Ways to Connect with Nature
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19 Ways to Connect With Nature for Wellbeing and Inspiration

Have you ever felt immersed in the sound and smell of nature? The smell of trees, the sound of water flowing down the creeks, and the overall feeling of joy and inner peace is one unforgettable experience. 

Our day-to-day lives usually involve the blaring sounds of cars, loud voices, and sometimes unpleasant environments in the modern world. Connecting with nature has a way of bringing peace amidst our busy lives. 

Read on as we walk through the benefits of connecting with nature and suggest various ways you can connect with nature starting today. 

What is the connection between humans and nature? 

exploring the connection between humans and nature
Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash.

The curious and scientists have studied the connection between humans and nature for many decades. Researchers have variously theorized that time spent in nature aids childhood development2. They also discovered that people connect with representations of nature like wall art. 

Certain areas of study have attributed the human connection with nature to the Biophilia theory.

This theory states that human beings have an innate need to connect with nature and natural organisms. If we consider the theory of evolution, human beings lived and tried to adapt to the East African Savanna environment for millions of years. 

Today, we possess physical and psychological features that help humans survive in that environment. 

As such, some suggest we can link our appreciation of plants and nature scenes to our genetic heritage. Also, our appreciation of animals may have been a result of our experiences. 

Benefits of connecting with nature

Connecting with nature plays a significant role in improving our physical and mental health4. Here are a few benefits that come with connecting with nature: 

Nature helps reduce stress

Urban life is associated with increased levels of stress and even depression. Nature connectedness can reduce stress in daily life and also improve your mental health.

Studies reveal that spending as little as 10 minutes in natural surroundings can help students feel happier and reduce physical and psychological stress1. Furthermore, studies show that taking a window view of nature from the top floor of your office can alleviate job stress and improve your overall well-being3

You may wonder, how does this happen? Connecting with nature leaves us engrossed with a feeling of calm, taking away our focus from the stress or pain we may feel.  

Nature improves recovery from illnesses

A little bit of contact with nature can perform wonders for patients in recovery. According to studies, a university hospital in Sweden surveyed 160 heart surgery patients. Some patients were placed in hospital rooms with nature paintings, while observers put others in rooms with abstract paintings or no paintings at all. 

The survey results revealed that patients in rooms with nature paintings were less anxious and required a lesser dose of pain medication than patients in the other rooms without representations of our natural world.

Nature can boost energy levels 

While we rely on a cup of coffee for a morning boost, immersing ourselves in nature is also a great way to boost our energy levels when starting our day. A study at the University of Rochester revealed that being outdoors in nature makes people come alive both physically and mentally. 

19 ways to connect with nature 

The Western world can sometimes limit us from cultivating a connection and deeper understanding of nature. Our development has replaced many natural landscapes with urban housing, the trapping of commerce, and road systems. Connecting with nature sometimes requires deliberate action rather than making it a spontaneous event. 

Here are 19 ways you can connect with the natural world and improve your overall well-being: 

1. Live in the moment 

live in the moment
Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash.

One of the most important ways to connect with nature is to truly be present in the moment. Modern society trains us to live fast, from scheduling meetings to beating traffic to eating fast food. We live in such a fast-paced world that we forget to focus and savor the present moment. 

To build a connection with nature, you must first detach yourself from all the noise and channel your energy towards nature experiences. You can practice this by taking a few minutes in everyday life to detach yourself from your busy schedules, take deep breaths, and take time to take in the trees, birds, and everything within your natural surroundings. 

Related: What is mindfulness, and how does it help us seize the day? 

2. Tune in to all your senses 

You must learn to engage your five senses to feel connected to nature. Nature is a sensory experience that involves seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and sometimes tasting. If you find it particularly difficult to relax or stay calm, tuning into your five senses is the first step to feeling more relaxed. 

So, when you get outside, start by engaging your five senses. Take a deep breath, feel the wind and sun penetrate your skin, and listen closely to the whistling sound of trees and the sound of birds and insects. Focus further on these sounds and engage your sense of smell and taste. Engaging your other senses outside also allows you to appreciate your natural surroundings rather than pass them by. 

3. Combine your creativity with nature

creativity and nature
Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash.

Connecting with nature can happen in various ways. One way to deeply connect with nature is to do so while expressing your inner creativity. You could do this through the lens of a camera, a drawing, or a painting.

Take the time to explore your creativity by taking photos of animals, trees, the sky, water, and all of nature’s surroundings. You could also sit in your favorite quiet spot and draw or paint beautiful natural scenery. This helps to calm your nerves, improve your mood, and inspire creative ideas. Time away to think in nature might also help provide you with a new perspective on a problem or worry.

4. Read nature books & quotes

Reading nature books and quotes is a great way to take your mind on a psychological journey through nature’s beauty. You can read books related to different aspects of nature.

For example, you can search for books that explain the history and evolution of animals and plants. You could also go for more creative books. Perhaps read nature poetry or read nature quotes that spur you towards nature.

Nature books can also deepen your knowledge of the world around us. If you prefer to listen to nature's offerings, nature podcasts could be just what you're looking for.

5. Get a good spot 

take time out in a good spot to connect with nature
Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash

Getting a good sit spot can help you maintain consistency in developing a deeper connection with nature. When you step outside, find a spot to sit that provides a view of the scenery nature offers. Having a regular place to sit and spend time in natural surroundings helps you appreciate and pay attention to weather patterns as well as the daily or monthly cycles of animals and plants. 

6. Watch animals 

Animals are cute, intelligent, and sometimes entertaining. You can watch the day-to-day life of these animals and even pick a few lessons from them. Taking time out to watch the ants move up a tree or a squirrel go down a hole can help you feel more deeply connected with nature. You can watch the day-to-day life of these animals and even pick a few lessons from them.

Creating the time to do this as often as possible or perhaps when you need a distraction or a moment out will help you feel more grounded with the natural world around you. 

7. Go bird watching 

bird watching connection with nature
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash.

If you live near a local park or an area with trees, bird watching is an activity you should try. The experience can be both liberating and fascinating. You can look outside your window or walk down the park and observe the day-to-day life of birds.

You might just notice how birds form their nests during mating season or how a family of birds bickers at each other. Birdwatching enhances your connection with nature and allows you to appreciate a little more of the diversity around us and close to home. 

Another simple way to bring nature a bit closer to home is to make or purchase a bird feeder. Wait a little while, and the birds will come to you. (and if you don't want the squirrely stealing all the bird food, check out our guide to squirrel-proof bird feeders)

8. Connect with plants 

Do you love trees, flowers, and plants? Green living things around us are a great way to connect with nature. You can visit a local garden or grow a few plants in your backyard. Take time to pay attention to the movements of plants. Meditate on their scent. Notice their stems, leaves, roots, and everything in between.

You could also take time to study the different kinds of plants and their names and observe how they interact with insects and other organisms. 

9. Take a walk, run, or hike

Walking, running, or hiking comes with its health and wellness benefits. While you savor the moments of nature, you can improve your health through exercise.

You can take a different route or course around your neighborhood and explore nature in all its beauty. You could also invite friends or family members to create a shared experience. 

10. Sit under the night sky 

If you've always been curious to learn about the stars, sitting under the night sky is an excellent opportunity to do so. You can gather friends and family to sit quietly with you and explore the night sky. Doing this is a great way to strengthen relationships, connect with nature, find some sense of identity, and contemplate our place in the universe. 

11. Go for a picnic

What's better than enjoying your favorite meal with friends at a park? Picnics are always a wonderful way to bond with loved ones and with nature. 

You can create time to visit your favorite park with your friends and create a list of nature-viewing activities to try out. Check out our guide to zero-waste picnics for ideas on how to do so with less waste.

12. Watch the sunrise and sunset

Watching the dawn or the end of a day can bring feelings of peace and tranquillity. You could spend time every morning watching the sunrise right from your window. If you are feeling anxious after a long day, you could take a stroll to a park or a favorite hideout that gives you a good view of the sunset and simply enjoy the view of a beautiful evening sky. 

13. Relax near the water  

relax near water
Photo by Trevor McKinnon on Unsplash.

There’s something extraordinary about being close to water or sitting and watching the waves roll over the sand. You might well find the experience and opportunity to reflect for a few moments, benefitting your mental health while creating feelings of happiness and peace.

Being active in the water, from canoeing to surfing or just taking a swim in a natural environment, also provides the added benefits of exercise. Furthermore, these activities offer a great excuse to get outdoors and enjoy all nature offers. 

14. Get outdoors amongst nature and go camping 

If you want to immerse yourself fully in nature, camping could be an ideal way to do so. You can completely detach yourself from city life's hustle and take time to experience nature while enjoying the fresh air away from the city.

During outdoor activities, you can engage your senses and enjoy nature in its fullness, free of interruptions. Camping is also a great way to bond with loved ones. 

15. Green your home and spaces with plants

Bringing nature indoors and growing plants is one way to deepen your nature connection. Going through the process of planting a seed, nourishing it, and watching it grow increases your appreciation for nature. You don’t have to learn any complicated gardening techniques. Simply get some seeds, plant them in soil or a plant pot, and add some water daily. 

As you nourish your plant, enjoy the sunlight on your skin, feel the dirt in your hands, and inhale the smell of fertile soil. Immerse yourself in every moment spent and appreciate each process of growing your plants in your own backyard.

Related: Check our gardening quotes for some more green space inspiration.

16. Take part in protecting nature 

connect with nature by taking part in conservation
Photo by International Fund for Animal Welfare from Pexels.

Taking part in conserving nature doesn’t just benefit the environment but can also deepen your connection with nature. There are various ways you can take part in protecting nature. Some of these include: 

  • Joining your local community in planting trees: You could reach out to your local community and ask volunteer at any existing tree planting project. You could set up a community conservation project within your local environment if there isn't one.
  • Creating green spaces like gardens that are both animal and environmentally friendly. 
  • Engaging in projects that aim to protect wildlife 
  • Participating in removing litter around natural surroundings 

17. Watch nature documentaries to learn and connect

While some of the ways to connect with nature involve being outdoors, you can also connect with nature from the comfort of your home. Nature documentaries are an excellent medium for learning about nature and taking your mind to places you may not be able to visit physically. You can watch documentaries on wildlife, plants, or water bodies. 

The good news is that these days, you’ll find a great selection to stream without leaving the house or requiring shipping and packaging, ensuring you can watch nature films with minimal environmental impact. 

Related:  Check out our selections of climate change and plastic waste documentary films. 

18. Don’t forget your nature journal 

Keeping a nature journal is one of the most impactful ways to improve your nature experiences. Nature is filled with many things you can discover with every time spent. Of course, you’ll find trees, animals, water, weather, and so much more to explore.

Getting out in nature can create a sense of belonging on this earth. Whereas it may not always provide a profound experience, sometimes it might. With so many activities involved, journaling can be a great way to keep memories of those activities alive and carry them into the future. 

With a nature journal, you can build lasting memories, notice things on a deeper level, and get newer perspectives on nature. You might want to consider the following when journaling on one of your outdoor adventures: 

  • What experiences do you recall the most? 
  • Do you remember your location and all its details?
  • What type of plant did you notice or learn about? 
  • How did you feel after the experience? 
  • What did you see? What did you hear?

Consider answering these questions and express yourself as much as you can. Without a journal, beautiful nature experiences might become a distant memory. Keeping a journal can help you connect deeply with nature and improve your mental health and overall well-being. 

Related: Check out our tips on how to write a journal to get you started. We’ve also a list of some of the best eco-friendly journals so you can choose to write on and keep your journal with sustainability in mind. 

19. Share your experiences with other people 

sharing nature experiences
Photo by Andrei Belascu on Unsplash.

Sharing your experiences with others can induce a deeper connection with nature while allowing you to build stronger relationships. Similar to journaling, interacting with loved ones about your nature experiences helps keep the memory alive and helps you dive deeper into understanding nature.

You can share your latest discoveries with nature, the things that matter, and spark questions that lead to conversations. Spending time both in nature and sharing its joy helps it remain present in our thoughts and lives.


Connecting with nature comes with tremendous benefits for human beings. Nature helps us escape the hustle of the modern lifestyle and improves our mood, physical health, and overall well-being. It helps us connect with our roots and respect other people's lives.

With these techniques mentioned above, you can start cultivating a connection with nature today. With so much to enjoy and a variety of benefits, forming a habit of regularly connecting with nature stands every chance of bringing a bit more than a smile to your moments of quiet and reflection among the trees. 


Genevive R. Meredith, Donald A. Rakow, Erin R. B. Eldermire, Cecelia G. Madsen, Steven P. Shelley, Naomi A. Sachs. Minimum Time Dose in Nature to Positively Impact the Mental Health of College-Aged Students, and How to Measure It: A Scoping ReviewFrontiers in Psychology, 2020; 10 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02942


Strife S, Downey L. Childhood Development and Access to Nature: A New Direction for Environmental Inequality ResearchOrgan Environ. 2009;22(1):99-122. doi:10.1177/1086026609333340


Won Sop Shin (2007) The influence of forest view through a window on job satisfaction and job stress, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 22:3, 248-253, DOI: 10.1080/02827580701262733


Bratman GN, Anderson CB, Berman MG, et al. Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspectiveSci Adv. 2019;5(7):eaax0903. Published 2019 Jul 24. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax0903

By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash
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