Hamlet Organic Gardens
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Hamlet Organic Gardens - The Future Of The Earth!

The fast-growing Hamlets network will feed communities and educate people all over the world about organic production.

A healthy and harmonious way of life is impossible without proper nutrition and pure food. The use of organic products improves the quality of life and the ecological situation on the planet and our own future.

"Garden as though you will live forever."
William Kent

The purity of the process forms the unique ability of eco-products - to give a person natural creative energy and make the surroundings beautiful and comfortable. There are many more useful substances and vitamins in organic products. They do not contain useless fats and dangerous components. Ecological products contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, nutrients for a full-bodied life. They strengthen the body and play a preventive role in making chronic illnesses a thing of the past.

That is why The Phoenix Voyage team offers an amazing opportunity of creating fabulous edible parks. There are package options to install a thriving organic edible landscape that suits your climate and community needs. The parks are all eco-friendly with picnic tables and spaces for fun events. To create revenue for sustaining your community Hamlet, Phoenix Voyage has a variety of ideas that you can discuss with your team.

Hamlet Organic Gardens

The main goal here is to create a network of Hamlets and feed communities as well as educate people about organic production.

The Phoenix Voyage team offers a Hamlet Starter Packet which includes everything you need to start up a successful organic edible park:

  • Hamlet Checklist
  • Hamlet Essentials
  • Hamlet Community Sign up
  • Sample Stakeholder Certificate
  • Sample Landscape Design
  • Welcome Sign Image

Also, it is very important to mention that PV has a new program for schools called Grow Organic which includes informative materials that may benefit your Phoenix Hamlet for educational purposes:

  • 27 Crop Cards
  • Pest Identification
  • Mosquito Repelling Plant list
  • Vegetable Planting Design
  • Crop Harvesting Timeline
  • Community Garden Ideas
  • Garden Art Ideas
  • Garden Border & Pathway Ideas
  • Pest Identification
  • Germination Chart
  • Garden Companion Chart

Phoenix Voyage is currently working on a grassroots level with Phoenix Hamlet communities in the following countries: Tanzania, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Ghana, and just last week, there is interest in starting a Hamlet in Zimbabwe.

The success of a Hamlet depends upon its community members, otherwise known as "Stakeholders", who can invest in office support, planting activities, maintenance, etc.

There are now 48 Hamlets in Tanzania alone, 6 Hamlets in Uganda with 3 more being created right now.

This month, the PV Hamlet Organic Gardens project celebrates the one-year grassroots anniversary. During this time, a lot has been done, and more miracles are yet to come!

On December 1st, 2017, the first steps were taken to establish a 12-acre edible park in Songo, Sierra Leone.

The EnviroTrek team, the environmental organization from Zambia started a 5-acre park, Nakonde Hamlet, with a total of 18 volunteers.

In July 2018, 16 interns from Mityana Agro Vet Institute have been helping with the Waluleeta Hamlet in Luwero District, Uganda. In the course of their activities, for a month and a half, the interns were experiencing: coffee, fruits, maize management, piggery, poultry, and goat management, and a lot of other exciting and useful things such as visiting spice farms and Bamboo product workshop among them.

Christopher Simwinga, the Project coordinator in Tanzania, has received 2 grants for developing Phoenix Hamlets in Tanzania. He admitted that the government officials were so excited that they wanted the project to be expanded even more to get more citizens of Tanzania out of poverty and hunger.

The enormous work has been done in Tanzania just in the one-year period. Among 48 Hamlets, a lot have shown incredible miraculous results. Oswe Boys Hamlet, a 2-acre park with 90 stakeholders planted a 1-acre garden with seeds donated by volunteers. Oswe Primary Hamlet, a 2-acre park with 50 stakeholders planted a 1,5-acre garden with seeds donated by volunteers, Oswe Girls Hamlet, a 3-acre park with 96 stakeholders planted a 1-acre garden with seeds donated by volunteers as well, just to mention a few.

In December 2017, Tom Paladino, a scalar energy researcher, donated 10 goats distributed to 2 Hamlets in southern Tanzania and they have multiplied to over 25 goats and many are due to deliver more at this time.

EnviroCare Tanzania received ₤ 8,000 funding from Edinburgh Global Partnership (EGP) of the Edinburgh University to implement agroforestry projects and Hamlets in Tanzania. Together with funding, EGP assigned 8 volunteers, who, for nearly two months, performed different activities in numerous regions. They were giving lectures on agroforestry and climate change, established 21 tree nurseries, taught environmental education in 21 primary and secondary schools, and established 5 new Hamlets in 5 schools. Also, a documentary film was made, which included the interviews with Christopher Simwinga, Project coordinator in Tanzania, and Ms. John Rehema, Forestry Officer, representative of the Tanzanian government.

The work with Hamlets never stops. Every day brings new achievements and new challenges. Together we will make our planet cleaner, safer to live on, and more beautiful, preserving its natural uniqueness.

For more detailed information and updates please visit: https://www.phoenixvoyage.org/edible-parks.html

You can also check out 2 playlists for enhancing organic gardens on the Phoenix Voyage Youtube channel

  1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIRfUaZcXYW1JA_PG79UrWN6cglHazOYZ
  2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIRfUaZcXYW1bVaQpCRI4ZotkTt8FU7UR

And the Phoenix Hamlet Edible Parks group on Facebook

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
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