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Global Wellness Day: Achieving Daily Wellness

Global Wellness Day is celebrated annually on the second Saturday of June. It promotes the harmony of body and mind, emphasizing the holistic nature of wellness. Moreover, the event encourages people to prioritize their health and well-being by leading a healthy lifestyle.

This awareness day asks everyone, “How can I live a healthier and better life?” Read on to learn how and more.

Featured in: June - Awareness Months, Days & Observances.

Why Global Wellness Day Matters

morning jog
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash.

Today’s hectic world causes high-stress levels, increased consumption of fast food, and reduced physical activity. Global Wellness Day reminds us to slow down and rethink our lifestyle.

Aside from physical health, social connections and community engagement are crucial in overall wellness. Research has shown that strong social bonds can positively impact health and life expectancy.

Additionally, wellness is not only about individual well-being but also encompasses the environment's health. For instance, access to fresh air, clean water, and green spaces is essential for overall well-being. We must remember our health is intricately linked to our environment.

With changing themes every year, GWD allows us to look into the different facets of wellness.

Related Read: Wellbeing Quotes, Wellness Facts & Statistics

How to Achieve Daily Wellness

healthy meal
Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash.

Incorporate physical activity into daily routine: Regular exercise is not just a physical activity. You are keeping healthy and spreading happiness. You can do structured workouts, forest bathing during weekends, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or doing household chores.

Maintain a balanced diet: Eating meals from all food groups gives the body the necessary nutrients. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine. Meal prep during the weekends gives you a fresh week ahead.

Prioritize mental health: Mental wellness is as essential as physical wellness. Start doing mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises. Seek professional help if you need it. 

Get enough sleep: The body needs quality sleep to repair and rejuvenate. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a restful environment to help you fall asleep.

Stay hydrated: Water is vital for various bodily functions, including digestion and regulating body temperature. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Then, increase hydration during physical activity or in hot weather .

Data and Statistics About Global Wellness

stack of rocks
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash.

The World Health Organization reports that nearly 2.5 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and approximately 890 million are living with obesity.

The WHO also announced that non-communicable diseases account for 74% of all global deaths.

In 2021, over 50% of people worldwide with mental health disorders do not seek help1, predominantly due to uncertainty about the type of assistance required, skepticism about its effectiveness, and an inclination towards self-help methods.

Meanwhile, the Global Wellness Institute stated that the wellness industry expanded2 by 12.8% from 2015 to 2017, reaching a $4.2 trillion market.

Brief Timeline of Global Wellness Day


Belgin Aksoy Berkin starts Global Wellness Day in Turkey to promote wellness and a healthier lifestyle.


As the social project dedicated to living well celebrates its 8th anniversary, it spreads to over 150 countries.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Wellness Day shifts to the virtual world, reaching an even larger audience.


Global Wellness Day partners with Myndstream, a platform that creates music designed for wellbeing. The platform also released a GWD anthem titled "Good to You" released globally on June 10.


As featured in the European Spa Magazine, Global Wellness Day unveiled the 2024 theme to be #MagentaNature, recognizing the connection of overall wellness with the natural world.

GWD Themes 

June 8, 2024#MagentaNature
June 10, 2023#DanceMagenta
June 11, 2022#ThinkMagenta
June 12, 2021Protecting Our Mental Wellness
Jun 13, 2020Nourishing Wellness


Be a GWD key supporter by living well and promoting the ideal lifestyle in any way you can. Join the worldwide celebration by using social media and participating in official events. Let’s live well together all year round!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is Global Wellness Day?

With the slogan “One day can change your whole life,” this international occasion aims to raise awareness about human well-being and promote healthy living and overall wellness.

2. When is it?

It falls on the second Saturday of June.

3. What is the official website and official hashtag for this event?

Visit For 2024, use the hashtags #GlobalWellnessDay #MagentaNature #GWD2024.

4. Why is it important?

This not-for-profit day raises awareness about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and prioritizing self-care. Paying attention to your wellness can change your whole life. 

5. How can I support this event year-round?

You can incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine, stay active, and promote wellness in your community.


Mental Health Million Project. (2021). Mental Health Has Bigger Challenges Than Stigma.


Global Wellness Institute. (2018). 2018 Global Wellness Economy Monitor.

Mike is a degree-qualified researcher and writer passionate about increasing global awareness about climate change and encouraging people to act collectively in resolving these issues.

Fact Checked By:
Isabela Sedano, BEng.

Photo by Mikita Karasiou on Unsplash.
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