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20 Panda Quotes About The Adorable Bear of China

While the West has brown and black bears, and the Arctic has polar bears, the East has lazy yet adorable black and white giant pandas. The fluffy giants became a symbol not only for a nation and the fight for conservation but also a favorite in modern popular culture. Aside from feature films and stuffed toys, let's sincerely appreciate these creatures through our handpicked panda quotes below.

Panda Quotes About The Black And White Bear

Beloved by millions across the globe, the giant panda is native to the bamboo forests of central China. While they may be carnivores by classification, they are primarily herbivores in practice, with bamboo making up a staggering 99% of their diet. 

Like zebras, pandas have black and white coats to camouflage from their predators, which a study proved through modern image analysis1.

In 2016, IUCN downlisted the giant pandas from endangered to vulnerable thanks to the conservation efforts of the Chinese government. Yet, their report also says the population could decline in the 80 years due to climate change, eliminating more than 35% of their habitats.

As we cherish and share these panda quotes, let's remember how our actions affect these magnificent creatures. As a reminder, mark National Panda Day in your calendars, a day dedicated to raising awareness and protecting pandas.

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. They eat shoots and leaves." -Lynne Truss #trvst #quotes #takeaction #gogreen #panda

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. They eat shoots and leaves."
- Lynne Truss

"The sad thing about destroying the environment is that we're going to take the rest of life with us. The bluebirds will be gone, and the elephants will be gone, and the tigers will be gone, and the pandas will be gone." -Ted Turner #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #socialchange #panda #life

"The sad thing about destroying the environment is that we're going to take the rest of life with us. The bluebirds will be gone, and the elephants will be gone, and the tigers will be gone, and the pandas will be gone."
- Ted Turner

"Less diversity means fewer options for change. Wild or domesticated, panda or pea, adaptation is the requirement for survival." -Cary Fowler #trvst #quotes #gogreen #beinspired #panda #survival

"Less diversity means fewer options for change. Wild or domesticated, panda or pea, adaptation is the requirement for survival."
- Cary Fowler

"We use pandas and eagles and things. I’d love to see a wilderness society with an angry-looking wolverine as their logo." -E. O. Wilson #trvst #quotes #beinspired #ecoconscious #panda #love #wilderness

"We use pandas and eagles and things. I’d love to see a wilderness society with an angry-looking wolverine as their logo."
- E. O. Wilson

"I thought the secret of life was obvious—be here now, love as if your whole life depended on it, find your life's work, and try to get hold of a giant panda." -Anne Lamott #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #impact #panda #love #life

"I thought the secret of life was obvious—be here now, love as if your whole life depended on it, find your life's work, and try to get hold of a giant panda."
- Anne Lamott

"I'm really into pandas right now. They're really scratching an itch for me. They're so goddamn cute." -Nick Kroll #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #socialimpact #panda

"I'm really into pandas right now. They're really scratching an itch for me. They're so goddamn cute."
- Nick Kroll

"I met someone who works at the zoo. Apparently, the panda is a nasty animal." -Dov Davidoff #trvst #quotes #socialchange #thinkgreen #panda #animal

"I met someone who works at the zoo. Apparently, the panda is a nasty animal."
- Dov Davidoff

Kung Fu Panda Quotes

The Kung Fu Panda franchise has won countless fans with its cute characters and witty storytelling. Since DreamWorks Animation released the first film in 2008, this delightful series has enthralled audiences and imparted crucial life lessons. 

As we join Po, the clumsy yet selfless panda, and the other animals, the film touches on family, destiny, and identity themes, encouraging viewers to reflect on their inner growth and confront challenges. Whereas our star initially struggled with his kung-fu skills, he became a legendary warrior as the series progressed.

Get words of wisdom from Master Oogway and the others as you read our short collection of inspirational quotes from the movie franchise.

"One of the things we love about Po is that he's vulnerable. He's someone that we can all identify with because he has those insecurities." -Jennifer Yuh Nelson #trvst #quotes #dogood #changetheworld #panda #love #kungfupanda

"One of the things we love about Po is that he's vulnerable. He's someone that we can all identify with because he has those insecurities."
- Jennifer Yuh Nelson

"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are." -Master Shifu #trvst #quotes #bethechange #thinkgreen #panda  #kungfupanda

"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are."
- Master Shifu

"Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear." -Master Oogway #trvst #quotes #socialchange #impact #panda #water  #kungfupanda

"Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."
- Master Oogway

"There is no secret ingredient. Don't have to. To make something special, you just believe it's special." -Mr Ping #trvst #quotes #takeaction #ecoconscious #panda #special  #kungfupanda

"There is no secret ingredient. Don't have to. To make something special, you just believe it's special."
- Mr Ping

"Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it- who you choose to be." -Soothsayer #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #gogreen #panda #happy  #kungfupanda

"Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it- who you choose to be."
- Soothsayer

Funny Panda Quotes To Make You Smile

Pandas have undoubtedly charmed people worldwide with their delightful antics. As internet sensations, these black and white bears have inspired a plethora of memes and funny clips. With their chubby faces, expressive eyes, and clumsy movements, pandas never fail to make even the most hardened cynic smile.

Some of the panda quotes included in the section are jabbing on the lazy and gluttonous nature of the bear. Others use the panda's weight and tricky breeding as metaphors. After having a laugh over the quotes, research the related facts to deepen your appreciation for these creatures further.

After reading the rest of the panda quotes, start your search about the life of pandas and other bears in our collection of brilliant bear facts.

Or check out all you need to know about their namesake in our red panda facts, who share a name but are more closely related to raccoons and weasels.

"It's like the panda. They say that they're dying out, but what do they do? When you see them, they're just sitting in the jungle eating." -Karl Pilkington #trvst #quotes #impact #ecoconscious #panda

"It's like the panda. They say that they're dying out, but what do they do? When you see them, they're just sitting in the jungle eating."
- Karl Pilkington

"I'm nicknamed as ‘Panda' because I sleep, then eat, then play; but, to note is that I'm super cute." -Annie John #trvst #quotes #takeaction #dogood #panda #sleep

"I'm nicknamed as ‘Panda' because I sleep, then eat, then play; but, to note is that I'm super cute."
- Annie John

"Pandas. They're proof that you can eat just bamboo and still be fat." -Unknown  #trvst #quotes #bethechange #beinspired #panda

"Pandas. They're proof that you can eat just bamboo and still be fat."
- Unknown

"Do you think pandas know they're Chinese and they're taking the one child policy a bit too seriously?" -Jim Jefferies #trvst #quotes #bethechange #beinspired #panda

"Do you think pandas know they're Chinese and they're taking the one child policy a bit too seriously?"
- Jim Jefferies

"He was a giant panda, Santa Claus, and the Jolly Green Giant rolled into one. On him, a lean and slender physique would have looked like very bad casting." -Craig Claiborne #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #dogood #panda

"He was a giant panda, Santa Claus, and the Jolly Green Giant rolled into one. On him, a lean and slender physique would have looked like very bad casting."
- Craig Claiborne

"I've been punched by a vampire, an Indian girl, and a panda. I should be a video game." -Adam Rex #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #collectiveaction #panda

"I've been punched by a vampire, an Indian girl, and a panda. I should be a video game."
- Adam Rex

"I'm not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now." -Ryan Reynolds #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #thinkgreen #panda

"I'm not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now."
- Ryan Reynolds

"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing." -Robert Orben #trvst #quotes #takeaction #beinspired #panda #results

"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing."
- Robert Orben

Friendship looks like a cuddly, warm panda hug.

You don't look in the eyes of a carrot seed quite in the way you do a panda bear, but it's very important diversity.

~ Cary Fowler


Nokelainen, O., E., N., Nie, Y., Wei, F., & Caro, T. (2021). The giant panda is cryptic. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.

By Isabela Sedano, BEng.

Isabela is a determined millennial passionate about continuously seeking out ways to make an impact. With a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering with honors, Isabela’s research expertise and interest in artistic works, coupled with a creative mindset, offers readers a fresh take on different environmental, social, and personal development topics.

Photo by Yena Kwon
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