Waste & Recycling

Waste & Recycling

Plastic Whale: Turning Plastic into Adventures
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Marius Smit ·
Plastic Whale is the first professional plastic fishing company in the world and they turn the collected plastics into stunning furniture. They aim to “create economic value from plastic waste, involving as many people as possible”. In the last year, they’ve launched a furniture range, have a fleet of ten design boats made from Amsterdam […]
Wet Wipes & Plastic: The Hidden Menace?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Olivia Rosane ·
2018 has seen the United Kingdom join the fight against ocean plastics in a big way. On January 9th, the ban on plastic microbeads in cosmetics went into effect, and in February the Queen herself entered the fray, banning plastic bottles and straws from Royal properties. But one enemy combatant has escaped this recent round […]
Will The ‘Latte Levy’ Actually Tackle Ocean Plastics?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Brad Frankel ·
The ‘latte levy’– a new tax on disposable plastic cups- has hit the UK headlines this week. Brad Frankel gives his expert opinion as a marine conservationist and co-founder of Flooglebinder, a sustainable travel and education company.
Are Local Communities The Key To Tackling Plastic in the Ocean?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Samanta Skrivere ·
Meet Sam from Ministry of Waste who tackles beach plastics in the Philippines and connects local communities to global leaders of sustainability and waste industry innovators to tackle the issue of plastic in the ocean. She speaks honestly on the power of local communities and how starting her project gave her life a deeper sense […]
Washed Ashore: Can Art and Education Change Attitudes on Plastic Waste?
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Angela Haseltine Pozzi ·
It takes someone special to see the world in a different light and encourage others to do the same, just like Washed Ashore’s vision and the phenomenonal talent of its founder,  Angela Haseltine Pozzi. Frank, one of the team, gives us an insider’s look to this team of artists, visionaries and public educators.
Keeping “The Camino” Clean: The Impact of Many Marked Footsteps on a Landscape
Waste & RecyclingWaste & Recycling
Augusta Thomson, shares her perspective on sustainability and her research on the Camino de Santiago and how to keep the Camino clean. My research begs a larger question about our responsibility to the planet more generally. If we are all implicated in environmental degradation, how can we work together to think through wise, culturally-sensitive, and long-lasting […]
5 Ways To Tackle Ocean Plastics
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Zoe Cuckow ·
As consumers, we all know plastics are everywhere. We've produced more plastic in the last 10 years than in the whole of the 20th century and 50% of the plastics we use, we use only just once. From the Arctic where the majority of UK plastics end up to the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone […]
Ministry Of Waste: Turning plastic waste into profit
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Samanta Skrivere ·
Ministry of Waste connects disadvantaged and polluted communities in Asia with waste industry innovators and global leaders of sustainability by creating a recycled ocean-bound and beach plastic supply chain through which stops litter before it enters the ocean. The uniqueness about Ministry of Waste is that they don’t rely on volunteers but allow local communities […]
The Great Bubble Barrier: Closing The Plastic Loop
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
BY Francis Zoet ·
Great Bubble Barrier is a long tube placed on the riverbed with small holes through which air is pumped. This creates a vertical barrier of bubbles from the riverbed up to the surface. This barrier blocks plastic debris from floating downstream. By placing the barrier diagonally in the natural river flow we guide the waste […]
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