Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jennifer delivers core aspects of TRVST’s content and editorial vision, connecting highly engaging and expert editorial with our growing audience of environmentally conscious global citizens.

Since our early inception and through to the current day, Jen’s role involves researching some of our planet's most significant challenges. Jen’s built her expertise in all things sustainable by widely reading and researching expert studies and thought leadership from some of the world’s most influential scientists, changemakers, and environmentalists.

With an initial focus on renewable energy through recent editorial series around sustainable fashion, zero waste, and biodiversity, Jen has become a recognized authority in her own right. 

With a Bachelor of Science degree qualification in mass communication and media studies (Babcock University), Jen’s unique skill set understands how to connect the key aspects of environmental issues with as wide an audience as possible. Her tone and depth ensure that not only is TRVST’s content accessible and top of the market but also drives levels of engagement around sustainable actions for change.

Jen is also passionate about the role of future technology and its application for improving equality and access to digital products and services. A keen and motivated self-starting learner, Jen has recently furthered her knowledge at the forefront of technology advances, studying blockchain, data science, and innovative approaches to product development. 

Outside of her professional career, Jen enjoys contributing to platforms promoting career and personal growth to young women. She’s also a keen beauty and fashion follower, having previously built a high-profile blog about accessible beauty styles. 

Her favorite quote is:

”I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.”

by Juansen Dizon, Confessions of a Wallflower. 

Jen hopes to better synthesize her skills and experience to build real-world answers to how we can improve our people and planet.

Jennifer Okafor's Latest Articles

Best Plastic Free Chewing Gum - Choose Your Gum Wisely
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Every item we buy, including the tiny ones, have more impact than we realise. Unfortunately, many of these small purchasing decisions could come with negative consequences. Chewing gum is one decision that could hurt people and the planet. Thankfully today you can choose plastic free chewing gum. 
How Can We Reduce Plastic Pollution in the Ocean?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Experts estimate that about 8 million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans every year. These numbers are overwhelming and as changemakers, it's hard to imagine how we can reduce plastic pollution in the ocean. But sustainability begins at home. 
15 Renewable Energy Volunteer Programs Abroad
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Renewable energy is essential for a sustainable future. If you want to play your part for people and the planet, then renewable energy volunteer work is a great start. Clean energy will be crucial in all parts of the transition to a post-fossil fuel world. We should work on these changes in our homes, businesses, […]
Top Countries That Use Renewable Energy - Leading the Energy Transition
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Renewable energy is crucial to tackling the climate emergency. To break the world's reliance on finite and polluting fossil fuels, it is vital that nations around the globe work towards a more sustainable future. The transition to a zero-carbon future will involve a multi-pronged approach. Impressively, there are top renewable energy countries already seeing positive […]
What Are Food Miles? Why They Matter and How to Check Them
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Do you ever give much thought about what country your food has come from, or how far it has travelled to land on your plate? Consider also the environmental impacts of transporting this food, however, it travelled, whether by plane, boat or road: there’s going to be a significant impact. Learn what is seasonal in […]
7 Challenges For Renewable Energy Preventing Adoption
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Every year, renewable energy technology becomes better, cheaper, and easier to access. Yet, renewable sources are only responsible for 20% of our global energy consumption. There are challenges for renewable energy introduction to our daily use. Thankfully, we can identify these challenges. This is the first step towards the innovation needed to take renewable energy from […]
Innovations in Sustainable Food Packaging
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On a global scale, we need a wholesale rethink of how we package most of our purchased food. Food packaging forms a major component of the waste from most households. According to the EPA, we can attribute almost 45% of the waste in US landfills to food and packaging. Many of those packages are food-related. […]
What is Zero Waste? And the Zero Waste Movement All About?
Sustainable LivingSustainable Living
What is zero waste really about? When we think about the waste building up in landfills and water bodies, most of us think about plastic. And plastic waste is certainly one of the biggest waste challenges we face. But living a zero-waste lifestyle is not just about ditching those disposable plastic bags and bottles. 
Stainless Steel vs. Plastic Water Bottles - How to Choose?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Many of us are now trying our best to reject single-use plastics whenever we can. Plastics can, of course, be very useful materials. But there is a range of reasons why single-use items, such as plastic bottles, have no place in our modern world. Thankfully, we have the option of saying no to plastic bottles […]
10 Tree Planting Projects & How to Start Your Own
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As the popular saying goes, “trees are the lungs of our planet.” They are a vital part of forest and woodland ecosystems and play a big role in our food-producing systems. Unfortunately, there’s a growing global problem of tree felling and deforestation. Thankfully, tree planting projects are springing up across the globe. 
Is Fish Farming Sustainable? All About Eco-Friendly Fish Farming
Many of us love a good fish supper, and eating fish is something we can all too easily take for granted. According to the WWF, the average person eats twice as much fish as we did 50 years ago, around 19k. a year. Typically, we rarely spare a thought for where our fish comes from, […]
How Planting Trees Can Help Mitigate Climate Change
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Around the world, several technologies and processes are being applied to create climate change solutions. For example, some players in the manufacturing industry are working to reduce water waste and carbon emissions. Numerous countries are now adopting renewable energy sources that perform best in their regions to generate their electricity needs. There’s one more approach […]
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