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10 Tremendous Tree Frog Facts About These Amazing Amphibians

Learning tree frog facts reveals their adaptability in various habitats, from rainforests to woodlands in North America. The tree frog family contributes substantially to global biodiversity. Read this list of tree frog facts to uncover the intriguing attributes of these creatures.

Did you know that not all frogs lay eggs in the water? Check out these general facts about frogs to learn more! 

10 Tree Frog Facts

tree frog on plant
Photo by Geoffrey Baumbach on Unsplash

1. Tree frogs come in various bright colors.

These tiny creatures display diverse colors, from sunny yellows and forest greens to rich blues and startling reds. These radiant colors help them survive in the wild. (Over 600 species live in South and Central America, while 30 live in the United States, and 800 species exist worldwide.)

The green tree frog's coloration hides it in the rainforest, avoiding predators. On the other hand, the blue tree frog's dazzling blue color results from dark blue spots on its yellow underbelly. Meanwhile, the red-eyed tree frog's green body and ruby-red eyes create a contrast that serves as a defensive mechanism. The sudden reveal of its fiery eyes can startle predators.

Related read: Different types of frogs.

2. Tree frogs come in all sizes.

tree frog on branch
Photo by William Warby on Unsplash

From the smallest peepers to the largest canopy dwellers, tree frogs have established their homes in diverse habitats.

For example, the Cuban Tree Frog is a small but agile species that measures between 0.5 to 1.5 inches. Despite its size, it can navigate through dense underbrush, hopping from leaf to leaf and efficiently moving along branches. Its natural camouflage allows it to blend perfectly into its lush surroundings.

3. Tree frogs can hang upside down.

Tree frogs, such as White's Tree Frog, can hang upside down, which is rare among their terrestrial counterparts. Over the centuries, these frogs have evolved round pads on their toes that produce a natural adhesive, granting a secure grip on surfaces ranging from fragile leaves to smooth glass1.

At the microscopic level, one can see intricate patterns on the toe pads of tree frogs. These pads contain minuscule hex-shaped nanopillars, increasing the surface area and improving the frog's surface grip. The combination of friction and surface tension allows them to stick to even the slickest surfaces.

4. Some tree frogs change colors for camouflage.

tree frog side view
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Tree frogs can change color through a phenomenon known as metachrosis, an effective defense mechanism against predators.

Chromatophores, specialized skin cells that contain pigment, make this process possible and allow tree frogs to blend into their surroundings and hide from predators. After all, nearly all animals in the rainforest eat tree frogs, like reptiles, birds, fish, and mammals.

Moreover, various tree frog species, like the American Green Tree Frog, the Gray Tree Grog, and the Red-eyed Tree Frog, display greens, browns, grays, and yellows.

Depending on the frog, changing colors can take a few moments to several hours. For example, Gray Tree Frogs can show multiple hues, such as green to gray. On the other hand, the Red-eyed Tree Frogs, which generally have bright coloring, can also adjust their colors to appear less noticeable when resting.

Related Read: Check out our chameleon facts for more about the other famous color-changing lizards.

5. Tree frogs can breathe through their skin.

Unlike other animals that draw air into their lungs, tree frogs have a distinctive approach to respiration. They take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide directly through their skin, a process called cutaneous respiration. This characteristic distinguishes them from other species, such as snakes and alligators.

Cutaneous respiration, a remarkable adaptation in tree frogs, allows them to breathe through their skin using a complex network of blood vessels and mucous membranes. This natural gas exchange system will enable them to breathe in high humidity.

Before moving on to the rest of the post, did you know that American Green Tree Frogs eat mosquitoes, otherwise known as the "deadliest animal in the world?"

6. Tree frogs can "predict" rain.

tree frog close up
Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash

Like a biological barometer, the European Tree Frog's croak responds to subtle environmental shifts. Before rainfall, tree frogs engage in a chorus of croaks that can accurately predict the onset of rain. This symphony of croaks continues even after the rain has arrived; they can also continue croaking after a downpour.

However, these choruses of croaks do not solely serve as weather forecasts. They play a crucial role in the reproductive cycles of these amphibians.

After the rain, the male frogs croak through the rain-soaked foliage to attract female mates. The female frogs approach the males and the fresh pools of rainwater, where they can lay their eggs.

7. Tree frogs can regenerate lost limbs.

Next on our interesting tree frog facts list: Tree frogs can regenerate lost limbs, which involves a complex process where cells rapidly multiply and create new tissues to heal wounds.

When a limb is lost, a clump of cells called blastema forms at the wound site, which can differentiate into various tissue types such as bone, muscle, nerves, and skin. This blastema adapts to whatever role is necessary to create a new limb. 

The regeneration process can take weeks to months, depending on the size and age of the tree frog. Unlike mammals that usually develop scars from injuries, tree frogs' scars transform into functional tissues.

Related read: Our axolotl facts cover everything you might need to know about another fascinating creature with regenerative abilities.

8. Tree frogs "freeze" to survive the winter.

The incredible tree frog endures harsh winters by "freezing" itself and becoming completely solid, their heartbeat and blood flow stopping entirely. This state can last several weeks, and the cold weather becomes their unlikely ally.

For example, the North American Wood Frog, a type of tree frog, exhibits remarkable behavior as the colder months approach. The frogs go into survival mode; their liver produces a surge of glucose, acting as a natural antifreeze to protect the cells from extreme cold and prevent them from drying out and dying. When spring arrives, the frogs thaw out and resume their activities.

9. Tree frogs produce unique calls.

tree frog clinging onto a branch
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

During the evening, male tree frogs produce a distinctive call, the main feature of their complex mating ritual. These sounds are the focal point of the tree frogs' courtship behavior, each croak or chirp signaling their availability and willingness to mate. The male's call functions as a love song, conveying important information about their status and desires to potential partners.

A combination of distinct calls in tree frogs initiates a mating ritual known as amplexus. The male's call attracts the female, leading to a unique courtship. During this dance, the male grips the female, ensuring he fertilizes her eggs as she lays them. The dance can extend for several hours or even days, indicating the male's endurance and persistence.

10. Tree frogs face several threats.

Rampant deforestation, the transformation of natural landscapes into urban areas and farmland, and destructive practices like logging and mining have caused the decline of tree frog populations everywhere. Besides losing habitat, the fragmentation of tree frog communities severs critical genetic links. This separation raises the risk of complete local populations dying out2.

Invasive species like Cuban tree frogs compete with the native species, green tree frogs, for resources, even eating the latter. They can even produce similar calls to green tree frogs, disrupting their mating and feeding.

Moreover, climate change is changing their distribution and behaviors. The rising global temperatures alter rainfall patterns and the availability of breeding sites, which puts their reproduction at risk.

In addition, the increasing threat of wildfires, fueled by the shifting climate, further endangers their survival. Since tree frogs are ectothermic, they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature, and even minor temperature changes can pose significant.

What are your favorite tree frog facts? Remember to share it with your friends!

Related: To further explore the animal kingdom, check out some of the other animals that start with T.


 Endlein, T., Barnes, W. J. P., Samuel, D. S., Crawford, N. A., Biaw, A. B., & Federle, W. (2013). Sticking like sticky tape: tree frogs use friction forces to enhance attachment on overhanging surfaces. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 10(80), 20120838.


Stuart, S. N., Chanson, J. S., Cox, N. A., Young, B. E., Rodrigues, A. S., Fischman, D. L., & Waller, R. W. (2004). Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science, 306(5702), 1783-1786.

Mike is a degree-qualified researcher and writer passionate about increasing global awareness about climate change and encouraging people to act collectively in resolving these issues.

Fact Checked By:
Chinny Verana, BSc.

Photo by Michael Romanov on Unsplash
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