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25 Hemp Quotes for Hemp-tastic Sustainable Living

People have been using hemp plants, or Cannabis Sativa, for centuries. This variation of the Cannabaceae family of plants can serve multiple purposes. Farmers and enthusiasts grow hemp for medicinal purposes, textiles, food, rope, and health products. Essentially, this plant has different parts that we can use to create other products, and what's more often more sustainably than the alternatives.

Not only can we directly benefit from hemp through its products, but the crop is also highly sustainable. From being fast-growing to supporting soil fertility and reducing carbon emissions effects, hemp presents many benefits. Many call it a miracle crop that can contribute to protecting the earth. Hemp’s multipurpose nature gives us even more reasons to give it more than a second thought. 

No wonder many people praise hemp for its role in our lives. To get a deeper appreciation for this nature-given plant, let’s explore some hemp quotes. These quotes examine its sustainability and usefulness. 

Best hemp quotes

Hemp is truly one of the most valuable and versatile crops. There’s a criminal stigma that many people and nations attach to the crop due to cannabis abuse. However, cannabis has different variations. People grow industrial hemp, for instance, for fiber and edible purposes. This is how we acquire healthy hemp seeds, hemp fabrics, and many more products. 

There are various cannabis plants, all containing a substance called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This substance has psychoactive properties, giving that high and feel-good effect in marijuana. The hemp cannabis variation contains only a tiny amount of THC and serves non-drug purposes.

Many people celebrate the vital role of the non-psychoactive hemp plant in moving to more sustainable and circular manufacturing. Here are some of our favorite hemp quotes.

"Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances of our nation." -Thomas Jefferson #trvst #quotes #ecofriendly #ecocrop #hemp #hemplife #hemplove

"Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances of our nation."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I want people to get over the stigma about hemp. These seeds can't make you high, but they will make you feel good." -Ziggy Marley #trvst #quotes #green #lowfootprint #hemplove #people #hemp #hemplife

"I want people to get over the stigma about hemp. These seeds can't make you high, but they will make you feel good."
- Ziggy Marley

"Hemp: the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you, and heal you." -Unknown #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #sustainability #hemp #plant #hemplove #hemplife

"Hemp: the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you, and heal you."
- Unknown

"Imagine people growing hemp and making everything from food to fuel without petroleum!" -Josh Tickell #trvst #quotes #green #lowfootprint #hemp #food #hemplove #growing #hemplife

"Imagine people growing hemp and making everything from food to fuel without petroleum!"
- Josh Tickell

Hemp quotes looking to the future of this sustainable crop

Wondering about the role and future of this sustainable crop? Here, we highlight some key hemp quotes that explore this area. Hemp is a highly sustainable crop. It grows very fast. Also, it plays a role in restoring soil fertility. This crop regenerates quickly and, unlike many crops, requires no chemicals to support its growth. Hemp is also a natural air purifier. It captures carbon in the air, thereby leaving us cleaner air to breathe in. 

For these reasons, hemp is vital to our urgent greenhouse gas problems in the world. In a way, we could also say it plays a role in the survival of our planet. Many sustainable initiatives are now looking to hemp as raw material for wood and paper. By embracing this sustainable crop, we can reduce the world’s need for constant deforestation

For decades, the Nepalese have produced the natural hemp backpack synonymous with the Himalayas. Realizing multiple benefits, various producers now use hemp for super soft hemp socks, shirts, and all manner of other hemp clothing lines.

It’s easy to see how this useful crop can contribute to tackling the problem of greenhouse gases. As we continue to evolve and embrace innovation, the world will see more usefulness for this crop. By helping to reduce greenhouse gases, it contributes to a greener society. 

"Hemp is Earth's number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months." -Jack Herer #trvst #quotes #green #ecofriendly #hemplife #hemplove #hemp

"Hemp is Earth's number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months."
- Jack Herer

"Scientists in Australia are working on making biodegradable car parts out of hemp. This might get confusing. When someone says, roll up the window, they might mean, roll up the window!" -Jay Leno #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #sustainability #hemplove #hemp #hemplife

"Scientists in Australia are working on making biodegradable car parts out of hemp. This might get confusing. When someone says, roll up the window, they might mean, roll up the window!"
- Jay Leno

"All that was needed was a raw material capable of matching AI's tireless pace. We found it in that bountiful gift that comes from our dear Mother Earth: industrial-grade hemp." -Philip Wyeth #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #sustainability #hemplove #hemp #hemplife

"All that was needed was a raw material capable of matching AI's tireless pace. We found it in that bountiful gift that comes from our dear Mother Earth: industrial-grade hemp."
- Philip Wyeth

"We can build a high-speed fully automated system of production from durable, lightweight bioplastic and graphene, out of hemp and other plants, powered by biofuel and hemp batteries, while – because of hemp’s ability to revive soil and absorb CO2 – healing the soil and stabilising the climate in the process. This reconstruction of society, which would raise living standards exponentially for everyone, is not an ideal or a fantasy, it is a necessity both historically and ecologically." -Ted Reece #trvst #quotes #gogreen #ecocrop #hemplife #plants #hemp #hemplove

"We can build a high-speed fully automated system of production from durable, lightweight bioplastic and graphene, out of hemp and other plants, powered by biofuel and hemp batteries, while – because of hemp’s ability to revive soil and absorb CO2 – healing the soil and stabilising the climate in the process. This reconstruction of society, which would raise living standards exponentially for everyone, is not an ideal or a fantasy, it is a necessity both historically and ecologically."
- Ted Reece

"This is an industry to not only look at but become a part of for the future, right now in the present. It can create wealth, amplify health and help to save, sustain and grow economies while reducing our footprint. With the farm bill making it legal, again; it’s time to return to hemp." -Loren Weisman #trvst #quotes #sustainability #reducewaste #hemp #future #hemplove #wealth #hemplife

"This is an industry to not only look at but become a part of for the future, right now in the present. It can create wealth, amplify health and help to save, sustain and grow economies while reducing our footprint.
With the farm bill making it legal, again; it’s time to return to hemp."
- Loren Weisman

"Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet." -Jack Herer #trvst #quotes #green #gogreen #hemp #nature #hemplife #planet #hemplove

"Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet."
- Jack Herer

"Hemp has the potential to be a major boon to Colorado agriculture, giving farmers another viable and profitable option for their fields." -Cory Gardner #trvst #quotes #reducewaste #lowfootprint #hemplove #hemplife #hemp

"Hemp has the potential to be a major boon to Colorado agriculture, giving farmers another viable and profitable option for their fields."
- Cory Gardner

Hemp quotes about prohibition and legalization in the US

For decades, hemp has had negative connotations. Many instantly think of cannabis that gets people high when people hear the name. The use and misuse led many nations to prohibit and criminalize its use. 

In the United States, hemp was legal in the 18th and 19th centuries. By the 20th century, the government banned the growth of industrial hemp. This action was part of the government’s fight against drug use. Eventually, by the 21st century, hemp returned as a legal crop in the United States. 

Despite this, many people still have mixed feelings towards the crop. To fully understand the vast usefulness of this crop, there’s an urgent need to get past reducing it to simply a drug crop. 

Hemp is beneficial to us and the planet. As a result, people continue to raise their voices against the stigma associated with the crop. If you want to quickly explore thoughts on the prohibition and legalization of this crop, check out these hemp quotes. These quotes also highlight the many purposes the yield serves, such as providing food, hemp clothing, and housing materials. 

"Since 1937, about half the forests in the world have been cut down to make paper. If hemp had not been outlawed, most would still be standing, oxygenating the planet." -Alan Bock #trvst #quotes #gogreen #reducewaste #hemp #planet #hemplife #hemplove

"Since 1937, about half the forests in the world have been cut down to make paper. If hemp had not been outlawed, most would still be standing, oxygenating the planet."
- Alan Bock

"Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?" -Henry Ford #trvst #quotes #gogreen #green #hemplove #hemp #hemplife

"Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?"
- Henry Ford

"The best hemp and the best tobacco grow on the same kind of soil. The former article is of the first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country. The latter, never useful." -Thomas Jefferson #trvst #quotes #gogreen #reducewaste #hemplove #wealth #hemplife #hemp

"The best hemp and the best tobacco grow on the same kind of soil. The former article is of the first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country. The latter, never useful."
- Thomas Jefferson

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp Seed, and sow it everywhere" -George Washington #trvst #quotes #reducewaste #sustainable #hemplove #hemplife #hemp

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp Seed, and sow it everywhere"
- George Washington

"What was done with the seed saved from the India Hemp last summer? It ought, all of it, to have been sewn again; that not only a stock of seed sufficient for my own purposes might have been raised, but to have disseminated the seed to others; as it is more valuable than the common Hemp. " -George Washington #trvst #quotes #sustainable #gogreen #hemp #hemplove #hemplife

"What was done with the seed saved from the India Hemp last summer? It ought, all of it, to have been sewn again; that not only a stock of seed sufficient for my own purposes might have been raised, but to have disseminated the seed to others; as it is more valuable than the common Hemp. "
- George Washington

"Legalize hemp and allow women to grow it and make food, clothing and housing for pennies from it and legalize marijuana too. Let women integrate their divided consciousness with a natural herb instead of doctors' pills that kill the liver. " -Roseanne Barr #trvst #quotes #sustainability #sustainable #hemplife #food #hemplove #consciousness #hemp

"Legalize hemp and allow women to grow it and make food, clothing and housing for pennies from it and legalize marijuana too. Let women integrate their divided consciousness with a natural herb instead of doctors' pills that kill the liver. "
- Roseanne Barr

"Industrial hemp is a very useful plant. I challenged the attorney general to get rid of the criminal stigma associated with hemp so we can look at it in terms of how it might be useful." -Jesse Ventura #trvst #quotes #green #reducewaste #hemplife #plant #hemp #hemplove

"Industrial hemp is a very useful plant. I challenged the attorney general to get rid of the criminal stigma associated with hemp so we can look at it in terms of how it might be useful."
- Jesse Ventura

"There is no reason, in a free society, that farmers shouldn’t be allowed to raise hemp. Hemp is a good product." -Ron Paul #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #reducewaste #hemp #free #hemplife #hemplove

"There is no reason, in a free society, that farmers shouldn’t be allowed to raise hemp. Hemp is a good product."
- Ron Paul

Hemp quotes about its benefits and diet

Apart from growing it for fibers and medicinal purposes, farmers also grow hemp for food-related uses. On the one hand, we have pretty popular hemp seeds. There’s also hemp oil and hemp milk, which people include in their diets. The hemp seeds have multiple health benefits and provide our bodies with different nutrients. Hemp seeds contain healthy fats and essential fatty acids. These fats play a role in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. Therefore, they may contribute to better heart health. 

The same goes for hemp oil which also supports heart health and acts as a potent anti-inflammatory food. The popular hemp seeds are also rich in fiber, protein, and a range of vitamins and minerals. If you’re looking to switch to plant-based milk, you could try out hemp milk. Here are different hemp quotes highlighting its benefits and place in our diet. 

"As a physician, I recommend nutritious hemp seeds and oil to anyone interested in maintaining a healthy diet. Everyone will benefit when American farmers can grow this amazing crop once again." -Andrew Weil #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #gogreen #hemplife #diet #hemplove #hemp

"As a physician, I recommend nutritious hemp seeds and oil to anyone interested in maintaining a healthy diet. Everyone will benefit when American farmers can grow this amazing crop once again."
- Andrew Weil

"Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica." -Abraham Lincoln #trvst #quotes #ecofriendly #sustainable #hemp #hemplife #hemplove

"Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica."
- Abraham Lincoln

"If the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on." -Terence McKenna #trvst #quotes #lowfootprint #reducewaste #hemp #consciousness #hemplove #hemplife

"If the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on."
- Terence McKenna

"When the nettle is young, the leaves make excellent greens; when it grows old it has filaments and fibers like hemp and flax. Cloth made from the nettle is as good as that made from hemp." -Victor Hugo #trvst #quotes #reducewaste #sustainable #hemplife #young #hemp #hemplove

"When the nettle is young, the leaves make excellent greens; when it grows old it has filaments and fibers like hemp and flax. Cloth made from the nettle is as good as that made from hemp."
- Victor Hugo

"I literally have in my refrigerator water, coconut water, orange juice, hemp milk and like, tea bags. And that's really it. Because I eat in my sleep." -Denise Vasi #trvst #quotes #sustainable #ecocrop #hemplife #water #hemp #sleep #hemplove

"I literally have in my refrigerator water, coconut water, orange juice, hemp milk and like, tea bags. And that's really it. Because I eat in my sleep."
- Denise Vasi

"We shall by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption." -John Adams #trvst #quotes #reducewaste #green #hemplife #consumption #hemplove #hemp

"We shall by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption."
- John Adams

Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash
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