animals that start with f
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20 Animals That Start With F: Facts and Photos

Nature boasts various animals that start with F, with distinct characteristics, behaviors, and habitats, from the flying fish to the fennec fox. Join us on this enlightening journey and discover what makes these creatures unique.

20 Animals Beginning with F

1. Fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus)

fishing cat
Photo by Frida Lannerström on Unsplash.

Unlike many cats, fishing cats prefer to spend time in the water. It lives in various habitats across Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia, particularly in the wetlands of South and Southeast Asia. 

The fishing cat is a compact and agile animal that measures between 23 to 30 inches and has a relatively short tail of 8 to 12 inches. 

It also has a dense, double-layered coat that protects it from cold water. Moreover, its solar is olive-grey with dark spots and stripes, serving as a camouflage that allows the cat to blend seamlessly with its wetland surroundings. 

In addition to being predators, fishing cats tap the water surface to imitate insect movements and lure fish within reach. Our first animals that start with F eat fish, amphibians, birds, and small mammals, depending on their environment.

Related Read: Cat Facts.

2. Flying fish (Exocoetidae)

flying fish
Photo by John Cobb on Unsplash.

The flying fish can glide above the water with its pectoral fins functioning as wings. There are over 40 species of this fish, each with this specific adaptation.

This fish thrives in the open ocean and tropical or subtropical waters, feeding on plankton and other tiny marine organisms. 

To escape potential predators, the flying fish jumps out of the water, using the momentum of its leap and quick fin beats to glide up to 655 feet and reach heights of 4 feet.

While technically it cannot “fly” like birds, the Flying Fish can reach underwater speeds up to 37 mi/h before launching into the air. Once airborne, it spreads its fin wings, catching the wind beneath them. Dipping its tail into the water lets the fish "skip" to gain more speed and prolong its flight.

Related Read: Fish Facts, Types of Fish.

3. Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

Photo: iStock.

Ferrets are small and energetic carnivorous mammals with various fur colors ranging from white to black. Their faces are marked with mask-like patterns, giving them a mysterious appearance. 

Moreover, their long and slender bodies are supported by short legs, allowing them to navigate through narrow spaces. 

Due to their high metabolic rate, their diet comprises small mammals, birds, and eggs. Their high metabolism requires them to become frequently active. They even exhibit playful behavior, especially the "weasel war dance," which involves twists and jumps.

Furthermore, ferrets are active during dawn and dusk and sleep for up to 18 hours, curled tightly to retain body heat. In Ancient Rome, they were utilized for their hunting skills, particularly for rabbits.

Related Read: Ferret Facts, Ferret Species (including their wild relatives).

4. Fangtooth fish (Anoplogaster)

fangtooth fish
Photo by Citron on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (Cropped from original).

The deep-sea Fangtooth is no bigger than a human hand, but its fangs are sharp and large enough to rival a vampire's. Its dark and intimidating appearance can even instill fear in expert divers. 

This scary animal that starts with F swims in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They live thousands of feet below the ocean's surface and have developed a unique skin layer to withstand the immense pressure. 

The Fangtooth uses its lateral line system to navigate its habitats, which detects water movement and vibrations, allowing it to ambush smaller fish and squid.

As the Fangtooth fish matures, it transforms. At first, it has large, innocent eyes and stubby spines on its head. However, as it becomes an adult, its spines disappear while its eyes shrink. The teeth grow longer and sharper, and their body also darkens, allowing them to blend into the abyss. 

Their huge fangs do not hinder their ability to close their mouths; each fang fits neatly into a socket on the roof of the mouth. While these fish look scary, these deep-sea fish are not dangerous to humans.

5. Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

fin whale
Photo by Aqqa Rosing-Asvid - Visit Greenland on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Cropped from original).

The Fin whale is a massive creature and is the second-largest whale species, surpassed only by the blue whale. The female Fin whale can grow up to 88 feet in length, while the male can reach an impressive 85 feet. 

These creatures are known for their agility and speed despite weighing around 70 tons on average. They perform foraging dives3 and lunge-feeding to capture their prey, mainly small fish, squid, and crustaceans, particularly krill. 

Moreover, the Fin whale's lower jaw has a unique asymmetrical pattern, with the right side being pale white or yellow and the left is a deep, dark shade.

These F animals live in every major ocean, from polar to warm, tropical waters, and tend to prefer temperate and polar seas. They migrate following the seasons, preferring high-latitude waters during summer, while winter draws them closer to the equator’s warm waters. 

Related Read: Whale Facts.

6. Fire-bellied toad (Bombina)

fire-bellied toaf
Photo by neryx on Pixabay.

The fire-bellied toad lives in wetlands and forests throughout Europe and Asia. This animal that starts with F also boasts a vibrant underbelly adorned with red, yellow, and black colors that warn potential predators. 

When threatened, the fire-bellied toad will arch its back and display its toxic belly in a pose known as the "unkenreflex."

It uses a unique alternating leg movement pattern to swim and feeds on small invertebrates like insects, spiders, and worms.

Related Read: Types of Amphibians.

7. False killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens)

false killer whale
Photo by NOAA on Flickr licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Cropped from original).

Despite its name, the false killer whale is not a whale but a dolphin. It has a sturdy, streamlined body with smooth, dark gray to black skin. 

These dolphins form close groups of ten to twenty individuals, with some pods consisting of hundreds of individuals. They also connect with bottlenose dolphins, creating mixed-species pods.

False killer whales exhibit cooperative hunting behavior during mealtime. They consume fish, squids, smaller dolphins, and seals. 

Related Read: Dolphin Facts.

8. Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda)

fennec fox
Photo by Cifer88 on Pixabay.

The Fennec Fox is the smallest species of fox but has the largest ears in proportion to its body size, measuring up to 6 inches long. 

To survive their arid habitats, their large ears dissipate heat during hot weather and act as hearing aids to detect movements of distant prey. Its cream-colored coat reflects the desert heat during the day and insulates against chilly desert nights. 

Furthermore, Fennec foxes can extract moisture from their food, allowing them to live without direct water sources. They also dig burrows in the desert sands to escape the harsh conditions1.

Related Read: Fox Facts.

9. Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

fruit fly
Photo by Sanjay Acharya on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original).

With a tan or yellowish body and red eyes, fruit flies often hover around kitchens due to their attraction to decaying fruits and vegetables.

Although small, fruit flies can become a nuisance if left unattended. But fruit flies also play a vital role in the decomposition process in the wild by breaking down decaying organic matter and restoring nutrients to the soil. 

Moreover, these animals fly in small circles and undergo an impressive life cycle from egg to larva, pupa, and adult in just one week under optimal conditions. A female can produce 500 eggs in its 40-50 day lifespan. 

Related Read: Fly Facts.

10. Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)

fire salamander
Photo by JessicaBerger on Pixabay.

The Fire salamander lives in the leafy forests of Europe. Its skin is black and yellow, which warns predators that it is toxic. During the day, this animal that starts with F hides under rocks and logs but emerges to look for food at night.

Curiously, the female Fire salamander gives birth to fully developed larvae, unlike other amphibians that lay eggs. Sometimes, she even delivers the larvae near water bodies where they transform into salamanders. 

Related Read: Salamander Facts.

11. Fox terrier (Canis lupus familiaris)

fox terrier
Photo by Ludivine_2022 on Pixabay.

The Fox Terrier is a small to medium-sized dog breed known for its energy. They typically weigh 15 to 19 pounds and have a distinct white coat with black or brown patches. 

The breed originally hails from England; they have a rich history as fox hunters due to their remarkable sense of smell and relentless energy. Their adaptability, intelligence, and limitless energy are helpful for search and rescue missions. 

They typically live for 12 to 15 years and may be prone to hip dysplasia, eye disorders, and skin allergies. 

Despite their name, Fox Terriers have no relation to foxes and are good with children. However, their strong hunting instincts may cause issues with other pets.

Related Read: Dog Facts, Types of Terriers.

12. Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus johnsoni)

freshwater crocodile
Photo by Jon Connell on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Cropped from original).

Originating from Australia, the Freshwater Crocodile is a medium-sized reptile sporting a slender snout and pointed teeth. Adult ones typically measure 6.5 to 10 feet, with some larger males extending up to 13 feet. 

Unlike their larger relatives, their smaller size and lean physique allow them to live in shallow waters, including creeks, rivers, and swamps throughout the Australian territories.

Unlike their larger, saltwater cousins, Freshwater Crocodiles are not considered a significant danger to humans as they are likelier to shy away than engage. However, they are highly territorial creatures, aggressive in defense of their personal space. 

Related Read: Crocodile Facts.

13. Fallow Deer (Dama dama)

fallow deer
Photo by Honey Badger on Pexels.

Fallow deers have flat-antlers and spotted coats, standing roughly 3 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing up to 220 pounds. Their color pattern varies, ranging from pale cream to dark brown, which serves as a natural camouflage within their natural habitats.

These animals that start with F were introduced to Africa primarily as game species by the European settlers during the colonial period. Over time, these deer have multiplied and adapted, becoming established residents of the continent.

Related Read: Deer FactsTypes of Deers.

14. Fruit Bat (Megachiroptera)

fruit bat
Photo by Andy Morffew on Flickr licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Cropped from original).

Fruit Bats, distinct from other bat species, are characterized by their large eyes and minor ears, with a coat color varying from shades of brown and grey to hints of gold. They do not utilize echolocation; their robust olfactory senses and remarkable eyesight are tools for meal hunting.

As their name suggests, these bats are renowned for their love for fruits, particularly mangoes, bananas, and avocados. Their diets also comprise nectar and pollen, a trait that makes them indispensable in the roles of pollination and seed dispersers.

Related Read: Bat Facts.

15. Flying Squirrel (Pteromyini)

flying squirrel
Photo by Cephas on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original).

Flying squirrels, despite their name, do not fly. Instead, they have patagium, a flap of skin stretching between their wrists and ankles. This adaptation allows them to glide through the air2

Originating primarily in North America, these creatures prefer a woodland habitat—especially areas rich in deciduous trees. By living high up in tree cavities, they evade numerous land-bound predators. 

Active mainly at night, these F animals have keen vision, which allows them to navigate food in the dark skillfully. Their diet includes nuts, fruits, insects, and even bird eggs.

Related Read: Flying Squirrel Facts.

16. Flying Lemur (Dermoptera)

The Flying Lemur, despite its name, neither flies nor is a lemur. They have a unique bat-like membrane linking their neck, limbs, and tail for gliding or "flying" in their forest habitat. 

Surprisingly, Flying Lemurs are closely related to primates, contrary to their usual relation to bats and flying squirrels. 

17. Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper)

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash.

The Fer-de-lance is the most dangerous snake in South and Central America. Referred to as the spearhead, the French translation of its name, due to its uniquely shaped head. This lethal animal that starts with F threatens humans, with its death tally outpacing every other reptile across the Americas.

Related Read: Snake Facts, Types of Snake.

18. Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus Kingii)

frilled lizard
Photo by Tiia Monto on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (Cropped from original).

Resembling a prehistoric dinosaur, the Frilled Lizard is unmistakable for its iconic frill. Sporting a wide "collar" that spans roughly a foot across when unfurled, this striking adaptation adds to its intimidating look and serves as a unique defense mechanism. Feeling threatened, the lizard exposes its frill to appear larger to its predators.

Furthermore, this F animal is an opportunistic carnivore, primarily surviving on a diet of insects, small mammals, and occasionally, other smaller lizards. The lizard employs a sit-and-wait hunting tactic, holding still until its prey is within striking distance, then swiftly seizing it with its powerful jaws.

19. False Water Cobra (Hydrodynastes gigas)

false water cobra
Photo by Bernard DUPONT on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (Cropped from original).

The False Water Cobras, endemic to South America, have rear fangs that allow them to deliver their venom more effectively. They can broaden their neck when threatened, mirroring the larger presence of a cobra, hence, their name. However, contrary to a real cobra, it retains a horizontal rather than a vertical position.

20. Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus)  

fur seal
Photo by Liam Quinn on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (Cropped from original).

Fur Seals have exceptionally thick and warm coats, with about 300,000 hairs per square inch, providing an effective shield against the harsh climates of their habitat. Centuries ago, Europeans named them "sea bears," which is evident in their scientific name: "bear-like." 

This final animal that starts with F predominantly eats fish, squid, and sometimes birds or other marine mammals. To hunt, they capitalize on their acute underwater vision and streamlined bodies for swift and agile pursuit. They typically dive deep into the ocean when their prey is most active at night.

Related Read: Seal Facts.

Conclusion: Animals That Start With F

F is truly for fauna, showcasing the varied and vast species the animal kingdom offers. These creatures emphasize our planet's biodiversity by representing diverse habitats and portraying unique physical features and behaviors.

By exploring and understanding these animals, we cultivate a profound appreciation and acknowledge our responsibility to safeguard these species and their habitats.

More A-Z Animals:


Geffen, E., & Girard, I. (2003). Behavioral and physiological adaptations of foxes to hot arid environments: comparing Saharo-Arabian and north American species. The swift fox: Ecology and conservation of swift foxes in a changing world, 223-229.


Stafford, B. J., Thorington Jr, R. W., & Kawamichi, T. (2002). Gliding behavior of Japanese giant flying squirrels (Petaurista leucogenys). Journal of Mammalogy, 83(2), 553-562. 


Goldbogen, J. A., Calambokidis, J., Shadwick, R. E., Oleson, E. M., McDonald, M. A., & Hildebrand, J. A. (2006). Kinematics of foraging dives and lunge-feeding in fin whales. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209(7), 1231-1244.

Chinny Verana is a degree-qualified marine biologist and researcher passionate about nature and conservation. Her expertise allows her to deeply understand the intricate relationships between marine life and their habitats.

Her unwavering love for the environment fuels her mission to create valuable content for TRVST, ensuring that readers are enlightened about the importance of biodiversity, sustainability, and conservation efforts.

Fact Checked By:
Isabela Sedano, BEng.

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash
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