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15 Rooster Quotes About The Iconic Farm Birds

The morning crow of a rooster welcomes a new day while carrying a wealth of symbolism. These male birds have inspired countless rooster quotes encapsulating their essence, from representing bravery to adorning weather vanes. For a deeper appreciation of these spirited birds, explore our collection to discover more rooster wisdom and let their timeless traits resonate with you.

Rooster Quotes About Their Relationships With Us

Roosters, one of the more recognizable types of birds, hold a special place in our rural landscapes with their vivid plumage and striking combs. They walk with a distinctive strut, embodying the rustic charm of farm life, where they play a vital role. These barnyard birds wake us at dawn with their unmistakable crowing, immediately connecting us with nature

Aside from being a morning alarm, roosters maintain a pecking order that organizes the flock, making them integral to the harmony of farmsteads. Feel a touch of nostalgia through the quotes below. 

"Many of us who aren't farmers or gardeners still have some element of farm nostalgia in our family past, real or imagined: a secret longing for some connection to a life where a rooster crows in the yard." -Barbara Kingsolver #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #takeaction #life

"Many of us who aren't farmers or gardeners still have some element of farm nostalgia in our family past, real or imagined: a secret longing for some connection to a life where a rooster crows in the yard."
- Barbara Kingsolver

"Dogs and other animals – goats, donkeys, cows, a grumpy rooster – continue to change my writing life." -Jon Katz #trvst #quotes #socialchange #ecoconscious #life #writing

"Dogs and other animals – goats, donkeys, cows, a grumpy rooster – continue to change my writing life."
- Jon Katz

Quotes About Rooster Crows In The Morning

More than just a wake-up call, a rooster's crowing can also be a territorial signal or a rallying cry for the flock. Averaging at 130 decibels, their crow is as loud as standing 50 feet from a jet taking off. To defend themselves from this loud sound, roosters automatically close a quarter of their ear canals when their beaks are opened1.

Check out these metaphorical quotes relating to nature's alarm clock.

"When the rooster crows off the hour, don't hesitate to adjust the time." -Sicilian #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #socialimpact

"When the rooster crows off the hour, don't hesitate to adjust the time."
- Sicilian

"Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake!" -Mehmet Murat ildan #trvst #quotes #bethechange #bethechange #universe

"Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake!"
- Mehmet Murat ildan

"If you don't hear the crows of the roosters in the mornings, you are one cursed city fellow!" -Mehmet Murat ildan #trvst #quotes #beinspired #gogreen

"If you don't hear the crows of the roosters in the mornings, you are one cursed city fellow!"
- Mehmet Murat ildan

"George Bush taking credit for the wall coming down is like the rooster taking credit for the sun rising." -Al Gore #trvst #quotes #gogreen #bethechange #sun

"George Bush taking credit for the wall coming down is like the rooster taking credit for the sun rising."
- Al Gore

"Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster." -Joe Adcock #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #socialimpact #sunrise

"Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster."
- Joe Adcock

"The more excited the rooster gets, the higher his voice goes. He's got a little bit of a Barney Fife quality to him." -Jeff Foxworthy #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #thinkgreen

"The more excited the rooster gets, the higher his voice goes. He's got a little bit of a Barney Fife quality to him."
- Jeff Foxworthy

Metaphorical Rooster Quotes To Think About

Roosters often appear in sayings that reflect cultural wisdom. Take the Assyrian proverb, "If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs," for instance. This phrase suggests that even the impossible happens with good fortune. 

Decipher more quotes below to unlock their wisdom.

"If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs." -Assyrian Proverbs #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #gogreen

"If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs."
- Assyrian Proverbs

"If you thought with your minds and not your roosters, you would get the point!" -Pawan Mishra #trvst #quotes #beinspired #bethechange

"If you thought with your minds and not your roosters, you would get the point!"
- Pawan Mishra

"While farmers generally allow one rooster for ten hens, ten men are scarcely sufficient to service one woman." -Giovanni Boccaccio #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #changetheworld

"While farmers generally allow one rooster for ten hens, ten men are scarcely sufficient to service one woman."
- Giovanni Boccaccio

"You're right, he's a killer,' you said. 'A rooster with some serious issues.'" -Lucy Christopher #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #bethechange #serious

"You're right, he's a killer,' you said. 'A rooster with some serious issues.'"
- Lucy Christopher

Notable Rooster Quotes In Literature

Literature often draws on the imagery of roosters to convey deeper meanings. One of the quotes below is an excerpt from Vicente Huidobro's poem Morning found in The Cubist Poets in Paris: An Anthology. He described a Parisian sunrise where the country's national bird rooster heralds a new day. Its singing symbolizes revival while falling feathers hint at change.

"He had never known such gallantry as the gallantry of Scarlett O'Hara going forth to conquer the world in her mother's velvet curtains and the tail feathers of a rooster." -Margaret Mitchell #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #collectiveaction #world

"He had never known such gallantry as the gallantry of Scarlett O'Hara going forth to conquer the world in her mother's velvet curtains and the tail feathers of a rooster."
- Margaret Mitchell

"Sun, That awakens Paris/ The highest poplar on the bank/ On The Eiffel Tower/ A tricolored cock/ Sings to the flapping of his wings and several feathers fall/ As it resumes its course/ The Seine looks between the bridges/ For her old route/ And the Obelisk/ That has forgotten the Egyptian words/ Has not blossomed this year" -Vicente Huidobro, The Cubist Poets in Paris: An Anthology #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #beinspired

"Sun, That awakens Paris/ The highest poplar on the bank/ On The Eiffel Tower/ A tricolored cock/ Sings to the flapping of his wings and several feathers fall/ As it resumes its course/ The Seine looks between the bridges/ For her old route/ And the Obelisk/ That has forgotten the Egyptian words/ Has not blossomed this year"
- Vicente Huidobro, The Cubist Poets in Paris: An Anthology

"This morning do something different: When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!" -Mehmet Murat ildan #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #socialimpact

"This morning do something different: When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!"
- Mehmet Murat ildan


Claes, R., Muyshondt, P. G., Dirckx, J. J., & Aerts, P. (2018). Do high sound pressure levels of crowing in roosters necessitate passive mechanisms for protection against self-vocalization? Zoology, 126, 65–70.

Isabela is a determined millennial passionate about continuously seeking out ways to make an impact. With a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering with honors, Isabela’s research expertise and interest in artistic works, coupled with a creative mindset, offers readers a fresh take on different environmental, social, and personal development topics.

Photo by francisco monteiro on Unsplash
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