What would happen if everyone stopped recyling
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What Would Happen if Everyone Stopped Recycling?

Recycling is an integral part of helping to protect the environment and reduce waste. But what would happen if people stopped recycling? 

The consequences could be dire, as the resources on our planet are already stretched thin due to overconsumption and population growth. 

From increased pollution levels to a greater strain on natural resources, here's a look at some of the potential effects of not recycling.

Some Expected Consequences if the World Stopped Recycling

Child in a sea of trash
Photo by Tom Fisk

Increased greenhouse gases (GHGs).

A significant environmental impact of not recycling would be an increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to higher fossil fuel consumption to produce new materials. 

Methane gas and carbon dioxide are two of the main contributors to global warming and climate change3. Both gases have a much greater capacity to trap heat in the atmosphere than other greenhouse gases, such as water vapor and oxygen. 

As humans continue to burn fossil fuels, methane and carbon dioxide emissions skyrocket, exacerbating the effects of global warming. If we stop recycling, even more carbon dioxide and methane will be released into the atmosphere.

The consequences of GHGs on humans are severe and far-reaching. In addition to contributing to global temperature increases, the resulting changes in climate patterns can have many negative impacts on human health.

For example, extreme weather events such as heatwaves, floods, droughts, and storms can cause disease outbreaks, food insecurity, and economic losses.

Water and air pollution will get out of control.

If we stop recycling, we will see an increase in water and air pollution. Pollution would increase due to increased extraction and processing activities related to production. 

The environmental impact of water and air pollution can have serious consequences for us1

Water pollution can lead to a decrease in drinking water quality, threatening public health. We may see the effects of hazardous substances, such as chemicals and heavy metals. These can make their way into drinking water sources.

Ingestion or skin contact with polluted water can lead to conditions such as gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and certain types of cancer. It also affects aquatic life, reducing biodiversity and decreasing species populations. 

Air pollution, meanwhile, can cause respiratory illnesses in humans due to increased ozone levels and particulate matter in the air. It can also cause acid rain, which affects the soil and vegetation, leading to erosion and reduced agricultural yields. The effects of air pollution are not restricted to certain areas. Pollutants can travel in air currents and have global impacts. 

Loss of Earth's biodiversity.

We should expect a reduction in biodiversity as natural habitats are destroyed or polluted during extraction or landfill activities. This is because recycling helps reduce the number of resources we take from the planet, thus reducing our environmental impact.

If we have fewer recycled materials, we will need more natural resources for production. Using up more resources leads to habitat destruction and a decrease in biodiversity. 

If we stop our recycling efforts, biodiversity loss will have serious long-term consequences for humans and nature. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems and providing us with food, clean air, water, and other resources. 

A decrease in biodiversity can reduce species richness, genetic diversity, and food sources. This will threaten many species that are essential for maintaining the environment, such as pollinators and decomposers.

Without these species, our ecosystems may not be able to function and thrive properly. This could lead to increased diseases, invasive species, and other problems that would negatively impact the Earth and human populations. 

Overflowing landfills.

If we stop our recycling efforts, we will need more and more landfills to bury more waste, and these landfills will overflow. Landfills are not only eyesores; they pose a number of dangers to local environments and communities. For one, they can be potential sources of odors affecting nearby residents. 

Moreover, landfills present an ecological hazard, as they can pollute the environment with toxic materials and leachate - a byproduct of municipal solid waste. It is a liquid containing dissolved contaminants that drains from a landfill. Leachate can contaminate drinking water and cause health problems for exposed individuals2. Additionally, landfills are a major source of methane gas, which further contributes to global warming. 

By not recycling, we will continue to take over good land to bury our plastic products and plastic waste, aluminum, glass, and many other perfectly recyclable items.

Environmental degradation of developing countries.

Many developing countries provide waste recycling and management services to the rest of the world as one of the many ways to boost their economy. They effectively buy our garbage and import different types of plastic waste, including plastic bags, plastic bottles, and other plastics, paper, scrap metal, aluminum cans, and other materials that they can recycle.

If they are not recycling plastic and other waste, they will need more landfills and will most likely experience significant environmental degradation.

Loss of manufacturing resources.

Not recycling will also have an economic impact. We will lose resources as recycling helps us reuse existing products instead of producing from scratch each time we need something new. If we give up our recycling habits, manufacturers will need to purchase more raw materials, leading to an increase in the cost of production. 

This can lead to a loss of jobs and cause manufacturing businesses to suffer financially. Additionally, when manufacturers are unable to afford the raw materials they need, they may have to close down or relocate their operations, which can further impact local economies and the global economy at scale. 

The end of the recycling industry.

With the industrial revolution came the need for proper recycling programs to manage the waste we were beginning to produce. But if we stopped recycling, this would signal the end of the recycling industry.  

Without the money generated from selling recycling products to manufacturers, many recycling plants worldwide will have to shut down.  We will also see a decrease in job opportunities created by a decline in demand for recycling businesses.    

The Earth will be filled with garbage.

Think about all the waste that will just continue to accumulate as we use and dispose of every single product. We're going to have so much trash lying around: plastic water bottles, plastics,  glass, scrap metal, and so on. It's just more garbage that the world doesn't need. 

We should recycle more, not less.

Recycling bins
Photo by cottonbro studio

Given the disadvantages of not recycling, it is clear why it is important to recycle, and if anything, we need to do even more recycling. We should not give up recycling as it is vital for keeping the Earth habitable for its biodiversity. 

Plastic recycling, alongside food waste, paper, and metals, reduces pollution, saves energy, decreases the need for new resources, and helps create a sustainable future. We should be making a concerted effort to recycle more, positively impact the environment, and create a healthier world for ourselves and future generations. 

Related: 20 Recycling Tips for Effective Recycling at Home.

We should consider its economic benefits as well. Recycling materials helps us preserve resources and conserve energy, which in turn leads to lower production costs for manufacturers. 

Additionally, whereas recycling is a far better end for already produced recyclable products, the best thing we can do is to practice the principles of the 4RS - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Here, recycling is the last R intentionally. If we choose to reduce our consumption of new products in pursuit of zero waste and more sustainable living, we also need less recycling, which uses less energy. 

We have a responsibility to our planet to make wise decisions about how we can be environmentally conscious and recycle more when we can, not less. Simply making sure those used plastic water bottles end up in curbside recycling is a step we can all take. However, avoiding them in the first place will always prove better for the environment.

By doing this, we will conserve resources, protect our biodiversity, stimulate the economy, and give ourselves a healthier environment to live in.


Lin L, Yang H and Xu X (2022) Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health and Disease Heterogeneity: A ReviewFront. Environ. Sci. 10:880246. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.880246


Zhao Youcai, Summary, Editor(s): Zhao Youcai, Pollution Control Technology for Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2018, Page xxiii, ISBN 9780128158135


The United States Environmental Protection Agency. ( 2022, May 16). Overview of Greenhouse Gases.

By Jennifer Okafor, BSc.

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Photo by Mumtahina Tanni
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