Goat Facts
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16 Fun Goat Facts About These Remarkable Ruminants

Looking for goat facts? You're in the right place. Goats are "ruminants" and belong to the subfamily of Caprinae. As one of the earliest domesticated animals, they have provided humans with milk, meat, and fiber.

They are not only economically significant, but they also influence culture and beliefs. In Norse mythology, the goat holds a symbolic significance and is often associated with Thor, known as the god of Thunder. The Norse also see them as creatures of strength and fertility, representing abundance and vitality. 

From their peculiar pupils and unique beards to their avid dislike for water, these fun facts about goats will keep you entertained.

If you want to learn more about goats, explore our inspirational quotes about goats

16 Things You Didn't Know About Goats

goat on grass field
Photo by Virginia Long on Unsplash

1. There are 300 goat breeds worldwide.

The first in our goat facts is their impressive diversity. Currently, 300 distinct breeds of goats exist around the world, nearly twice the total number of pigs. Each breed has unique characteristics that reflect the demands of their native habitats and the requirements of the communities that depend on them.

Alpine and Nubian Dairy Goats, common breeds in Russia, are well-known for their high milk yield, making them popular choices for dairy production. Surprisingly, goat's milk is more popular worldwide than cow's milk. 

The Cashmere and Angora Goat live mainly in Central Asia and are highly sought-after for their soft, fine wool, used to create high-quality textiles. On the other hand, people breed Boer and Spanish Goats or their size and muscle mass, prized for their contribution to the meat industry.

However, these ruminants are valuable in the food and clothing industry. They can also be pets; the Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf Goats have won the hearts of many as beloved pets. Their small stature and adorable appearance make them popular with families and hobby farmers.

Read more: Types of Goats.

2. They are one of the first domesticated animals.

Goats are special in ancient history1, as they were among the first domesticated animals around 10,000 years ago. People started taming wild goats in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East, the cradle of early human civilization.

Across western Asia, archaeologists have discovered goat remains that are about 9,000 years old. The National Zoo also confirms its significant role in early agricultural societies.

Throughout the ages, this livestock species has been an essential component of human civilization, and these curious animals continue to be relevant today.

3. They are impressive mountain climbers.

mountain goats
Photo by Ray Aucott on Unsplash

As descendants of mountain goats, these animals can scale seemingly impossible terrains and reach incredible heights. Their remarkable agility stems from a combination of specialized hooves, powerful leg muscles, and an innate sense of balance.

The unique structure of their hooves, split into two parts with soft pads on the bottom and sharp outer edges, provides excellent traction and grip. Their specialized hooves enable them to navigate uneven surfaces and rocks easily. Furthermore, their strong leg muscles allow them to make powerful leaps and jumps.

In addition to their physical attributes, they possess an instinct for climbing and a keen sense of balance. Their low center of gravity helps maintain stability on narrow ledges and steep slopes. Even baby goats demonstrate these climbing instincts hours after birth, often following their mothers on challenging terrain without hesitation.

Various species, such as the Alpine ibex, Himalayan tahr, and Nubian ibex, have adapted to thrive in the harsh conditions of mountainous regions. This adaptability not only allows them to escape predators but also enables them to reach hard-to-reach food sources.

4. You can call them using various names.

The diversity of goat names assists farmers, breeders, and enthusiasts in identifying and classifying these herd animals.

Young or baby goats are called kids. As they grow, a female goat becomes a doeling, while their male counterpart becomes a buckling. When they reach adulthood, female goats become nannies while males become billies.

On the other hand, castrated male goats have their unique name: wethers. They often serve as calm and reliable companions within the herd.

5. Goats are very picky eaters.

goat sticking out its tongue
Photo by Skylar Jean on Unsplash

Did you know that goats meticulously choose what they eat? Although they are versatile foragers, they tend to favor one plant. Thanks to these grazing goats' instincts, they avoid plants that are poisonous, damaged, spoiled, dirty, or lacking nutrients.

Moreover, they usually avoid heavily soiled or contaminated food, demonstrating their choosiness. Their discerning taste enables them to extract the most nutritious parts of plants, sustaining them and controlling invasive plant species.

They rely on their keen sense of smell to detect high-quality plants with high nutritional content while removing potentially toxic ones. Goat owners often observe their domesticated goats sniffing plants before deciding whether to eat them. This selective grazing habit ensures that goats maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

6. Mother goats give birth to 1-2 kids.

Female goats, or nannies, have a relatively short gestation period of around 150 days, which allows them to reproduce more frequently3. After giving birth to one or two kids at a time, kids can already stand and walk within just minutes of entering the world.

This early mobility proves essential, as it allows the baby goat to follow their mothers and the rest of the herd closely, protecting them from predators and ensuring access to resources. Moreover, baby goats are born with teeth! These youngsters are quick to learn the ropes of their herbivorous diet.

They start nibbling on plants as early as a week after their birth. By rapidly transitioning to grazing, goat kids support their growth and development.

Additional fun fact: The act of a goat giving birth is known as "kidding." No kidding.

7. They have beards.

One of a goat's trademark body parts is its beard. These beards, found in male and female goats, vary in length, thickness, and texture depending on breed, age, and genetics. For instance, Angora and Pygmy Goats typically have more pronounced beards than other goats.

These beards serve multiple purposes. For example, beards can represent dominance and masculinity in male goats, which is very useful during mating season. For instance, a male goat with a thick, long beard might be more attractive to females.

In addition to signaling dominance, beards provide insulation and warmth in cold weather and protect the goat's sensitive skin from frostbite. The tactile hairs that make up the beard can also detect changes in the goat's surroundings.

Although beards may occasionally cause minor annoyances for these species, such as getting caught in fencing or tangled together, they remain a remarkable and distinguishing feature of these captivating herbivores.

8. They can do puppy eyes too!

goat's puppy eyes
Photo by Madison O'Friel on Unsplash

In an intriguing study published in Biology Letters, researchers found that these animals can establish eye contact with humans when facing a challenging task. This "puppy dog eyes" behavior communicates their needs and frustrations with us, revealing complex cognitive skills.

The study involved placing a treat inside a box that was difficult for the goats to open. As they tried to retrieve the treat, the goats looked towards a nearby human whenever they were unsuccessful, as if seeking assistance. This behavior not only shows that goats are aware of human presence and their potential to help.

The close interaction between goats and humans throughout history has led to the development of this behavior. Understanding these subtle cues can significantly improve human-goat interactions and contribute to better goat welfare. Additionally, this eye contact may evoke an emotional connection with the animals.

9. They have rectangular pupils.

goat's rectangular pupil
Photo by Peter Neumann on Unsplash

One fascinating goat fact is that their uniquely shaped pupils serve a particular purpose. In 2015, a groundbreaking study published in Science Advances examined the eyes of 214 land animals. The researchers found a correlation between the animals' pupils and their ecological niche, defined by their foraging habits.

Unlike other animals, goats' eyes have side-slanted, rectangular pupils. This unusual shape gives goats a wider field of vision, allowing them to spot predators and steer clear of dangerous encounters5. Furthermore, their unique pupils help prevent excessive light absorption and shield them from the sun's glare.

10. They have four stomachs.

Goats feed on a variety of weeds, shrubs, and woody plants. Like most ruminants, goats have four stomachs that help them digest harsh roughage or food high in fiber. 

The food undergoes a series of stages within the digestive system of these animals. It initially enters the rumen; the goat periodically regurgitates the food to chew it further. Next, the food passes into the reticulum, then moves to the omasum, and finally reaches the abomasum, similar to a more delicate version of the human stomach.

11. Goats love smiling faces.

goat's close up view
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

At Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats in Kent, UK, researchers conducted an interesting study to explore goat behavior and their ability to recognize human emotions4.

The experiment involved placing two photographs of the same person on the goat sanctuary wall. One photo showed a person smiling, while the person in the other photo looked angry. Interestingly, the goats distinguished between facial expressions and preferred smiling faces.

The scientists watched the goats eagerly approach the happy photos and examine them with snouts. In contrast, they noticeably avoided the images of angry faces. Lead author Christian Nawroth and his team were already familiar with goats' understanding of human body language, but this new finding expanded their knowledge.

The study is the first to provide concrete evidence of goats discerning different emotional expressions in human faces. Moreover, it showed that goats prefer interacting with individuals who display positive emotions. 

12. They hate the rain.

Goats are widely known for their dislike of wet weather. When it rains, they seek shelter, whether under a tree, an overhang, or even an artificial structure. This strong preference for staying dry comes from their need to maintain a dry coat and hooves, which keeps them healthy and comfortable.

Dairy goats, in particular, are less likely to tolerate raindrops falling on them or water splashing around their feet. This behavior might protect against potential health issues that wet conditions may cause, such as hoof problems and hypothermia. Moreover, the sensation of water hitting their thick coats or dampening their hooves may make them uncomfortable.

13. Their bleats say a lot

Among the many intriguing behaviors of goats, their vocalizations, called bleating, are a primary form of communication.

Each bleat, varying in pitch, volume, and frequency, carries a different message. Whether it's a mother calling her kid, a warning signal, or a sign of distress, bleating is a nuanced language in the goat community.

Fun Fact: It might surprise you to know that when two goats meet for the first time, they often engage in a playful headbutt as a form of greeting, establishing a connection that can last a lifetime.

14. Legend says that goats discovered coffee.

goat near tree
Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash

In a remote Ethiopian village, a goat herder named Kaldi noticed something peculiar. His goats, munching on the bright red berries of a particular tree, started frolicking and prancing energetically. They even had trouble sleeping at night. Intrigued, Kaldi shared his observations with the local monastery.

The curious monks experimented with these mysterious berries, eventually crafting a drink that invigorated them during their long prayer sessions. The energizing effects of this concoction quickly caught on, and word spread to other monasteries and throughout the region. As the fame of these magical beans grew, Arabian traders learned of them and introduced coffee to the rest of the world2.

As a result, people across different continents started cultivating, trading, and consuming coffee. Its popularity skyrocketed, giving rise to diverse preparation methods and unique cultural practices surrounding its consumption. Over time, people might have embellished the legend of Kaldi and his spirited goats, but it highlights the power of curiosity and luck in shaping human history.

15. They are fixtures in Western and Eastern cultures.

In Greek mythology, Pan is a half-goat-half-human deity who exemplifies the connection between goats and ancient Western cultures. As the god of nature, music, and shepherds, Pan's goat-like features represent fertility, abundance, and a close-to-nature lifestyle.

Shifting our focus to the East, goats are equally important figures in Chinese culture and astrology. As one of the 12 zodiac animals, the goat possesses creativity, kindness, and gentleness. People born under the goat sign are supposedly artistic, often excelling in creative fields such as music, painting, and writing.

The goat's association with the earth further emphasizes its link to nature, fertility, and abundance. For instance, the goat's arrival symbolizes blessings and good fortune during Chinese New Year celebrations.

16. They have a stable population.

pair of goats
Photo by BAILEY MAHON on Unsplash

Domestic goats or Capra hircus enjoy a stable population, meaning they are neither endangered nor threatened. Their adaptability and undeniable benefits to humans contribute significantly to this stability.

With a global population of over 1 billion individuals, these versatile creatures serve various purposes, including producing milk, meat, fiber, and hides. The sustained demand for goats stems from small-scale, family-owned operations and large-scale commercial enterprises.

While rare and heritage breeds may face population challenges, dedicated conservation efforts protect and preserve these unique animals. International organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), also monitor and enhance goat populations by promoting sustainable use and management practices.

We hope you enjoyed this list of interesting facts about goats!

Related: To further explore the animal kingdom, check out some of the other animals that start with G.


Zeder, M. A., & Hesse, B. (2000). The initial domestication of goats (Capra hircus) in the Zagros Mountains 10,000 years ago. Science, 287(5461), 2254-2257.


Hattox, R. S. (1985). Coffee and Coffeehouses: The Origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East. University of Washington Press.


Nowak, R., Porter, R. H., Lévy, F., Orgeur, P., & Schaal, B. (2000). Role of mother-young interactions in the survival of offspring in domestic mammals. Reviews of Reproduction, 5(3), 153-163.


Nawroth, C., Albuquerque, N., Savalli, C., Single, M. S., McElligott, A. G. (2018). Goats prefer positive human emotional facial expressions. Royal Society Open Science, 5(8), 180491.


Banks, M. S., Sprague, W. W., Schmoll, J., Parnell, J. A. Q., & Love, G. D. (2015). Why do animal eyes have pupils of different shapes? Science Advances, 1(7), e1500391.

Chinny Verana is a degree-qualified marine biologist and researcher passionate about nature and conservation. Her expertise allows her to deeply understand the intricate relationships between marine life and their habitats.

Her unwavering love for the environment fuels her mission to create valuable content for TRVST, ensuring that readers are enlightened about the importance of biodiversity, sustainability, and conservation efforts.

Fact Checked By:
Mike Gomez, BA.

Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash
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