Turtle Facts
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21 Interesting Turtle Facts from Shores to Shells

Turtles are some of the most adorable sea creatures. These amazing creatures stand out from other sea and land reptiles with their unique shells. We bet there's a lot you don't know about turtles, and for the turtle-curious, we have put together 21 interesting turtle facts.

Did you know that all turtles are turtles, but not all turtles are turtles? Turtles have existed for a very long time, since the age of dinosaurs. Sea turtles have been around for over 100 million years. Some people keep small turtles and tortoises as pets. Read on for more turtle facts.

Related: For more turtle inspiration, check out our compilation of the best turtle quotes from conservationists, turtle fans, and others reflecting on the turtle’s pace of life.

Summary: Essential Turtle Facts

Turtle Profile
Scientific Name:Testudines
Family:There are 14 families
Genus:There are about 97 current genuses
Subspecies:Hundreds of subspecies across different species
Physical Characteristics
Size:Can range from 3 inches (some freshwater turtles) to 6 feet (leatherback sea turtles)
Weight:Can range from 5 ounces (as with the speckled padloper tortoise) to 2,000 pounds (as with leatherback sea turtles)
Distinctive Characteristics:Possess a shell to protect from predators, teeth replaced by beak, strong sense of direction
Habitat and Range
Habitat:Found in various types of climates such as desert, aquatic and temperate regions
Range:All continents except Antarctica
Conservation Status
Status:Some species least concern, many considered vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered
Threats:Loss of habitat, climate change, illegal pet trade, pollution, fishing nets
Initiatives:Marine turtle conservation projects, legislation against illegal trade, beachfront lighting ordnances

Turtle Q&A

These Are Some of the Most Common Questions People Ask About Turtles with Answers:

  • Do Turtles Have Teeth? - No, turtles have beaks, similar to birds, instead of teeth.
  • How Long do Turtles Live? - Depends on the species, some can live longer than 100 years.
  • Can Turtles Leave Their Shell? - No, a turtle's shell is part of its skeleton, containing its ribs and backbone.
  • What Do Turtles Eat? - Most species are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals (like tadpoles and insets), but diet can vary widely based on species and habitat.
  • How Fast Can Turtles Move? - On land, turtles move slow, but in the water some species can swim up to 22 mph.
  • Are Turtles Amphibians? - No, turtles are reptiles.
  • How do Turtles Breathe? - Through lungs, like humans, but some species can absorb oxygen through their skin in water.
  • How do Turtles Reproduce? - Turtles lay eggs. Once females bury their eggs in sand or dirt, they leave, providing no parental care.

More Terrific Turtle Facts in Detail

Facts about turtles

1. There are over 350 species of turtles.

There are about 356 species of turtles in the world, and there are so many different types of turtles. Popular species include hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles, flatback turtles, loggerheads, red-eared sliders, western painted turtles, and African side-necked turtles.

Various turtle species are widely distributed worldwide. Turtles inhabit shallow coastal waters, bays, lagoons, estuaries, and even the ocean and open sea. They can live on land and in freshwater and saltwater. 

They exist in all continents except Antarctica. Southeastern North America and South Asia have the highest number of native species. Only five species of turtle can be found natively in Europe. You can only find the flatback as a sea turtle in Australian waters. 

2. Turtles can’t leave their shell.

Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines. All turtles have their bodies enclosed in bony shells. The top shell is called the carapace, and the bottom is called the plastron. The bony shells develop from their rib and vertebral column. The upper and lower shells join together to form a skeletal box.

A turtle can't leave its shell, ever. The turtle's shell is made of bones and cartilage that are integral to its body. 

3. Sea turtles can’t retract their head.

Some turtles can retract their limbs and head into their shell when facing danger. However, sea turtles cannot retract their heads or flippers into their shells. This inability may have developed because they do not have to protect themselves from predators on water.

Turtle species that can retract their heads are divided into two major groups: the 'side-necked turtles' and the 'hidden neck turtles.’ This categorization is based on the way the head retracts. The hidden neck turtle retracts its head straight back into its shell, while the side-necked turtle folds its neck to one side while retracting it.

Related read: Sea Turtle Facts & Types of Sea Turtle.

4. Turtles have a varied diet.

Turtles are primarily omnivores, but some species, like tortoises, are predominantly herbivores. Omnivorous turtles that live in water eat jellyfish, squid, mollusks, and sea vegetation. Larger turtles can also eat small birds and mammals. The green sea turtle eats jellyfish primarily. Tortoises eat only plants or invertebrates and carrion.

Turtles have keratin beaks, which they use to grasp food. Hawksbills have a strong hawk-like beak, which they use to cut through sea sponges, anemones, and coral. Turtles have no teeth, but loggerhead turtles and alligator snapping turtles (also one of the largest freshwater turtles) have powerful jaws that allow them to feed on fish, shellfish, mollusks, and lobsters. 

Tortoises are a kind of turtle
Photo by Marcus Dietachmair on Unsplash.

5. Tortoises are a kind of turtles.

Tortoises are a species of land turtle that live exclusively on land. They share similar exo-skeletal shells with other turtles but have columnar feet instead of the flipper-like limbs common to turtles. They live in habitats ranging from forests to deserts.

Note that not every turtle that lives on land is a tortoise. The box turtle and wood turtle are not tortoises. Read more in our article exploring the differences between turtles and tortoises.

6. Turtles have a long lifespan.

Many turtles face so many threats as hatchlings that just one in a thousand survive into adulthood. However, turtles that survive live very long and comfortably for up to 50 years or more. In the wild, box turtles live for about 30 years. 

Some sea turtles do not reach sexual maturity until they are 50 and typically live for 70 years or more.

7. Turtles can weigh up to a thousand pounds.

Turtles vary significantly in size2, ranging up to 2 to 7 feet and weighing from 70 to over 1,500 pounds. 

The leatherback sea turtle is the largest sea turtle species. It can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. The largest leatherback ever recorded measured 9 feet and weighed 970kg1. They discovered it on the Welsh coast in 1987.

The largest turtle in history lived more than 100 million years ago. We call it the Archelon; it was 21 feet long.

8. Turtles hold their breath.

Turtles don’t have gills, so they need oxygen like humans. But they hold their breath for an extraordinary length of time. Sea turtles spend up to 4-7 hours sleeping in water, and some turtles even hibernate in water. Turtles can dive long distances, up to 3,000 feet, in search of jellyfish. Between lengthy dives, turtles come up to the water surface for air to forage for food.

Turtles can drown even with their amazing breath-holding capacity. Drowning usually occurs when turtles get entangled with fishing gear and cannot come up for air. Since the level of activity a turtle engages in determines how quickly it uses up stored oxygen, it loses oxygen quickly from the stress of trying to untangle itself.

9. Turtles cry.

If you ever get the opportunity to observe a sea turtle out of the water, you may observe that tears are pouring out of its eyes. The sea turtle cries not because it is hurt or sad but to get rid of excess salt in the body. 

The turtle's lacrimal glands are located behind the eyes. They excrete a saline solution twice as salty as seawater. These salty tears mix up with water immediately in water, but we can see them on land. The turtle’s tears keep out sand from its eyes and prevent dehydration while nesting.

10. Green turtles don’t have green shells.

One would easily assume that green turtles are so-called because they have green shells, but in actual fact, these turtles have brownish shells and green skin. 

The greenish skin color that gives them their name acquires this color due to their primarily vegetarian diet. They eat a lot of seagrass and algae.

11. The leatherback sea turtle travels a lot.

Leatherback sea turtles are unique because, unlike other turtles, they don’t have a hard shell. Instead, they possess a leather-like back. They travel a migratory distance of over 10,000 miles a year between their nesting and foraging grounds3

The leatherback turtle is also a deep-diving marine animal. It can dive to 4,000 feet, far more than most marine animals can.

12. June 16 is World Sea Turtle Day.

Sea turtles have June 16 set aside as a day where they are honored and celebrated. These beautiful creatures have been a part of the earth’s existence, going back to the age of dinosaurs. They appear in many traditions as symbols of wisdom or trickery.

Essential turtle facts
Photo by Brittney Weng on Unsplash.

13. Temperature determines a turtle’s sex.

Whether a turtle emerges from the nest as male or female depends solely on the nest's temperature. All the turtle hatchlings will be male if the sandy nest is cool throughout incubation. If the temperature is warm, the nest will produce female hatchlings. When there is a fluctuation of warm and cool temperatures, the turtle offspring will be a mixture of males and females.

Global warming is also affecting turtles. Warmer temperatures mean that fewer male turtles are hatching. This will adversely affect the continued existence of turtles.

14. Turtles love lights.

Turtles love lights
Photo by Leonardo Lamas from Pexels.

Sea turtles are phototactic; they are attracted to light. This attraction guides them home to the sea, and the big bright moonlight that guides them reflects alluringly on the water.

Thanks to humans, this attraction is becoming fatal. Human encroachment on habitats where sea turtles go to lay eggs introduces artificial lights that confuse turtles. 

15. Some turtles practice arribada nesting.

The olive ridley and kemp’s ridley turtles display a nesting behavior called the arribada. Arribada is the Spanish word for arrival, and during nesting season, these two species of turtles arrive at the shore in large groups called arribadas. They stay for several hours at a time. 

There are many theories as to why the olive ridley and Kemp’s ridley turtles nest together like that. However, the practice reduces the rate at which predators consume their eggs and allows many eggs to become hatchlings. 

16. Turtles lay eggs.

Turtles are oviparous; that is, they reproduce by laying eggs. Female sea turtles mate at sea and come to land to lay eggs on what we call the nesting ground. They dig holes to lay their eggs, called a clutch, and fertilize them with sperm stored from mating earlier. They dig these holes, which are about 2 feet deep, with their hind flippers. Sea turtles nest at night, but Kemp's ridley turtle is the only turtle that nests during the day.

Female turtles lay multiple clutches per nesting season, laying about 100-125 eggs per nest. The eggs mature within two months, and the sea turtle hatchlings dig out of the nest and go to the sea.

17. Sea turtles are not very social.

Apart from the group nesting behavior that some species exhibit, turtles break out of the nest in large groups. Once baby turtles break out of their shells, they stimulate others to do the same. This strength in numbers makes it possible for them to climb out of the deep nest and overpower certain predators on their way to the sea. 

Turtles do not care much for social life; after hatchlings reach the water, they generally remain solitary until they mate.

Turtles do not have much in the way of maternal nurturing instincts. The female turtle takes care to protect her eggs by camouflaging the nest. But beyond that, they offer no special care for their hatchlings. After nesting, the turtles never return to check on their baby turtles.

18. Turtles take care of the sea bed grasses.

Turtles are one of the few animals that eat seagrass. The turtles that graze on seagrasses help to maintain the sea bed. Seagrass must be kept short like regular grass to grow healthily and spread across the sea bed. Seagrass is food for turtles and other animals and a breeding ground for many fish species.

Also, turtles promote vegetation on beaches and dunes. When turtles nest, not every clutch or single egg will hatch. The unhatched eggs and discarded eggshells provide nutrients needed for dune vegetation. As dune vegetation grows, it stabilizes dune structure and prevents beach erosion.

19. Turtles bring tourists.

Watching turtles on land and in the deep sea is awe-inspiring and exciting. Turtle-watching is a tourist attraction that brings economic development to many areas. It serves as a source of income for coastal residents.

20. Some people eat turtles and their eggs.

Turtle eggs are a traditional source of food within local communities. They can also be used for meat and leather, among other things. Turtles and their eggs have long been eaten in many parts of the world and are in great demand commercially. However, in some areas, local populations and entire species have been hunted to extinction.

21. The turtle’s existence is threatened.

Turtles face many dangers in their lifetime. While very young, predators like fish, birds, snakes, and humans prey on young turtles. As adults, they are still in danger from human predators. As eggs, hatchlings, or adults, climate change and plastic pollution endanger turtles and their nesting beaches.

On the dark side, the consumption of these turtles and the dumping of wastes and toxins in water bodies and other environments that are adaptive to them threaten their existence. Further, poachers catch them to service the pet turtle trade. There also remains demand for turtle shells, which are used decoratively and are often illegally sourced.

According to the IUCN, six of the seven species of sea turtles are endangered by human activities.

Wrapping up our list of turtle facts

Our list of turtle facts shows you how vital turtles are. These cold-blooded reptiles warm the hearts of many. Many turtle species are critically endangered, and there’s a lot you can do to save turtles. You can save turtles by educating yourself about climate change and plastic pollution.

Related: To further explore the animal kingdom, check out some other animals that start with T.


Information about sea turtles. Sea Turtle Conservancy


Sea turtles (2019) National Geographic.


10 tremendous turtle facts (2020) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Timur Kozmenko from Pexels
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