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48 Orange Quotes to Inspire a Positive Outlook

Orange is a vibrant color. It communicates fun, creativity, optimism, and playfulness. It stands between red and yellow, strong, energetic, and bold like red. On the other hand, it’s playful, cheerful, and happy, like yellow. As the sky is filled with orange hues, we’ve featured some of the best orange quotes to inspire your day.

Orange is many things in our world. Orange is the color of sunsets and is synonymous with orange fruits, some of which share its name. Apart from its cheerful connotations, orange is also closely linked to our health and well-being. The fruit has many benefits to our body - including when you drink orange juice which is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Best orange quotes

Orange can have a positive influence on moods, attitudes, and emotions. Orange can instantly brighten up a moment in whatever form it takes. Orange represents enthusiasm, joy, happiness, and playfulness. 

In addition, it also brings about feelings of warmth. This combination of properties can cause us to pause and reflect on brighter moments. Here are some orange quotes to brighten up any moment.

Related: Color Meaning, Nature, Symbolism, and Psychology

"The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again." -Ram Charan #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #orange #sun #orangelove #sunset #orangeness

"The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again."
- Ram Charan

"There is no blue without yellow and without orange." -Vincent Van Gogh #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #inspirationalorange #beautifulorange #colororange #orange #oranges

"There is no blue without yellow and without orange."
- Vincent Van Gogh

"Orange is my favorite color overall." -Dale Earnhardt Jr. #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #colororange #orange #orangeness #oranges #orangelove

"Orange is my favorite color overall."
- Dale Earnhardt Jr.

"I always bring an orange scarf, not just so I can wear it or tuck it into my pocket, but also so I can throw it over a lamp in the hotel room. Orange is my favourite colour, and it gives a lovely, warm ambience." -RuPaul #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #colororange #oranges #orange #beautifulorange #orangeness

"I always bring an orange scarf, not just so I can wear it or tuck it into my pocket, but also so I can throw it over a lamp in the hotel room. Orange is my favourite colour, and it gives a lovely, warm ambience."
- RuPaul

"When I think of flavours, I think colour, so lemon should be yellow and orange is orange." -Dylan Lauren #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #inspirationalorange #colororange #oranges #orange #orangeer

"When I think of flavours, I think colour, so lemon should be yellow and orange is orange."
- Dylan Lauren

Orange color quotes appreciating its bright outlook

Many studies tell us about the power of orange helping us transition from dull moods to bright ones. When we examine how some brands use this color, we can sense the feeling of enthusiasm. 

Whether you’re sipping on your orange juice, admiring an orange star plant, or trying on an orange outfit in a world that’s filled with many sad stories, we can take lessons from orange. 

No wonder Michel Gondry said that orange is underrated and the second most underrated color after yellow. These two colors have the power to fill the world with sunshine and encouragement. These orange quotes explore the color’s upbeat and bright outlook.

"Orange is the color of the sun. It is vital and a good color generally, indicating thoughtfulness and consideration of others." -Edgar Cayce #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #colororange #sun #orange #orangeer #oranges

"Orange is the color of the sun. It is vital and a good color generally, indicating thoughtfulness and consideration of others."
- Edgar Cayce

"Mixing in some rusty oranges is a warm way to update your place for fall." -Nate Berkus #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #beautifulorange #orange #orangeness #colororange #orangelove

"Mixing in some rusty oranges is a warm way to update your place for fall."
- Nate Berkus

"I like to peel it and share it with friends. You can spread the love with an orange." -Gina Rodriguez #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #beautifulorange #love #colororange #oranges #inspirationalorange

"I like to peel it and share it with friends. You can spread the love with an orange."
- Gina Rodriguez

"Orange is an underrated color, it's the second most underrated color after yellow." -Michel Gondry #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #colororange #orange #orangelove #oranges #orangeness

"Orange is an underrated color, it's the second most underrated color after yellow."
- Michel Gondry

"Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness. Orange vibration foods are: oranges, tangerines, apricots, mangoes, peaches and carrots." -Tae Yun Kim #trvst #quotes #colorlove #color #orange #inspirationalorange #colororange #orangeer #orangelove

"Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness. Orange vibration foods are: oranges, tangerines, apricots, mangoes, peaches and carrots."
- Tae Yun Kim

Quotes referencing the color orange in nature and the environment

Orange is a beautiful color that plays a significant role in our natural environment. This color is vibrant, from sunrises and sunsets to orange fruits and flowers. 

We watch sunsets that reveal the sun as an orange star falling from the sky, illuminating the sky and reminding us of the beauty our world has to offer. How many times have you stopped to catch the sunset simply to admire it? 

Watching it alone evokes feelings of connection, wonder, and expression. It also brings about a general sense of freedom in our vast world. Let’s examine some orange quotes that admire the beauty of this color in nature. 

"In an organic system you don't waste anything. We need to educate the consumer to accept a tiny blemish on an orange." -Robert Patterson #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #colororange #orange #oranges #orangelove #orangeer

"In an organic system you don't waste anything. We need to educate the consumer to accept a tiny blemish on an orange."
- Robert Patterson

"Meanwhile the sunsets are mad orange fools raging in the gloom. " -Jack Kerouac #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangeness #oranges #colororange #orangelove #inspirationalorange

"Meanwhile the sunsets are mad orange fools raging in the gloom. "
- Jack Kerouac

"Generally on a Saturday I come home wreathed in media glamour having interviewed a former Krankie or someone, and suddenly I am back in the world of orange blossom and bells." -Richard Coles #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orangelove #colororange #orangeer #orange #orangeness

"Generally on a Saturday I come home wreathed in media glamour having interviewed a former Krankie or someone, and suddenly I am back in the world of orange blossom and bells."
- Richard Coles

"Bright as the orange star falling from the silent sky." -Mario William Vitale #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orange #silent #colororange #oranges #beautifulorange

"Bright as the orange star falling from the silent sky."
- Mario William Vitale

"Fall is my favorite my time of the year. I love it. I'll try and make it back to Vancouver a bunch. I love going back home for that. Everything turns orange. You start to get out of summer, start making your way into the winter, everyone is wearing jackets. Vancouver lights up in the fall, so I definitely go back there for a bit." -Jean-Luc Bilodeau #trvst #quotes #colorlove #color #inspirationalorange #love #oranges #orange #beautifulorange

"Fall is my favorite my time of the year. I love it. I'll try and make it back to Vancouver a bunch. I love going back home for that. Everything turns orange. You start to get out of summer, start making your way into the winter, everyone is wearing jackets. Vancouver lights up in the fall, so I definitely go back there for a bit."
- Jean-Luc Bilodeau

"When I watch the sunset, I observe an orange sky." -Steven Magee #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangelove #sunset #orangeness #oranges #orangeer

"When I watch the sunset, I observe an orange sky."
- Steven Magee

Related: Looking up and pondering the orange sky? Or perhaps it is yellow? Check out our article on why the sky is yellow.

"I love the scent of jasmine, honeysuckle, and orange blossom. They remind me of gardens and visits to the ocean I would make as a boy." -Narciso Rodriguez #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #oranges #ocean #orange #love #beautifulorange

"I love the scent of jasmine, honeysuckle, and orange blossom. They remind me of gardens and visits to the ocean I would make as a boy."
- Narciso Rodriguez

Orange juice quotes

Orange juice is a nutritious beverage that can supply our bodies with Vitamin C and other nutrients. It’s also high in antioxidants. You’ll often find this beverage on breakfast tables the world over, freshly squeezed juice, or in a box. 

In addition to being a happy color, we can also associate orange with health and wellness. Orange juice leaves us feeling refreshed. Apart from this, it supports our immune system and detoxifies our body. Here are some orange quotes that’ll take you to a safe space of sipping on a cool glass of orange juice.

"God doesn't make orange juice, God makes oranges." -Jesse Jackson #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #beautifulorange #colororange #orange #inspirationalorange #orangelove

"God doesn't make orange juice, God makes oranges."
- Jesse Jackson

"Try not thinking of peeling an orange. Try not imagining the juice running down your fingers, the soft inner part of the peel. The smell. Try and you can't. The brain doesn't process negatives." -Douglas Coupland #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangeer #inspirationalorange #orangeness #colororange #orange

"Try not thinking of peeling an orange. Try not imagining the juice running down your fingers, the soft inner part of the peel. The smell. Try and you can't. The brain doesn't process negatives."
- Douglas Coupland

"With a little more tweaking, we could make orange juice in the orange without any packaging or processing." -Homaro Cantu #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #orangelove #orangeness #oranges #orange #inspirationalorange

"With a little more tweaking, we could make orange juice in the orange without any packaging or processing."
- Homaro Cantu

"I squeeze oranges every morning to make juice." -Utada Hikaru #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #orangeer #orange #inspirationalorange #orangeness #orangelove

"I squeeze oranges every morning to make juice."
- Utada Hikaru

"Good news for orange lovers: citrus fruit intake has been associated with reduced stroke risk." -Michael Greger #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #inspirationalorange #orange #colororange #beautifulorange #orangelove

"Good news for orange lovers: citrus fruit intake has been associated with reduced stroke risk."
- Michael Greger

"Come over here and sit on my knee and finish your orange juice." -Sonny Liston #trvst #quotes #colorlove #color #orangeness #oranges #orange #orangeer #orangelove

"Come over here and sit on my knee and finish your orange juice."
- Sonny Liston

Orange fruit quotes

Orange is a good source of Vitamin C in our diet. As a result, orange strengthens our bodies’ immune systems and aids iron absorption. We can find these popular fruits almost anywhere.

"In the wintertime, in the snow country, citrus fruit was so rare, and if you got one, it was better than ambrosia." -James Earl Jones #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #inspirationalorange #wintertime #colororange #orangeness #orangeer

"In the wintertime, in the snow country, citrus fruit was so rare, and if you got one, it was better than ambrosia."
- James Earl Jones

"Google is my best friend and my worst enemy. It's fabulous for research, but then it becomes addictive. I'll have a character eating an orange, and next thing I'm Googling types of oranges, I'm visiting chat rooms about oranges, I'm learning the history of the orange." -Liane Moriarty #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #inspirationalorange #orange #orangeer #oranges #orangelove

"Google is my best friend and my worst enemy. It's fabulous for research, but then it becomes addictive. I'll have a character eating an orange, and next thing I'm Googling types of oranges, I'm visiting chat rooms about oranges, I'm learning the history of the orange."
- Liane Moriarty

"California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange." -Fred Allen #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #colororange #orangelove #oranges #orange #inspirationalorange

"California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange."
- Fred Allen

"Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips" -John Candy #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #orange #orangeness #oranges #orangelove #inspirationalorange

"Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips"
- John Candy

In the gutter you, the peel of some sweet golden orange fruit.

~ Mathilde Blind

Orange color quotes about life

Orange is a color that can aid reflections on our life. We find its usage in metaphors, proverbs, and the likes as a way to understand specific experiences. This golden color speaks to various parts of life. Here, you’ll find orange quotes used in different life contexts.

"My father always said that if you want oranges, you have to go to where the oranges grow. " -Terrence Howard #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #colororange #orangelove #inspirationalorange #beautifulorange #orange

"My father always said that if you want oranges, you have to go to where the oranges grow. "
- Terrence Howard

"If I see three oranges, I have to juggle. And if I see two towers, I have to walk." -Philippe Petit #trvst #quotes #colorlove #color #colororange #orangeness #orangeer #orange #inspirationalorange

"If I see three oranges, I have to juggle. And if I see two towers, I have to walk."
- Philippe Petit

"Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not." -Mokokoma Mokhonoana #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangeness #tree #inspirationalorange #oranges #orangeer

"Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not."
- Mokokoma Mokhonoana

"An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life." -Jacques Prevert #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orange #life #orangeer #colororange #oranges

"An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life."
- Jacques Prevert

"There's nothing more marvelously wintery than orange root veg mash; some butter is all it needs." -Yotam Ottolenghi #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orangelove #inspirationalorange #beautifulorange #orange #orangeer

"There's nothing more marvelously wintery than orange root veg mash; some butter is all it needs."
- Yotam Ottolenghi

Orange quotes analogous to thoughtful moments

Apart from appreciating its bright appeal, we can use orange as a reference to get points across. Whether you’re thinking about sunny days or explaining differences in experiences, orange can provide a connection. 

Many people use terms like ‘apples and oranges’ to refer to distinctions in various things that we shouldn’t compare. As a result, this can become a channel to explore our minds and express our thoughts. Here, we feature some orange quotes that are analogous to thoughtful moments.

"I forgive nothing. If you stole my orange crayon in the fifth grade, you're still on my hit list, buddy." -Jonathan Carroll #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #inspirationalorange #orangeer #orange #colororange #orangelove

"I forgive nothing. If you stole my orange crayon in the fifth grade, you're still on my hit list, buddy."
- Jonathan Carroll

"You can't compare an apple to an orange. It will cause a lot of self-esteem issues." -Craig Sheffer #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #orangeer #orangelove #orange #colororange #oranges

"You can't compare an apple to an orange. It will cause a lot of self-esteem issues."
- Craig Sheffer

"When an orange tastes like an onion, the knife takes the blame. But it is the one who handed us the knife that should be questioned." -Paul Bamikole #trvst #quotes #colorlove #color #orangeer #orangelove #orange #colororange #beautifulorange

"When an orange tastes like an onion, the knife takes the blame. But it is the one who handed us the knife that should be questioned."
- Paul Bamikole

"Whatever color you believe in, be it green or orange, Hindu or Muslim, you can't cheat your country." -Alok Nath #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #colororange #beautifulorange #orangeer #orangelove #inspirationalorange

"Whatever color you believe in, be it green or orange, Hindu or Muslim, you can't cheat your country."
- Alok Nath

"During a color consultation, I like to reference food as a visual. Hot fudge and orange marmalade paint a clearer picture and helps prevent end results that leave you feeling unsatisfied." -Tabatha Coffey #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangeness #orangeer #colororange #orangelove #beautifulorange

"During a color consultation, I like to reference food as a visual. Hot fudge and orange marmalade paint a clearer picture and helps prevent end results that leave you feeling unsatisfied."
- Tabatha Coffey

Orange quotes about fashion

Many people put on something in orange as a statement piece. Your mood can also dictate the color of the outfit you wear. If you’re feeling exceptionally enthusiastic and excited, you may go for an orange clothing item. Even if you're feeling down, throwing on an orange piece can elevate your mood. Here are some orange quotes exploring its place in fashion.

"I personally wear a lot of earth tones - does that make me boring? I don't know. I do like a pop of color, like red shoes or a bright orange jacket." -Rhea Seehorn #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #colororange #earth #orangeness #earth #orangeer

"I personally wear a lot of earth tones - does that make me boring? I don't know. I do like a pop of color, like red shoes or a bright orange jacket."
- Rhea Seehorn

"Did you ever notice the color of Mary Poppins' petticoats? They were kind of orange and apricot and red. I think she had a secret life going on there." -Julie Andrews #trvst #quotes #inspiration #colorlove #inspirationalorange #life #colororange #beautifulorange #oranges

"Did you ever notice the color of Mary Poppins' petticoats? They were kind of orange and apricot and red. I think she had a secret life going on there."
- Julie Andrews

"I once wore bright orange flares with a Spice Girls t-shirt. Let's hope that's a look I'll never revisit." -Daisy Lowe #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #colororange #orangeer #orange #orangelove #oranges

"I once wore bright orange flares with a Spice Girls t-shirt. Let's hope that's a look I'll never revisit."
- Daisy Lowe

"I remember wearing a mix of orange and yellow color salwar kameez for my first Kannada film, Maharaja.' It looked absolutely hideous and it was very embarrassing for me to sport that outfit." -Nikita Thukral #trvst #quotes #color #inspiration #beautifulorange #orangeer #orange #oranges #orangelove

"I remember wearing a mix of orange and yellow color salwar kameez for my first Kannada film, Maharaja.' It looked absolutely hideous and it was very embarrassing for me to sport that outfit."
- Nikita Thukral

Orange quotes from arts and literature

Many creatives in the arts and literature field have referenced orange in their works. From their lyrics and writings to simple statements, not surprisingly, orange is widely referred to in the arts. Here are some orange quotes from popular names you may be familiar with.

"Orange is a color of liberation, from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To channel orange is to truly be free, to be you." -Frank Ocean #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #colororange #love #orangelove #orangeer #beautifulorange

"Orange is a color of liberation, from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To channel orange is to truly be free, to be you."
- Frank Ocean

"To compare the albums is like trying to compare apples and oranges." -Josh Silver #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #colororange #inspirationalorange #orangelove #oranges #orangeer

"To compare the albums is like trying to compare apples and oranges."
- Josh Silver

"The child, attracted by the view of that fair orange, feebly threw. A languid look-perhaps the smell convinced it that there sure must dwell a corresponding sweetness there." -Charles Lamb #trvst #quotes #inspiration #color #orangelove #beautifulorange #orange #orangeer #colororange

"The child, attracted by the view of that fair orange, feebly threw. A languid look-perhaps the smell convinced it that there sure must dwell a corresponding sweetness there."
- Charles Lamb

"Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different." -Stephen King #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orange #orangeer #orangelove #colororange #oranges

"Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different."
- Stephen King

"It was like trying to break up with the color orange, or Wednesday, or silent e. It was the most passionate and tumultuous relationship I'd ever known. " -Rob Sheffield #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orangeness #silent #inspirationalorange #orange #beautifulorange

"It was like trying to break up with the color orange, or Wednesday, or silent e. It was the most passionate and tumultuous relationship I'd ever known. "
- Rob Sheffield

"And she sees that the moonlight is losing its orange glow. It has become buttery, and will soon turn to silver. " -Stephen King #trvst #quotes #color #colorlove #orange #beautifulorange #orangeer #orangelove #colororange

"And she sees that the moonlight is losing its orange glow. It has become buttery, and will soon turn to silver. "
- Stephen King

"One mustn't ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness." -Gustave Flaubert #trvst #quotes #colorlove #inspiration #orange #love #beautifulorange #sun #oranges

"One mustn't ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness."
- Gustave Flaubert

If the real world is orange juice, then art is like orange-juice concentrate.

~ Martin Mull

By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash
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