Raven Facts
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13 Raven Facts To Unveil The Mysterious Bird

Ravens are noteworthy birds that deserve our attention. Often spotted in the northern hemisphere, ravens are fascinating and intelligent creatures, boasting impressive problem-solving skills and a lifespan of over two decades. This exploration of some of the more interesting raven facts aims to uncover their true nature, highlighting their adaptability, intricate communication, and ecological importance.

From their unmatched intelligence to their complex vocalizations, let's unveil the mysteries of these corvids.

If you are interested in these brilliant birds, read more about our raven quotes or check out our bird facts.

13 Raven Facts You Should Know

raven beak closeup
Photo by Mimmo Lusito on Pexels

1. Ravens are part of the Corvid family.

Ravens are large bird species belonging to the Corvid family, along with crows. While the nine raven species share specific characteristics, there are notable differences between them.

A raven's appearance is generally larger than a crow's. Crows have wings and a wedge-shaped tail. Regarding vocalizations, ravens have a deep voice and resonant croaking call, while crows produce a higher-pitched cawing sound.

Additionally, ravens and crows display different social behaviors. Ravens are known to form long-term pair bonds with the opposite sex and engage in cooperative breeding, with offspring often staying with their parents to raise subsequent broods. Conversely, crows typically have looser social structures and may form smaller, less stable groups.

For more information, visit our crow facts.

2. Ravens are among the smartest birds.

black bird
Photo by Leon S on Unsplash

Common ravens are brilliant birds. They have a brain-to-body size ratio similar to dolphins and chimpanzees. Like other corvids, they can solve problems and even use tools. Multiple researchers have seen their resourcefulness as they use rocks to crack open eggs or sticks to get insects.

Furthermore, a study claims that young ravens, as early as four months old, already have cognitive performance similar to adult apes1.

Their intelligence extends beyond problem-solving. Common ravens (Corvus corax) can plan for the future. They store food for later; interestingly, they deceive other ravens by pretending to hide food while secretly moving it to another spot when nobody's watching.

Despite their mischievous behavior, ravens appear to have empathy, as they value and prefer companionship. If a raven's friend loses in a fight, they comfort the defeated bird. Ravens can also recognize human faces and exhibit emotional intelligence, holding grudges when necessary.

Like other corvids, the raven fact below discusses their mimicry skills.

3. They can mimic almost any sound.

Common ravens are talented mimics in the bird kingdom. With over 30 different vocalizations, they can create a symphony of sounds, including alarms, bird calls, chase cries, and flight calls. Their mimicry skills extend beyond bird sounds to imitating other animals and everyday objects. They can mimic the chirping of neighboring birds, the growl of predators, or even the sound of car engines.

Ravens can even imitate human speech, learning words and phrases like parrots and mynas. Their advanced mimicry showcases their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, allowing them to communicate and adapt in various situations.

If you want to explore another talking bird, head to our parrot facts.

4. They can survive in various habitats.

black bird on fence
Photo by Gábor Hevesi on Pixabay

Ravens are highly intelligent birds, thriving in various environments, from freezing Arctic regions to scorching deserts. They live across North America, Eurasia, South America, and North Africa. While they prefer woodlands, they can survive in deserts and mountains, although less commonly. Their survival secret lies in their flexible diet.

As scavengers, ravens eat various foods, including small mammals, carrion, grains, berries, and even garbage when food is scarce. They even eat carrion from the leftovers of other predators, like grey wolves.

When caught in just the right light. the raven's black plumage radiates a blue or purplish iridescence. Whereas these birds are usually jet black, they can have lighter colors, too. The following raven fact explains how.

5. Not all ravens are black.

White ravens, also known as albino or leucistic ravens, are rare variations within the raven population. These individuals lack pigmentation in their feathers, producing a predominantly white or light-colored appearance.

Albinism and leucism are genetic conditions that affect melanin production, the pigment responsible for coloration in feathers, skin, and eyes. Albinism results in a complete lack of pigmentation, while leucism causes partial loss, leading to patchy or diluted coloration. These conditions can manifest as white feathers in ravens.

The absence of pigmentation may make white ravens more visible to predators and potentially impact their ability to blend in with their surroundings.

6. Ravens defy the avian world norm with lifelong partnerships.

raven eating nut
Photo by Tyler Jamieson Moulton on Unsplash

Ravens mate for life. They start their union with mesmerizing flight displays and intimate rituals, forging a lasting bond. These clever birds become sexually mature between two and four years old. Once they find a partner, it's a lifelong commitment.

The breeding season begins around late February or March. The female lays up to seven eggs, while the male supports her by providing food and helping with incubation. The chicks hatch after 18 to 21 days, and both parents actively care for them. Breeding pairs of common Ravens establish territories and defend themselves from other ravens throughout the year.

The young common ravens receive close attention and guidance from their parents for the first six weeks. Even after the chicks fledge and leave the nest, they rely on their parents' teachings for survival skills and social interaction.

Explore other loyal avians with our penguin facts and eagle facts.

7. Young ravens are born blind and helpless.

In the wild, the growth of common raven chicks unfolds as a delicate masterpiece. Initially, they are helpless, featherless, and blind, relying on their parents for care and nourishment. But as time passes, they rapidly grow and develop. Feathers appear. Eyes open, and they begin communicating like adult birds.

As they grow old, scientists have found higher levels of stress hormones in teenage raven droppings compared to mated adults. Their journey toward dominance and independence reveals the demanding social dynamics within the raven community2.

While they become more self-reliant, they still rely on their parents beyond the first nest building.

8. Ravens have a long lifespan.

When you think of survival artists, think of ravens. These feathered friends average a lifespan of 10 to 15 years in the wild. Some, flaunting sheer tenacity, make it to 21. That's resilience for you. Their habitats may be harsh, but ravens shrug it off3.

A secret to their longevity? A need for natural predators and a robust body structure. They also pack a punch in their brains. Moreover, they take time to mature. This leisurely pace of growth gives young birds ample time to learn the ropes of survival.

Good health is a raven's best friend, and these wild animals go to surprising lengths to keep it that way. Have you ever seen a common raven rubbing ants on its neck feathers? That behavior is called anting, a clever way to keep parasites at bay. 

9. Ravens love to play.

Ravens have a playful and mischievous nature. They enjoy frolicking in the wind, gracefully soaring, and flipping their wings. They can fly upside down, surf updrafts, or do somersaults for fun! Ravens love playing games with other ravens and animals, like sliding down snowy hills, dropping sticks, and engaging in lively tag rounds.

They are curious creatures and enjoy shaping and manipulating twigs and rocks, showing their desire to interact with their environment. During their playful adventures, ravens also interact with objects. Sometimes, they playfully steal golf balls, mistaking them for eggs.

10. They do not migrate during winter.

raven in snow
Photo by Jeremy Hynes on Unsplash

While many birds migrate during seasonal changes, many ravens stay in their home territory, even during harsh winters —their secret lies in their adaptability.

Ravens' flexible diets allow them to obtain food even in winter, eliminating the need to migrate in search of warmth or abundance. They can endure freezing temperatures, fluffing up their glossy black feathers to keep warm.

The common raven can travel long distances, up to 60 miles per day, searching for food in snow-covered landscapes. Their ability to withstand the cold and remain resilient showcases their survival skills and tenacity.

While ravens may make minor adjustments to colder regions, it is not migration but a simple shift comparable to staying indoors on a cold day. Like many bird species, ravens form flocks, especially during winter, for survival purposes such as food searching and predator evasion. Flocks of ravens are known to raid seabird colonies, working in pairs to feed on eggs and young hatchlings.

11. They help plant trees by spreading seeds.

Ravens play a vital role in our ecosystems. They participate in an endozoochory process, where they disperse seeds through digestion. When they eat these fruits, they unintentionally swallow the seeds, which travel through their digestive system.

Swallowing the seeds sets the stage for a superb survival game underground. As adult ravens fly and explore, they unknowingly plant these seeds in new locations, effectively spreading them. This unique feeding behavior turns ravens into critical actors in the natural spectacle of forest regeneration, a role we rarely notice.

Scientific observations reveal that seeds that endure the journey through a bird's digestive system have a higher chance of survival. The digestion process often softens the tough seed coating, making it easier for the seed to sprout and give birth to a new plant. This hidden contribution transforms ravens from passive observers to active nurturers, supporting the health and growth of our forests.

Do you know elephants are one of the other species that spread seeds? Discover more as you check our elephant facts.

12. Ravens are famous among authors.

Ravens have made a significant impact on popular culture, mainly through the works of Edgar Allan Poe. In Poe's famous poem "The Raven," a vocal raven repeating "Nevermore" symbolizes deep sorrow and loss, captivating readers for years.

In the fantasy world of George R. R. Martin's "Game of Thrones," ravens serve as messengers, facilitating communication in the Seven Kingdoms.

Whether representing darkness and doom in Poe's work or serving as messengers and mystical beings in Martin's fantasy realm, ravens hold diverse and special symbolic significance in literature.

Nowadays, these corvids are abundant in urban spaces and in the wild, but the following raven fact will shock you. Read more famous words in our compilation of raven quotes.

13. They almost went extinct.

raven perched on tree
Photo by Babs Müller on Pixabay

The common raven was once in danger of disappearing due to persecution by gamekeepers. Their near-extinction happened in the 1800s and early 1900s because people saw them as pests and a threat to farm animals and game species. Deforestation, habitat loss, urbanization, and changes in farming also contributed to their decline. Furthermore, the natural enemies ravens tend to have, like the eagles, also contribute to their plummeting population.

However, conservation efforts have led to positive changes. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 made harming or selling ravens in the United States illegal. In the UK, legal protection and changes in land use have helped the ravens recover. However, their increasing numbers threaten vulnerable species like desert tortoises, marbled murrelets, and least terns.

Today, the common raven is the most common member of the crow family in the UK. Despite ongoing threats like illegal shootings and poisoning, these resilient and adaptable birds have learned to thrive in our changed world, as shown by their increasing number.

The next time you spot a raven in your neighborhood, take a picture of them. And post them online together with your favorite raven fact as a caption.

Related: To further explore the animal kingdom, check out some of the other animals that start with R.


Pika, S., Sima, M.J., Blum, C.R. et al. Ravens parallel great apes in physical and social cognitive skills. Sci Rep 10, 20617 (2020).


Selva, N., Cortés-Avizanda, A., Lemus, J. A., Blanco, G., Müller, T., Heinrich, B., & Donázar, J. A. (2011). Stress associated with group living in a long-lived bird. Biology Letters, 7(4), 608–610.


Boarman, W. I. and B. Heinrich (1999). Common Raven (Corvus corax), version 2.0. In The Birds of North America (A. F. Poole and F. B. Gill, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. 

Chinny Verana is a degree-qualified marine biologist and researcher passionate about nature and conservation. Her expertise allows her to deeply understand the intricate relationships between marine life and their habitats.

Her unwavering love for the environment fuels her mission to create valuable content for TRVST, ensuring that readers are enlightened about the importance of biodiversity, sustainability, and conservation efforts.

Fact Checked By:
Mike Gomez, BA.

Photo by Joe Pee on Unsplash
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