TRVST Latest


BizGees - Transforming Refugees into Entrepreneurs
Equality & DiversityEquality & Diversity
BY Zufi Deo ·
We transform refugees into entrepreneurs using FinTech. We custom-designed alternative finance-based services to support refugee communities to take ownership of their own lives. We are winners of the Infosys Challenge for Financial Inclusion at the UNICEF FinTech Jam for Good.
How to Save Electricity at School?
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
Electricity is the second largest expense of schools in the US, outweighed only by teachers’ salaries. In the UK, state-funded schools collectively require about £584 million to pay for electricity and gas. In less developed countries, some schools cannot always afford to keep their lights on during learning hours. These figures all add up to […]
The 10 Biggest Wind Farms in the World
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
The environment is now paying the price for our lack of care and consideration. Greenhouse gases are causing significant problems such as an increase in temperatures and melting ice caps. Since the industrial revolution, there has been an increase in the temperature of the earth of around 1.2 degrees.  As a result, we are now […]
10 Largest Solars Farms in the World, including the Biggest
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
In our quest to reduce carbon emissions, solar farms are becoming a common sight across the globe. What was once a slow-moving technology has now become a mainstream alternative to energy produced from fossil fuels. To demonstrate this growth, we take a look below at the 10 biggest solar farms in the world.
How Does Renewable Energy Reduce Climate Change?
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
There are many contributors to the dawning epidemic of climate change. But studies show that our use of non-renewable energy sources is the major culprit. So how does renewable energy reduce climate change? First, we take a look at the climate impact of non-renewable energy. 
17 Interesting Renewable Energy Sculptures
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
As climate change concerns continue to rise, we need to increase the uptake of renewable energy to help reduce the use of polluting fossil fuels. Art and creativity can work with renewable energy too and creative types are using innovation to contribute in their own way. Art is known as one of the oldest methods […]
Plastic Straws Infographic The Last Straw - Calling Time on Plastic Straws
Plastic PollutionPlastic Pollution
Plastic straws get a bad rap. These ever-present modern-day tools serve a simple function, helping us suck our drinks down without putting cups to our mouths. Arguably totally un-essential (except those that may require them due to physical limitations) we use them once and throw them away. But times are changing. Companies are choosing to […]
Fixed Versus Growth Mindset - What's The Difference?
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Why do we go after the things we want? Science says motivation. If we really want something, we work for it. Or at least, that’s what we expect. In reality, people don’t always go after the things they want. The “Why?” of this realization brought about a concept; fixed vs growth mindset. 
Buying into responsible and conscious consumerism
Sustainable LivingSustainable Living
BY Sam Colyer ·
What exactly is conscious consumerism? It's actually about being informed. It's about getting to know the businesses that you buy from, and deciding whether or not you support their ethics and ethos. You might agree with their approach to animal testing, sustainability and/or equal pay.  Or you might oppose their use of certain ingredients. As […]
Renewable Energy for Kids - A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Teaching kids about anything is an exciting but challenging task. Not only will your skills at simplifying concepts be tested, but kids can ask the most unexpected questions. However, some important lessons should always be tackled. Such as teaching renewable energy for kids. 
Renewable Energy Inventions Shaping Our Energy Future
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
There are various renewable energy types. Whether that is solar, wind, hydro or tidal, all come from innovation and invention. As we accelerate our move away from the use of fossil fuels, we rely on renewable energy inventions and innovations to make the switch possible. Each of these renewable energy inventions provides us with some […]
7 Solar Energy Myths - Discussed and Debunked
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
Solar energy facts and myths. We have all heard of them but how many of us believe them? In fact, how many of us completely disregard them? The reality is that most recognise the importance of solar energy in the mix as we move to cleaner energy sources. Despite the various solar energy facts and myths, the […]
Renewable Energy Tips To Help Transition to Cleaner Energy
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
Energy consumption is on the rise, with demand predicted to increase by 27% by 2040. What can we do to aid the transition to cleaner energy? Especially in the face of rising demand. And how we can best switch to more sustainable fuel?  So, we need to think about actionable renewable energy tips. Practical tips […]
Why Should My School Go Solar? How to Transition Your School To Solar
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
The first time we heard of Greta Thunberg skipping classes on Fridays to stage protests, the world was shocked. A teenager sitting outside her country’s parliament weekly because of climate change? But Greta’s actions launched a new wave. Young people raised their voices from different parts of the globe. Many others started to ask “Will […]
How is Bio-Energy Produced to Create Renewable Energy?
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
How is bio-energy produced? This is a question that many people ask as bio-energy doesn't seem to have the same interest as other forms of renewable energy. Bio-energy is another type of renewable energy that can help us to reduce carbon emissions. From the moment we found out how to burn wood, we have been […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
The advantages and disadvantages of wind energy leave many divided. In our quest to reduce carbon emissions, we are now generating more and more electricity from an increasing number of renewable energy sources. The second-largest type of renewable energy by capacity is wind energy. (after hydropower). What are the pros and cons of using the […]
Renewable Energy Battery Storage - Storing Clean Renewable Energy
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
Renewable energy battery storage is vital when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. Our imperative is to create a sustainable energy landscape. To do so requires the energy market and technology to move forward as one. Therefore, this renewable generation has to see the introduction of energy battery storage technologies.
What are the Benefits of a Positive Attitude & Tips To Keep Positive
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Were you encouraged to “see the glass as half full” when faced with a grim situation? Did that prompt help? When we feel at the end of our tether, such motivational words may not seem useful. We often want practical solutions or a helping hand. But what if the solution (or a part of it) […]
Protecting our Natural World: Initiatives from across the Globe
BY Sam Colyer ·
Welcome to #TRVSTLOVES. We curate news, ideas, and inspiration from across the world that demonstrate how real action can accomplish a positive social impact. This month we're looking at ways in which we can protect our natural world and what initiatives are taking place across the globe to do the same. 10 things you can […]
Art and Mental Health: Art Therapy, Benefits and Examples
Mind & BodyMind & Body
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Art and mental health share a close link. In any form, art serves as a tool to turn intangible experiences into something that we can see and touch. Think of Paul Cezanne who, during his dark period, was able to depict his depression in paintings such as the “Pyramid of skulls” and “The murder”. Or […]
10 Sustainable Fashion Bloggers To Follow For Ethical Fashion Choices
Sustainable FashionSustainable Fashion
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
Lucy Shea, CEO of the sustainability brand called Futerra, said: “The revolution will look fabulous.” However, it’s not so easy to start a fashion revolution if you do not have a tribe. This is why we’re presenting 12 eco-friendly fashion bloggers to follow. 
Take The 30 Days Zero Food Waste Challenge
Food WasteFood Waste
BY Jennifer Okafor ·
How much food do you throw out each day? Several studies have concluded that the largest amount of food waste occurs in households. Data shows that in the U.K., households generate up to 7.1 million tonnes of wasted food per year. In the U.S., a single individual could generate up to 219 pounds of wasted […]
What makes Solar Energy Green? Is Solar Energy Really All that Green?
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
The energy sources we use have their history rooted in the sun: coal, oil, natural gas, and wood. Today, science promises us green energy harvested from the sun using solar panels. But what makes solar energy green?
The History of Hydropower & Hydroelectric Energy
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
The history of hydroelectric energy began with our quest to find a sustainable energy source. The power of water has been of interest to humans for a long time, dating back to applications using the power of the sea and rivers through to old mills. Today, the pressing need for cleaner energy sources makes the […]
Fun Mindfulness Exercises Anyone Can Try
Mind & BodyMind & Body
Life is often filled with stressful periods and challenging times. However, one way of relaxing is through mindfulness. This simple, yet effective way of relaxing, enables the mind to be fully aware of what is happening in the present moment. It calls on your senses, allowing you to observe what is going on around you. […]
How To Win Trust As A Leader
Work & SkillsWork & Skills
BY Dene Stuart ·
The idea that as a leader you must have the trust of the people who follow you has become a cliché. As with most clichés, this can be more unhelpful and misleading than useful. So in this article, I am not going to add another list of “easy” habits to win trust as a leader […]
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