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COVID19 Artwork

Our experts Rana Balkis and Selva Ozelli, alongside collaborators Teymur Rzayev and Renan Kaleli, recently participated in the United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus art competition.

Sixteen thousand artists from around the world participated in the competition, and all of the submitted artwork by our experts was selected by the UN.  We'd like to congratulate them all on this achievement. A selection of their work is below, and you can view all the winning entries here.

Selva Ozelli

Simply trying to survive portrait of vitalik buterin

Simply trying to survive portrait of vitalik buterin

Simply trying to survive portrait of cem sayer

Simply trying to survive portrait of cem sayer

Simply trying to survive -portrait of prof erdal arikan

Simply trying to survive -portrait of prof erdal arikan

close to the heart – portrait of edip tumerkan

Renan Kaleli



flying descriptions

flying descriptions



once upon a time

once upon a time

social distancing

social distancing

Teymur Rzayev

corona virus spreads around the world

corona virus spreads around the world

Rana Balkis

not like before

not like before

moment of realisation

moment of realisation

By Selva Ozelli, Esq., CPA.

Selva Ozelli Esq, CPA is a legal and finance executive with diversified experience dealing with highly complex issues in the field of international taxation and related matters within the banking, securities, Fintech, alternative and traditional investment funds. Her first of its kind legal analyses involving tax laws, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), blockchain technology, solar technology and the environment and have been published in journals, books and by the OECD. Her writings have been translated into 15 languages.

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