Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jennifer delivers core aspects of TRVST’s content and editorial vision, connecting highly engaging and expert editorial with our growing audience of environmentally conscious global citizens.

Since our early inception and through to the current day, Jen’s role involves researching some of our planet's most significant challenges. Jen’s built her expertise in all things sustainable by widely reading and researching expert studies and thought leadership from some of the world’s most influential scientists, changemakers, and environmentalists.

With an initial focus on renewable energy through recent editorial series around sustainable fashion, zero waste, and biodiversity, Jen has become a recognized authority in her own right. 

With a Bachelor of Science degree qualification in mass communication and media studies (Babcock University), Jen’s unique skill set understands how to connect the key aspects of environmental issues with as wide an audience as possible. Her tone and depth ensure that not only is TRVST’s content accessible and top of the market but also drives levels of engagement around sustainable actions for change.

Jen is also passionate about the role of future technology and its application for improving equality and access to digital products and services. A keen and motivated self-starting learner, Jen has recently furthered her knowledge at the forefront of technology advances, studying blockchain, data science, and innovative approaches to product development. 

Outside of her professional career, Jen enjoys contributing to platforms promoting career and personal growth to young women. She’s also a keen beauty and fashion follower, having previously built a high-profile blog about accessible beauty styles. 

Her favorite quote is:

”I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.”

by Juansen Dizon, Confessions of a Wallflower. 

Jen hopes to better synthesize her skills and experience to build real-world answers to how we can improve our people and planet.

Jennifer Okafor's Latest Articles

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The first time we heard of Greta Thunberg skipping classes on Fridays to stage protests, the world was shocked. A teenager sitting outside her country’s parliament weekly because of climate change? But Greta’s actions launched a new wave. Young people raised their voices from different parts of the globe. Many others started to ask “Will […]
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Take The 30 Days Zero Food Waste Challenge
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How much food do you throw out each day? Several studies have concluded that the largest amount of food waste occurs in households. Data shows that in the U.K., households generate up to 7.1 million tonnes of wasted food per year. In the U.S., a single individual could generate up to 219 pounds of wasted […]
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