Capybara Facts
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14 Capybara Facts About the World’s Largest Rodents

Welcome to the realm of Capybara Facts! As the largest rodent on Earth, capybaras possess an array of unique traits and habits. Native to South America, these social animals have a strong affinity for water and are known for their distinct appearance.

This article uncovers key facts and insights about the capybara's unusual characteristics and intriguing behaviors. So, read on to better understand the capybara and learn why these gentle creatures have gained so much attention in the natural world.

14 Facts About Capybaras You Never Knew

Group of capybaras on grass
Photo by Jaime Dantas on Unsplash

1. Capybaras are the world’s largest living rodent

Native to South America, capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are the world's largest rodents. Fully grown adult males can measure up to 4.3 feet in length and weigh a substantial 145 pounds. They also have unmistakable barrel-shaped bodies, short legs, large heads, and blunt snouts. They sport coarse, wiry hair that ranges in color from brown to gray.

The capybara’s immense size is a product of its unique evolutionary history and environmental adaptation. As semi-aquatic mammals, they deftly navigate both land and water. Their webbed feet and specialized teeth, which continue to grow throughout their lives, contribute to their adaptability.

For more from the world of rodents, and their distantly related relatives, check out our beaver quotes.

2. They are also known as “Water Pigs,” “Carpincho,” and “Giant Guinea Pigs.” 

Capybaras boast a variety of names in different cultures, such as "water pig," "carpincho," and "giant guinea pig." The moniker "water pig" reflects a typical capybara's semi-aquatic lifestyle and stocky, pig-like appearance.

In contrast, "carpincho" comes from the Guarani language, meaning "master of the grasses." This name captures the capybara's preference for grassy meals and the grasslands and wetlands they inhabit. 

Meanwhile, "giant guinea pig" shows that the giant rodent is closely related to the smaller, well-known guinea pig and rock cavies. Though both species belong to the cavy family (Caviidae), the immense size of the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) separates it from its close relatives.

3. They are expert swimmers and divers

A wet capybara
Photo by Lucas Oliveira on Unsplash

Capybaras are incredibly agile. They are master swimmers and divers, thanks to their unique physical features. For example, their slightly webbed toes increase their feet's surface area, helping them glide more efficiently through the water. Similarly, their strong legs help capybaras propel themselves quickly, swiftly outmaneuvering predators or reaching their desired spots.

These big rodents can also hold their breath for up to five minutes, allowing them to dive deep in search of aquatic plants, a vital part of their diet. This ability is crucial for escaping threats, as a capybara can stay underwater for as long as it needs until the predator leaves.

4. Capybaras are keystone species

As keystone species, capybaras significantly impact their ecosystems in ways that extend beyond their size and abundance. First, they serve as a crucial food source for predators such as jaguars, caiman, and anacondas. When capybara populations fluctuate, the dynamics between predators and their prey can be directly affected, ensuring control over other smaller populations.

As a capybara grazes on grasses and aquatic plants, it prevents overgrowth and encourages biodiversity in their habitats.

Their feeding habits, which involve favoring certain plants over others, can shape the structure and composition of plant communities. Moreover, they spread seeds throughout their range via their feces, supporting the maintenance of diverse plant populations and overall ecosystem health.

6. Capybaras live in the grasslands and wetlands of South America

Throughout their natural history, these large rodents have flourished in South America's grasslands and wetlands that offer abundant food and protection from predators like anacondas1.

These animals are locally common in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela, seeking environments rich in bodies of water like rivers, lakes, and marshes. However, they have also been spotted in Panama, which bridges Central and South America. Dense vegetation also plays a crucial role in their habitat choice, providing hiding and resting spots during the day.

Additionally, these animals can adapt to various landscapes and elevations, even reaching altitudes of up to 4,300 meters in the Andes Mountains.

They often inhabit wet grasslands, which provide a wealth of food for consumption. Their resourcefulness has also led them to venture into agricultural lands, where they graze on crops like corn, rice, and sugarcane. 

7. They eat grass and aquatic plants

capybara in a field
Photo by Jaime Dantas on Unsplash

As herbivores, capybaras eat aquatic plants and grasses primarily. In their search for food, they target tender, young shoots and leaves that provide a wealth of nutrients and are easier to digest. Interestingly, they are selective feeders, opting for the most nutritious parts of plants to consume. This feeding behavior benefits them and fosters a balanced ecosystem by preventing the overgrowth of specific plant species in their habitats.

To effectively process their fibrous diet, these herbivores boast well-adapted teeth designed for grinding plant material. They also have a complex, multi-chambered stomach, similar to a cow's, which enables them to break down tough fibers and extract essential nutrients.

Unlike other animals, these creatures practice coprophagy, consuming their own poop to extract additional nutrients and make the most of their plant-based diet.

8. They are socialites

Capybaras, often referred to as the quintessential socialites of the animal kingdom, enjoy dwelling in tight-knit groups that can fluctuate in size, usually ranging from 10 to even 100 individuals. The group size is usually smaller in the wet season and grows in the dryer weather of summer.

This group structure aids communication, offers protection against natural predators, and ensures the effective rearing of offspring.

Their hierarchical society is typically led by a dominant male, his reign characterized by the highest breeding rights and access to the best resources. These leaders often assert their status through various displays of power and influence. However, beneath the male leaders are the females who ensure the smooth operations of the community and other subordinate males.

8. Capybara pups can swim as soon as they are born

Impressively, capybara pups can swim almost as soon as they're born. Using their webbed feet, they glide gracefully through the water and occasionally catch a ride on their mother's back during swimming or resting sessions. 

The survival of capybara pups is a group effort, with both capybara males and adult females contributing to their upbringing. This method of rearing young is also similar to human beings. Besides, these social creatures communicate through various vocalizations, helping young capybaras stay connected with their parents and group members.

9. Capybaras mate in the water

capybara swimming
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Capybaras follow a unique reproductive process deeply connected to their watery habitats. Mating in water offers these creatures privacy and protection from predators during this vulnerable time. The dense vegetation and murky waters create an ideal environment for discreet mating while the water's buoyancy supports their hefty bodies, ensuring a safer experience for both partners.

The onset of capybara mating season coincides with the wet seasons, which typically span from April to May. With abundant food for their soon-to-be-born offspring, the season is perfect for reproduction.

Territorial males, who reach sexual maturity after 15 months, utilize their morrillo, a scent gland on their noses, to mark territory and attract potential mates. As female capybaras engage with multiple partners, primarily a dominant male, genetic diversity within their litter increases, promoting their overall health and resilience.

10. Capybaras enjoy a symbiotic relationship with birds

Capybaras often engage in fascinating symbiotic relationships with various bird species, such as cattle egrets, cowbirds, and wattled jacanas. Known for their docile nature, capybaras willingly tolerate and even seem to enjoy the company of these birds2, unlike other rodents.

Their bird friends treat these gentle animals as nature’s ottoman, standing on their bodies while feasting on ticks, dead skin, and other parasites on the capybara’s ears and nostrils.

Moreover, these huge rodents can remain still for extended periods, providing the perfect environment for birds to preen and even use their bodies as vantage points for spotting potential predators like green anacondas. 

11. They can be owned as pets in some US states

You can own a capybara as a pet in some US states like Texas, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Unlike other animals, prospective owners must know that a significant investment of time, effort, and resources is needed to ensure their well-being.

Each state has regulations, and obtaining a permit requires proof of adequate space and appropriate facilities. A capybara's enclosure should be spacious, offering at least 100 square feet per animal. Ideally, it should be situated outdoors, allowing these fascinating creatures to engage in natural behaviors and exploration.

Access to a water source such as a pool or shallow water like a pond is essential for Capybara owners to maintain their quality of life. These highly adapted animals rely on water for swimming, diving, and mating. Water also keeps their dry skin moist. 

Keep in mind that these gentle animals are inherently social, preferring to live in large groups. To prevent stress or depression caused by isolation, owners need at least two adult capybaras for sufficient group size.

12. They can “bark” like dogs

Capybaras can produce a unique vocalization similar to a dog's bark. This intriguing sound allows them to interact with fellow group members and share essential information. Moreover, this easily recognizable barking sound helps these social creatures strengthen bonds within their groups and remain attentive to their surroundings.

Besides their remarkable barking ability, adult capybara uses vocalizations, including whistles, grunts, and purrs, to express different emotions and messages. This diverse range of sounds also enables them to warn each other about potential threats or nearby dangers. For instance, when a capybara senses a predator approaching, it can bark and alert the other group members of the threat.

13. Conservation Status: Least Concern, but Threatened by Habitat Loss

Last, our list of capybara facts notes their conservation status. Since 2016, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has classified capybaras, like most rodents, as “least concern.” Still, they face considerable challenges, such as habitat loss and hunting. 

Deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization in Northern Argentina and other regions contribute to the destruction and fragmentation of their natural habitats3, pushing these creatures to adapt to shrinking living spaces. Wetlands are particularly vulnerable to being drained and converted into agricultural lands affecting the water supply.

Hunting also threatens capybaras in some South American regions, primarily for their meat and skin. The meat is considered a delicacy in certain areas, while their skin is valued for its use in leather products. Hunting regulations and their enforcement vary between countries. For example, Colombia implements strict protections against capybara hunting, whereas other nations struggle with illegal poaching and lax rules.

In a concerted effort to protect and preserve the species, capybaras bred in zoos and captivity help ensure their survival even amidst their dwindling natural habitats.

Related: To further explore the animal kingdom, check out some of the other animals that start with C.


Herrera, E. A., & Macdonald, D. W. (1989). Resource Utilization and Territoriality in Group-Living Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). Journal of Animal Ecology, 58(2), 667-679.


 Herrera, E. A., & Macdonald, D. W. (2013). The capybara: Biology, use and conservation of an exceptional neotropical species. Springer Science & Business Media.


Macdonald, D. W. (1981). Dwindling resources and the social behaviour of Capybaras, (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) (Mammalia). Journal of Zoology, 194(3), 371-391.

Isabela is a determined millennial passionate about continuously seeking out ways to make an impact. With a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering with honors, Isabela’s research expertise and interest in artistic works, coupled with a creative mindset, offers readers a fresh take on different environmental, social, and personal development topics.

Fact Checked By:
Ben Hart, BSc.

Photo by Wesley Caribe on Unsplash
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