Zero Food Waste Challenge
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Take The 30 Days Zero Food Waste Challenge

How much food do you throw out each day? Several studies have concluded that the largest amount of food waste occurs in households1. Data shows that in the U.K., households generate up to 7.1 million tonnes of wasted food per year4. In the U.S., a single individual could generate up to 219 pounds of wasted food each year. This 30-day zero food waste challenge targets how we consume food at home, intending to help us improve our food habits.

Food waste significantly contributes to some of the environmental issues we face today. One is world hunger, especially in sub-Saharan African regions where food waste starts from the harvest process. In fact, we can lose up to 37% of food post-harvest.

Another is climate change. If we combined the food wasted every year into a single country3, it would be the third-largest producer of greenhouse gasses (contributing to climate change), right behind the U.S. and China. Some examples of these gases are methane gas and CO2, which can linger in our atmosphere for thousands of years.

Related: For more information and background on food waste, check out our list of food waste facts and statistics,

Rising to the zero food waste challenge

Clearly, there are many reasons why we need to think about reducing food waste. Now that we understand the benefits for the environment of zero household food waste, we may want to take responsibility for how our personal food habits contribute. The zero-waste food challenge is one of the many ways to do this in a fun way.

Anyone can join this challenge at any time. It encourages you to go for a period of time without wasting any food (or as little food as possible, usually beyond the point of consumption). Your zero food waste challenge can last for as long as you can manage; the longer, the better.

In this article, I've suggested seven days of preparation, all planned out for you, which you'll only need to do once. Following the first week, I've outlined tips and ideas for action towards zero food waste for the rest of the 21 days of the month. Of course, we'd encourage you to keep going for at least 21 days.

The goal of the zero food waste challenge is to prove that avoiding food waste is possible and that people can live waste-free lives.

Going food waste-free...for real this time

“Change doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with the desire, then one small step in the right direction.”

~ Paula Deen

We should always prepare for the most important challenges. I don't expect you to completely stop wasting food immediately after reading this article. However, we recommend that you follow the steps outlined below to prepare for the challenge.

Over the next seven days, complete these tasks to ensure that you are genuinely ready to go food waste-free. You can achieve more than one task in a day. It all depends on your preferences. When you start the challenge, most tasks will come easily because your kitchen has been prepped for zero waste.

7 Days of Prep for the 30 Days Zero Food Waste Challenge

Day 1- Outline your goals for this challenge

We all have different reasons for choosing to go food waste-free. Some may want to save money, while others may have identified a problem in their food habits and want to correct it. Another reason is to curb one's contribution to environmental change by throwing out food.

Kathryn of Going Zero Waste couldn't shake the thought that 1 in 9 people go to bed hungry while she has enough to throw out. Your reasons could be one or more of the above. Whatever they are, make sure that you see them as achievable goals. They could provide you with the needed motivation whenever you feel tempted to slack.

Day 2- Identify your top sources of food waste

The World Resource Institute did something similar to reduce food waste in their office. They launched an "investigation" and discovered that their food waste hotspots were:

  1. Leftovers and food scraps from catering during events
  2. Uneaten lunches
  3. Forgotten lunches in the office fridge

With an honest understanding of where most of their food waste came from, they could target this problem and reduce food waste by more than 75% in one year.

You can get the same results in your home, but you must be honest. Identify the top meals or food items you eventually waste and decide to either eat them first or avoid buying them.

Day 3- Research preservation methods and buy recyclable containers

There are several methods of food preservation, such as canning, drying, freezing, fermenting, preserving in salt, sugar, alcohol, and so on. These help preserve leftovers or groceries that you will not consume immediately.

Do your research and watch as many preservation tutorials as possible that make it easy to store food for as long as possible. When you find the best methods, invest in reusable food storage containers to store your preserves.

Day 4- Buy a home compost

Some food will eventually go bad, regardless of your efforts. Sadly, not everything can be saved. However, with home composting, you can reduce the greenhouse gases emitted from your rotting food and cut down on the size of materials you contribute to landfills. If you have a home garden, compost from food waste could also be an excellent source of nutrition for your plants.

Day 5- Create a meal plan

It's easy to look at a refrigerator full of food and still think you have nothing to eat. A meal plan will remind you of all the meals you can make with what you have. Following your meal plan also reminds you to use all your ingredients because you're no longer making just those two or three comfort meals. You can then use your meal plan further to map out your 30-day zero food waste challenge, avoiding buying more food items than you need.

Day 6- Take stock of the food at home & make a shopping list

It is advisable to go shopping with a complete list of the things you need. Not only will it save you time, but it will also prevent extra spending on things you do not need. Following your list will also help to avoid food waste.

For example, if bananas are on a bulk sale but not on your shopping list, you should not buy them. If you do, you will not be saving money, but buying fruit you don't plan to eat may eventually become household food waste.

Day 7- Go shopping!

Shop only for what you need and stick to your plan. Of course, choose products and goods with minimal plastic packaging wherever possible. Photo Credit: Sydney Rae on Unsplash.

21 Days of Zero Food Waste Challenge

With all the prep steps taken care of, you should be ready to start your 21 days of the zero food waste challenge. Here are some important pointers to keep you on the right track.

Eat your food

This might seem obvious, but remember to eat your food. Learn to enjoy homemade meals. When you're eating, avoid distractions to ensure you finish your food while it's still enjoyable.

Know your perfect serving size

Know the perfect serving size, both at home and in your favorite restaurant that is just enough for you. A great deal of research has suggested that we eat too large portions in our modern times of so much choice.

Smaller portions are better for you and can help increase your energy2. Serving only what's best and what you need is low-hanging fruit, which can reduce waste at the end of your meals and mitigate food waste. Unsure what a recommended portion size looks like? Take a look at the British Nutrition Foundation handy guide.

Preserve excess foods

Don't forget to preserve excess food by freezing them. When you realize you may not eat a certain food anymore, freeze it as quickly as possible. You want your leftovers to stay as enjoyable as possible for later so they aren't wasted. Plenty of other preserving options are available, too, canning, bottling, and so on. Try some new techniques if you have time.

Leftover vegetables and grains can be prepped into meal boxes for later and frozen. Add a fresh avocado and a slice of lemon when you defrost for a nutritious, quick meal after a long day at work. It's easier than you think! Photo Credit Ella Olsson from Pexels

Pack up your leftovers from restaurants

Restaurants are usually open to packing up leftover food for their customers. If you realize that you may not be able to finish your meal, ask for a paper-to-go plate.

If possible, try to avoid using more plastic. In fact, if you regularly find yourself with restaurant leftovers spare, why not pack a reusable container just in case and take it along with you?

Designate a 'leftovers day'

Leftovers may not be so appealing when you have the option of fresh food. However, there's so much you can do with that stem of Brocolli or slightly stale bread.

Making soups and stews from slightly tired vegetables is a quick and easy option. They taste great, are healthy, and also freeze really well for later. Stale bread can make great crunchy toppings for bakes or pasta. You can juice, stew, or even try making jam with fruit.

To help ensure your leftovers are used, pick a day or two in the week and designate them "leftover days." On one of these days, make lunch, dinner, or both from the leftovers in your refrigerator. Be creative; there are so many delicious and easy ways to use your leftovers.

Keep a frozen fruit bag for smoothies

Instead of tossing out leftover fruit, keep a bag in your freezer for them. Clean and chop your uneaten fruit, and throw them into the bag once you get tired of eating them. This bag will always be a good source of smoothie ingredients whenever you need one. Even better on hot days, they act like ice cubes making deliciously cool smoothies.

Watch out for the pre-packed salads

Many people value the convenience of pre-packed salads. However, they can be one of the worst food waste offenders. The U.K. government's food waste body, WRAP, released a study in 2017 stating that 40% of pre-packed salad leaves end up in the bin.

It's easy to see why. Those leaves perish quickly, and salads are often a side dish. Further, supermarkets remain guilty of offering large bags for less or two for one deals and planning on a salad for dinner or lunch? Buy whole lettuces and raw ingredients and only what you need. Other types of salad, such as coleslaw and bean salad, can last longer, too, and are just as delicious.

Spread the word

There's no doubt that food waste is a significant global issue. Beyond doing your individual bit, you can also help spread the word. You can do a lot to help raise awareness of food waste. Encouraging and inspiring others also to take the 30-day zero food waste challenge can only help! Here are some simple ideas to weave into your plan:

  • Post up your progress on Facebook or Instagram.
  • Share your ideas and recipes to preserve unwanted food.
  • Keep a record of the food you've saved and talk to your friends about the results.
  • Get involved online, liking and commenting on the excellent work of others (everyone appreciates a little praise!)

Uh oh. I missed a day.

We expect that this may happen. Don't give up on the challenge yet. If you've missed one day, just ensure it doesn't turn into two. Determine what made you lose momentum, and try to avoid a recurrence. Reread your plan and objectives and remind yourself of the benefits. Remember how well you've done so far and come back tomorrow motivated to keep reducing your food waste.


Ready to start the 30 day zero food waste challenge? You can find more inspiration by searching on social media using these hashtags: #zerofoodwaste, #zerofoodwastage, #zerofoodwastechallenge. Feel free to share your own journey and inspire someone else. You can share pictures of your meals, your thoughts, challenges, and the final post of triumph on day 30!

1Karin Schanes, Karin Dobernig, Burcu Gözet, Food waste matters - A systematic review of household food waste practices and their policy implications, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 182, 2018, Pages 978-991, ISSN 0959-6526,
2Barbara J Rolls, Erin L Morris, Liane S Roe, Portion size of food affects energy intake in normal-weight and overweight men and women, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 76, Issue 6, December 2002, Pages 1207–1213,
3Food wastage footprint: Impacts on natural resources - Summary report. FAO. (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations)
4Food Surplus and Waste in the UK – Key Facts. WRAP (UK)
By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels
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