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National Panda Day: Protecting the Adorable Bears

March 16th is National Panda Day, which is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting the black and white bear species. They may be one of the most recognizable animals, garnering continuous conservation efforts, but they are still threatened. Read on to learn more.

Featured in: March - Awareness Months, Days & Observances.

Why Pandas Matter

panda near fence
Photo by Lukas W. on Unsplash.

The Giant Panda, endemic to China, is one of the eight bear species notable for its striking black and white coat and stout build, reaching heights up to 6.4 feet and weighing up to 250 pounds. 

Their black fur prominently featured on ears, eye patches, limbs, and shoulders. This distinctive coat, contrasting starkly with the rest of their white fur, is thought to act as both winter and summer camouflage, blending with snow or providing shade alike. 

Surprisingly, Qin Ling pandas, a subspecies endemic in the mountain ranges of Shaanxi province, replace black with shades of brown.

These adorable creatures are also famous for their diet. Even though they evolved to eat meat, they prefer munching on bamboo shoots, at 20 to 30 pounds daily. They even developed a specialized “thumb” to hold bamboo stalks.

These bears significantly influence the forest ecosystems they inhabit by inadvertently dispersing seeds and plant matter that become affixed to their fur – a mixture of arboreal navigation and swimming aids this process. 

Besides their ecological role, these pandas hold significance in Chinese culture, symbolizing peace and friendship. It is also associated with Yin and Yang, a philosophy about the interconnectedness of two opposite forces, much like the contrasting colors of the bear.

From a global perspective, the Giant Panda, inspired by Chi-Chi from the London Zoo in 1961, was chosen as the emblem for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Its appealing presence and universally recognizable features have become an unforgettable conservation movement symbol.

The Cause and Its Challenges

two pandas
Photo by Ilona Froehlich on Unsplash.

On March 16, let's reflect on the journey of the Giant Panda, a symbol of wildlife conservation. These black and white bears teetered on the brink of extinction for long. However, dedicated conservation efforts yielded encouraging improvements. 

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 reclassified the status of Giant Pandas from endangered to vulnerable2.

Data from the Fourth National Survey (2011-2014) reveal a population of around 1,864 adult Giant Pandas, excluding cubs of less than 1.5 years. Considering the 9.6% cub population, the total shoots to approximately 2,060 pandas. However, mature adults comprise about 50.5% of the population, putting the number at 1,040.

National surveys show that a once-declining Giant Panda population is now increasing, largely due to China's forest protection and reforestation measures. Increased habitat and a larger populated area have facilitated the growth in the number of these creatures. 

However, predictions suggest climate change could reduce the Panda's bamboo habitat by over 35% in the next eight decades, rendering the species vulnerable.

Another concern is the reproduction challenges female pandas undergo, such as a brief fertility window and variable birth season1.

Conservation plans must continue to address this issue and other threats such as habitat loss, fragmentation, and human activities like unmanaged tourism and infrastructure projects. 

The shift from an endangered status to a vulnerable one brings hope but reminds us of the needed work. Continued support for China's conservation policy expansion will ensure the Giant Panda's survival. Let's keep fostering a secure future for these gentle giants.

Efforts and Initiatives

panda on tree
Photo by Theodor Lundqvist on Unsplash.

Being the home of adorable creatures, the Chinese government has undertaken notable efforts in its shift towards panda conservation.

Investment commitments towards infrastructure and reserve staff training, anti-poaching initiatives, and human relocation plans all contribute to the government's holistic approach. 

This is complemented by ecological schemes such as the Natural Forest Conservation Program and the Grain-to-Green Program, both aimed at curbing deforestation and erosion, prominent threats for pandas. 

As for efforts from local non-profits, the Chengdu Panda Base stands out in implementing captive breeding programs and conducting wildlife research. It boasts of nurturing 83 pandas, all descendants of six rescued pandas from its inception in 1987. 

On an international level, the World Wide Fund (WWF) has persistently championed panda preservation since 1980. Together with the Chinese government, they have amassed a total of over 3.8 million acres of reserves. Aside from pandas, WWF’s international strategy of rigorous public education and government engagement also includes other endangered species.

Pandas International is also a Colorado-based non-profit committed to raising public awareness and funds for panda conservancy efforts, particularly for China's Wolong Panda Center.

How to Get Involved and Support National Panda Day

panda on grass
Photo by Polina Razorilova on Unsplash.

Volunteering at your local zoo can be a great way to get involved with panda care and celebrate National Panda Day. Many zoos offer programs that provide opportunities to understand pandas' habits, needs, and their role in the ecosystem. 

Another way to support panda conservation efforts is through symbolic adoption programs offered by various conservation organizations worldwide. These programs allow you to contribute directly to panda care and conservation efforts. 

Displaying a panda adoption certificate in your workspace can also showcase your support.

Remember that even small actions can make a significant impact.  So, use social media to advocate for pandas and raise awareness. Spark conversations and inspire the next generation of panda ambassadors. 


National Panda Day reminds us of the importance of biodiversity and how our actions can impact it. The Giant Panda is crucial in maintaining the health of bamboo forests, which are essential to the ecosystem. 

Supporting conservation groups and symbolically adopting a panda are ways to show our love for these animals and contribute to their survival. Every effort counts in preserving these amazing animals for the future.

National Panda Day FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is National Panda Day?

Every March 16, this annual event raises awareness about the conservation of pandas and their natural habitat.

2. Why are pandas endangered?

Pandas are endangered due to habitat loss, fragmentation, and poaching.

3. How many pandas are left in the wild?

As of the latest count, approximately 1,800 giant pandas live in the wild.

4. What are some measures that protect pandas?

Conservation organizations have established protected areas, conducted research, and implemented breeding and reintroduction programs.

5. How can I help support panda conservation?

You can donate to reputable organizations, spread awareness, and make sustainable choices that contribute to preserving their habitat.


Wauters, J., Wilson, K. S., Bouts, T., Vancsok, C., Mulot, B., Leclerc, A., Haapakoski, M., Kok, J., Kuehne, R., Ochs, A., McNeilly, A. S., Rae, M. T., Andrew, R., Duncan, W. C., Girling, S. J., Zhou, Q., Li, R., Zhou, Y., Cai, K., . . . Vanhaecke, L. (2022). Evolutionary survival strategies of the female giant panda: optimizing energy resources and expenditure prior to pregnancy by postponing corpus luteum reactivation. bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory).


Swaisgood, R., Wang, D. & Wei, F. (2016). Ailuropoda melanoleuca (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T712A121745669.

Mike is a degree-qualified researcher and writer passionate about increasing global awareness about climate change and encouraging people to act collectively in resolving these issues.

Fact Checked By:
Isabela Sedano, BEng.

Photo by Zhengzheng Shi on Pexels.
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