to their African cousins, the ostriches, emus use their long legs not just for marathons across terrains but also to deliver a powerful kick when threatened.

Notwithstanding their grandeur, emus are driven by their deep-seated curiosity, a trait that often leads them to follow and observe humans and other emus with great fascination. So the next time you see an emu staring at you, know that it's merely a keen student of life around it!

Read more: Emu Facts | Types of Emu.

Final thoughts: Animals that start with E 

Many more animals start with the letter E, from birds to dogs, insects, land animals, and much more. You can find them in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of them are warm-blooded, and others are cold-blooded. While some have feathers and fur, while others don't. Some can fly while others can't. 

They all have unique characteristics that make them special and vital to the ecosystem - which, given nature’s fantastic biodiversity, we should endeavor to protect.

More A-Z Animals:


Miranda, E. B., Menezes, J. F. S., Farias, C. C., Munn, C., & Peres, C. A. (2019). Species distribution modeling reveals strongholds and potential reintroduction areas for the world’s largest eaglePloS one14(5), e0216323.


Kroodsma, D. E. (1985). Development and use of two song forms by the Eastern PhoebeThe Wilson Bulletin, 21-29.


Laws, R. M. (1956). The Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina, Linn.): II. General, social and reproductive behaviour.


Ancel, A., Gilbert, C., & Beaulieu, M. (2013). The long engagement of the emperor penguinPolar biology36(4), 573-577.


Csuzdi, C. (2012). Earthworm species, a searchable databaseOpuscula Zoologica Budapest43(1), 97-99.


Peterson, M. E. (2006). Snake bite: coral snakesClinical techniques in small animal practice21(4), 183-186.

By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash
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