Ocean Quotes
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96 Ocean Quotes To Promote Marine Protection

The sea is home to more than one million different species of creatures, including fish, mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates, making it an essential component of the earth's ecosystem. We’ve compiled this selection of ocean quotes to celebrate its beauty and highlight its importance. 

The ocean is essential to life on Earth. It covers 71% of the planet’s surface and holds 97% of its water. The ocean regulates the Earth’s climate and weather patterns and is a major source of food and a key part of the global economy. 

Despite its significance, human activity puts the ocean in danger. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change negatively impact ocean health, which drives environmental campaigners to express their views on ocean conservation. Many of the most well-known ocean quotes below highlight the importance of protecting the ocean and the life within it.

As our compilation of ocean facts covers in more detail, the ocean is also home to a stunning variety of wildlife. And while we can still protect the bountiful and amazing marine life the ocean contains, enjoy our quotes about the ocean to inspire your role in its preservation.

Best Ocean Quotes

When it comes to why the ocean is blue, there are actually a few different reasons. For one, the water itself is blue. This is because blue light is scattered more than other colors when sunlight hits the ocean. In addition, the vast size of the ocean means that there is more blue light than other colors, making it appear even bluer. 

But why does water scatter blue light in the first place? This has to do with the molecules in water, which are arranged in such a way that they deflect blue light more than other colors. So when sunlight hits the ocean, we see a beautiful blue color. 

As much as we appreciate the beautiful color of the ocean, read the best quotes we have gathered to understand the wonderment of the ocean. Or click on to our water quotes to further explore the theme.

"Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky." -Sonia Gandhi #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #takeaction #beach #ocean #deep #ocean #blue

"Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky."
- Sonia Gandhi

"I love the ocean. I've always liked the blue, so tranquil and peaceful and gliding. And the fear of it." -Siouxsie Sioux #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #thinkgreen #deep #love #beach #ocean #water

"I love the ocean. I've always liked the blue, so tranquil and peaceful and gliding. And the fear of it."
- Siouxsie Sioux

"The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble." -Blaise Pascal #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #bethechange #deep #ocean #water #nature #blue

"The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble."
- Blaise Pascal

"The crazy thing is we live on an ocean planet - nobody gets that yet." -Graham Hawkes #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #takeaction #water #planet #ocean #ocean #blue

"The crazy thing is we live on an ocean planet - nobody gets that yet."
- Graham Hawkes

"Every drop in the ocean counts." -Yoko Ono #trvst #quotes #bethechange #collectiveaction #beach #ocean #water #ocean #life

"Every drop in the ocean counts."
- Yoko Ono

Protecting The Ocean Quotes

The ocean is vital to the health of our planet. It plays a role in regulating the Earth's climate and provides a home for a vast array of plant and animal life. 

Unfortunately, the ocean is under threat from a number of environmental problems, including pollution, overfishing, and acidification. These threats not only put marine life at risk but also threaten the millions of people who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods.

That's why it's so important to protect ocean health. By reducing pollution and preserving marine ecosystems, we can ensure that the ocean will continue to play a vital role in our planet's future. Read the following ocean quotes from campaigners and famous environmentalists championing ocean conservation.

"Health to the ocean means health for us." -Sylvia Earle #trvst #quotes #beinspired #socialchange #life #ocean #water #health #wave

"Health to the ocean means health for us."
- Sylvia Earle

"Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise." -Tommy Douglas #trvst #quotes #bethechange #ecoconscious #deep #fish #blue #earth #life

"Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise."
- Tommy Douglas

"Looking out at the ocean, it's easy to feel small - and to imagine all your troubles, suddenly insignificant, slipping away. Earth's seven oceans seem vast and impenetrable, but a closer look tells another story." -Ted Danson #trvst #quotes #bethechange #gogreen #life #ocean #beach #deep #wave

"Looking out at the ocean, it's easy to feel small - and to imagine all your troubles, suddenly insignificant, slipping away. Earth's seven oceans seem vast and impenetrable, but a closer look tells another story."
- Ted Danson

"We've built, drilled, and shipped indiscriminately across our oceans, with little consideration for the natural environment that is critical to the health of many of our other ocean uses, like food and recreation." -Philippe Cousteau, Jr. #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #socialimpact #water #ocean #life #natural #beach

"We've built, drilled, and shipped indiscriminately across our oceans, with little consideration for the natural environment that is critical to the health of many of our other ocean uses, like food and recreation."
- Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

"We must commit to a positive programme of ocean recovery to combat the effects of climate breakdown, and boost our oceans' capacity to tackle climate change." -Barry Gardiner #trvst #quotes #beinspired #bethechange #beach #ocean #ocean #wave #deep

"We must commit to a positive programme of ocean recovery to combat the effects of climate breakdown, and boost our oceans' capacity to tackle climate change."
- Barry Gardiner

"I'm hopeful that we'll be able to study the ocean before we destroy it." -James Cameron #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #bethechange #life #ocean #ocean #beach #wave

"I'm hopeful that we'll be able to study the ocean before we destroy it."
- James Cameron

"Ocean acidification is often referred to as osteoporosis of the oceans because as acidity rises, shell building creatures such as lobster, oyster, crab, shrimp, and coral are unable to extract the calcium carbonate from the water that they need to build their shells and are thus unable to survive." -Philippe Cousteau, Jr. #trvst #quotes #bethechange #bethechange #water #water #deep #beach #wave

"Ocean acidification is often referred to as osteoporosis of the oceans because as acidity rises, shell building creatures such as lobster, oyster, crab, shrimp, and coral are unable to extract the calcium carbonate from the water that they need to build their shells and are thus unable to survive."
- Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

"Far and away, the greatest threat to the ocean, and thus to ourselves, is ignorance. But we can do something about that." -Sylvia Earle #trvst #quotes #gogreen #thinkgreen #wave #ocean #life #water #ocean

"Far and away, the greatest threat to the ocean, and thus to ourselves, is ignorance. But we can do something about that."
- Sylvia Earle

"Plastic doesn't have to be ocean plastic pollution." -Boyan Slat #trvst #quotes #impact #thinkgreen #beach #ocean #ocean #water #life

"Plastic doesn't have to be ocean plastic pollution."
- Boyan Slat

Why is it that scuba divers and surfers are some of the strongest advocates of ocean conservation? Because they've spent time in and around the ocean, and they've personally seen the beauty, the fragility, and even the degradation of our planet's blue heart.

~ Sylvia Earle

Quotes About Preserving Sea Organisms In The Ocean

The need to preserve marine life becomes more pressing as the world's oceans become increasingly polluted. There are many ways to help protect marine organisms, both large and small. One way is to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the oceans. We can recycle plastic materials and use reusable bags and containers. 

Another way to preserve marine life is to limit the amount of fishing. This can be accomplished by establishing fishing quotas and extending protected areas. Finally, raising awareness about the importance of preserving marine life is essential. By educating others about the threat of pollution and overfishing, we can build support for conservation efforts. Together, we can ensure that marine life will thrive in the dark blue ocean waters for generations to come.

Related: How many plastic bags are in the ocean? And read our deeper dive into the effect of plastic waste on marine life after the ocean quotes in this section.

"If you're overfishing at the top of the food chain, and acidifying the ocean at the bottom, you're creating a squeeze that could conceivably collapse the whole system." -Carl Safina #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #impact #water #ocean #wave #food #beach

"If you're overfishing at the top of the food chain, and acidifying the ocean at the bottom, you're creating a squeeze that could conceivably collapse the whole system."
- Carl Safina

"The ocean is the lifeblood of our world. If we were to lose our fish that we appreciate so much by overfishing; or if we were to lose some of our favorite beaches to overbuilding and pollution, then how would we feel? It's become a case of not knowing what you've got until it's gone." -Aaron Peirsol #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #dogood #wave #beaches #water #ocean #ocean

"The ocean is the lifeblood of our world. If we were to lose our fish that we appreciate so much by overfishing; or if we were to lose some of our favorite beaches to overbuilding and pollution, then how would we feel? It's become a case of not knowing what you've got until it's gone."
- Aaron Peirsol

"If we wipe out the fish, the oceans are going to die. If the oceans die, we die. We can't live on this planet with a dead ocean." -Paul Watson #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #collectiveaction #beach #planet #wave #ocean #blue

"If we wipe out the fish, the oceans are going to die. If the oceans die, we die. We can't live on this planet with a dead ocean."
- Paul Watson

"Every fish in the ocean is in danger." -Paul Watson #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #changetheworld #life #fish #water #ocean #deep

"Every fish in the ocean is in danger."
- Paul Watson

"Marine scientists predict that by 2050 there will be no more large fish left in the ocean if we don't change our relationship with the sea." -Greg MacGillivray #trvst #quotes #gogreen #bethechange #life #ocean #wave #fish #beach

"Marine scientists predict that by 2050 there will be no more large fish left in the ocean if we don't change our relationship with the sea."
- Greg MacGillivray

"Practically the whole world depends on coral reefs, so if the coral reefs get all killed, then the ocean will start going out of whack, and if the ocean goes out of whack, something might happen on land." -Alexander Gould #trvst #quotes #impact #ecoconscious #deep #world #life #ocean #wave

"Practically the whole world depends on coral reefs, so if the coral reefs get all killed, then the ocean will start going out of whack, and if the ocean goes out of whack, something might happen on land."
- Alexander Gould

"Just as we have the power to harm the ocean, we have the power to put in place policies and modify our own behavior in ways that would be an insurance policy for the future of the sea, for the creatures there, and for us, protecting special critical areas in the ocean." -Sylvia Earle #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #socialchange #wave #future #life #special #blue

"Just as we have the power to harm the ocean, we have the power to put in place policies and modify our own behavior in ways that would be an insurance policy for the future of the sea, for the creatures there, and for us, protecting special critical areas in the ocean."
- Sylvia Earle

"A healthy ocean is vital to our economy and well-being. We need clean and healthy oceans to sustain tourism and fisheries." -Scott Peters #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #bethechange #ocean #ocean #life #water #deep

"A healthy ocean is vital to our economy and well-being. We need clean and healthy oceans to sustain tourism and fisheries."
- Scott Peters

"Clean air and clean ocean, you can't translate that into money if you look at the cost to health, cost to fishery industry." -Severn Cullis-Suzuki #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #bethechange #wave #health #life #ocean #blue

"Clean air and clean ocean, you can't translate that into money if you look at the cost to health, cost to fishery industry."
- Severn Cullis-Suzuki

Ocean Quotes About Nature

It's no secret that the ocean covers a lot of ground. In fact, it covers nearly 71% of the Earth's surface. And while that may seem like a lot, it represents just a tiny fraction of the total water on our planet. The majority of Earth's water is locked up in glaciers and ice caps, leaving the oceans with only a small percentage of the world's total water supply. 

Nevertheless, the ocean is essential to our planet, and its importance cannot be overstated. 

We have gathered a selection of ocean quotes below that show biologists' wonder and awe when they study the ocean.

"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean." -Arthur C. Clarke #trvst #quotes #gogreen #socialchange #deep #planet #ocean #life #water

"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean."
- Arthur C. Clarke

"Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills." -Ambrose Bierce #trvst #quotes #collectiveaction #changetheworld #life #world #deep #water #water

"Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills."
- Ambrose Bierce

"Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms." -Nicolaus Copernicus #trvst #quotes #socialchange #bethechange #ocean #deeper #wave #earth #deep

"Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms."
- Nicolaus Copernicus

"The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach." -Henry Beston #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #collectiveaction #water #nature #life #wind #blue

"The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach."
- Henry Beston

"We've only explored about 5% of our ocean. There are great discoveries yet to be made down there - fantastic creatures representing millions of years of evolution and possibly bioactive compounds that could benefit us in ways we can't even imagine." -Edith Widder #trvst #quotes #dogood #gogreen #blue #ocean #beach #deep #ocean

"We've only explored about 5% of our ocean. There are great discoveries yet to be made down there - fantastic creatures representing millions of years of evolution and possibly bioactive compounds that could benefit us in ways we can't even imagine."
- Edith Widder

"The land and the ocean are living, breathing entities that supported us, clothed us, fed us, and nurtured our culture from time immemorial." -Eden Robinson #trvst #quotes #impact #beinspired #beach #ocean #water #culture #life

"The land and the ocean are living, breathing entities that supported us, clothed us, fed us, and nurtured our culture from time immemorial."
- Eden Robinson

"Just as a drop of water in the ocean cannot avail much; but if a great river runneth into it, that maketh a great commotion." -Jakob Bohme #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #beinspired #beach #water #life #ocean #ocean

"Just as a drop of water in the ocean cannot avail much; but if a great river runneth into it, that maketh a great commotion."
- Jakob Bohme

"The sea has now changed from it's natural, to river coloured water, the probable consequence of some streams falling into the bay, or into the ocean to the north of it, through the low land." -George Vancouver #trvst #quotes #impact #bethechange #beach #natural #deep #ocean #wave

"The sea has now changed from it's natural, to river coloured water, the probable consequence of some streams falling into the bay, or into the ocean to the north of it, through the low land."
- George Vancouver

"Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent." -H. P. Lovecraft #trvst #quotes #gogreen #bethechange #wave #ocean #deep #silent #water

"Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent."
- H. P. Lovecraft

Ocean Waves Quotes

Most people have seen the ocean, and many have even felt its waves crashing. But why does the ocean have waves in the first place? The answer has to do with the wind. 

As the wind blows across the surface of the water, it generates friction that causes the water to form ripples. These ripples then begin to travel away from the point of origin, eventually forming larger and larger waves. 

The waves' size is determined by several factors, including the strength of the wind, the fetch (the distance over which the wind blows), and the depth of the water. As waves travel across the ocean, they can eventually build up enough energy to break onshore, which is why we find beaches covered in foamy seawater. So next time you're at the beach, take a moment to appreciate the power of the ocean along with these quotes about ocean waves. 

You might also like our waves quotes, and wind quotes, both of which further explore the power of nature. 

"Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set your soul free." -Christy Ann Martine #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #collectiveaction #deep #water #water #free #life

"Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set your soul free."
- Christy Ann Martine

"Let the waves carry you where the light can not." -Mohit Kaushik #trvst #quotes #bethechange #takeaction #ocean #light #wave #blue #deep

"Let the waves carry you where the light can not."
- Mohit Kaushik

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering." -Saint Augustine #trvst #quotes #bethechange #takeaction #wave #ocean #life #beach #water

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering."
- Saint Augustine

"People choose to struggle when people don't want to relax. Sometimes it is not on your side. Relax; calm down. No matter how hard the waves are, you will float on the ocean." -Kubra Sait #trvst #quotes #socialchange #beinspired #blue #ocean #deep #people #water

"People choose to struggle when people don't want to relax. Sometimes it is not on your side. Relax; calm down. No matter how hard the waves are, you will float on the ocean."
- Kubra Sait

"I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows." -Drew Barrymore #trvst #quotes #takeaction #dogood #ocean #ocean #water #blue #wave

"I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows."
- Drew Barrymore

Ocean Quotes About Life And Living

The Atlantic Ocean is one of the world's most important bodies of water. It stretches from the Arctic Circle in the north to the Antarctic in the south and covers more than one-fifth of the Earth's surface. The Atlantic is home to a wealth of marine life, including whales, dolphins, penguins, and seals. 

It also provides a vital breeding ground for fish, crustaceans, and other sea creatures. 

The ocean's immense size means that it plays a vital role in moderating global climate. By absorbing heat from the sun and circulating it around the Earth, the Atlantic helps to keep our planet warm. The ocean's currents also shape weather patterns, which can impact countries thousands of kilometers from the coast. 

In short, the Atlantic Ocean is essential to life on Earth - both for animals that live in its waters and for people who live on its shores. Immersive yourself in this collection of ocean quotes that reflect the ocean’s role in our lives. 

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." -Ryunosuke Satoro #trvst #quotes #impact #changetheworld #wave #ocean #beach #deep #ocean

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
- Ryunosuke Satoro

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." -Mother Teresa #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #socialimpact #beach #ocean #water #wave #deep

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
- Mother Teresa

"Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #impact #blue #ocean #ocean #wave #water

"Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss."
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

"In still moments by the sea life seems large-drawn and simple. It is there we can see into ourselves." -Rolf Edberg #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #socialchange #water #simple #deep #life #ocean

"In still moments by the sea life seems large-drawn and simple. It is there we can see into ourselves."
- Rolf Edberg

"On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale." -Alexander Pope #trvst #quotes #takeaction #ecoconscious #ocean #ocean #deep #passion #wave

"On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale."
- Alexander Pope

"We are imprisoned in the realm of life, like a sailor on his tiny boat, on an infinite ocean." -Anna Freud #trvst #quotes #impact #thinkgreen #beach #life #ocean #ocean #wave

"We are imprisoned in the realm of life, like a sailor on his tiny boat, on an infinite ocean."
- Anna Freud

"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean." -Percy Ross #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #socialimpact #blue #ocean #water #ocean #beach

"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean."
- Percy Ross

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you." -Jim Rohn #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #socialchange #wave #ocean #beach #deep #blue

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you."
- Jim Rohn

"I shall go the way of the open sea, to the lands I knew before you came, and the cool ocean breezes shall blow from me the memory of your name." -Adela Florence Nicolson #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #collectiveaction #life #ocean #ocean #blue #wave

"I shall go the way of the open sea, to the lands I knew before you came, and the cool ocean breezes shall blow from me the memory of your name."
- Adela Florence Nicolson

"There's definitely healing properties to being in proximity to the ocean and that breeze. There's something about that Caribbean climate and humidity." -Johnny Depp #trvst #quotes #socialchange #beinspired #ocean #breeze #life #ocean #water

"There's definitely healing properties to being in proximity to the ocean and that breeze. There's something about that Caribbean climate and humidity."
- Johnny Depp

"I'm an ocean, because I'm really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures." -Christina Aguilera #trvst #quotes #socialchange #beinspired #ocean #exotic #wave #ocean #deep

"I'm an ocean, because I'm really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures."
- Christina Aguilera

"Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness." -Werner Herzog #trvst #quotes #changetheworld #collectiveaction #water #darkness #life #ocean #beach

"Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness."
- Werner Herzog

Smell the sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly

~ Van Morrison

Metaphors For Life And The Ocean Quotes

The ocean is often described as a "vast blue expanse." But this isn't the only metaphor that writers have used to capture the enormity and power of the ocean. Other common metaphors include calling it a "sea of people," a "troubled sea," or a "sea of misery." 

These metaphors help convey the immense size of the ocean and its ability to both calm and terrify us. The ocean is sometimes described as a mother, cradle, or provider. This is because, in addition to its size, the ocean has always been an important source of human food and livelihood. 

For centuries, we have looked to the sea for sustenance and income. In this way, the ocean represents both our need for survival and our deep connection to the natural world. Whether inspired by the beauty of the calm sea or intimidated by its power, these ocean quotes explore how it continues to hold a special place in our hearts and imaginations.

"Never underestimate the power of the ocean." -Heidi Klum #trvst #quotes #gogreen #socialchange #blue #ocean #wave #power #life

"Never underestimate the power of the ocean."
- Heidi Klum

"Being by the ocean is the greatest thing." -Genesis Rodriguez #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #beinspired #wave #ocean #blue #ocean #water

"Being by the ocean is the greatest thing."
- Genesis Rodriguez

"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away." -Sarah Kay #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #takeaction #wave #ocean #beach #water #deep

"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away."
- Sarah Kay

"The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul." -Robert Wyland #trvst #quotes #takeaction #changetheworld #deep #ocean #water #life #wave

"The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul."
- Robert Wyland

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans." -Kahlil Gibran #trvst #quotes #dogood #collectiveaction #beach #water #deep #blue #water

"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans."
- Kahlil Gibran

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." -Jacques Yves Cousteau #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #impact #deep #beach #water #blue #ocean

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."
- Jacques Yves Cousteau

"Ocean separates lands, not souls." -Munia Khan #trvst #quotes #bethechange #socialimpact #water #life #blue #deep #beach

"Ocean separates lands, not souls."
- Munia Khan

"The ocean is a mighty harmonist." -William Wordsworth #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #planetearthfirst #wave #ocean #water #beach #ocean

"The ocean is a mighty harmonist."
- William Wordsworth

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." -Franklin D. Roosevelt #trvst #quotes #impact #collectiveaction #ocean #water #wave #life #deep

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. we are both salt water mixed with air." -Nayyirah Waheed #trvst #quotes #bethechange #collectiveaction #wave #water #blue #ocean #ocean

"If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. we are both salt water mixed with air."
- Nayyirah Waheed

Ocean Quotes About Enjoying And Relaxing

The ocean is a great place to relax and have fun. You can do many activities in the ocean that are both fun and relaxing. Swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, sailing, and fishing are all great ways to enjoy the ocean. Each activity has unique benefits that can help you relax and have a great time. 

Swimming is a great way to exercise and get some fresh air. Sunbathing is a great way to get a tan and relax in the sun. Kayaking is a great way to explore the beauty of the ocean. Fishing is a great way to relax and catch some fresh fish.

Get inspired to get outdoors with these last bunch of ocean quotes, and no matter what you choose, enjoy the ocean safely, for it is one of nature’s many gifts.

"I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I think it's so relaxing. It's also a great form of active recovery. It's perfect for those rest days when you still want to move a little bit." -Eugenie Bouchard #trvst #quotes #takeaction #bethechange #life #beach #deep #perfect #ocean

"I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I think it's so relaxing. It's also a great form of active recovery. It's perfect for those rest days when you still want to move a little bit."
- Eugenie Bouchard

"I want everybody to go jump in the ocean to see for themselves how beautiful it is, how important it is to get acquainted with fish swimming in the ocean, rather than just swimming with lemon slices and butter." -Sylvia Earle #trvst #quotes #gogreen #changetheworld #ocean #ocean #wave #fish #beach

"I want everybody to go jump in the ocean to see for themselves how beautiful it is, how important it is to get acquainted with fish swimming in the ocean, rather than just swimming with lemon slices and butter."
- Sylvia Earle

"I love the ocean. Anywhere near the ocean will do. Preferably the Atlantic Ocean." -Ben Fogle #trvst #quotes #thinkgreen #socialimpact #beach #ocean #deep #love #life

"I love the ocean. Anywhere near the ocean will do. Preferably the Atlantic Ocean."
- Ben Fogle

"I love being by the ocean. It stills the voices in my head." -Chris Weitz #trvst #quotes #beinspired #collectiveaction #ocean #love #life #ocean #water

"I love being by the ocean. It stills the voices in my head."
- Chris Weitz

"Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think." -Robert Henri #trvst #quotes #takeaction #ecoconscious #deep #love #ocean #power #wave

"Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think."
- Robert Henri

"When anxious, uneasy, and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused." -Rainer Maria Rilke #trvst #quotes #ecoconscious #impact #blue #life #water #ocean #wave

"When anxious, uneasy, and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

"Take me to the ocean. Let me sail the open sea. To breathe the warm and salty air and dream of things to be." -Erica Billups #trvst #quotes #planetearthfirst #dogood #deep #breathe #life #ocean #water

"Take me to the ocean. Let me sail the open sea. To breathe the warm and salty air and dream of things to be."
- Erica Billups

"The fact that one can lose one's sense of self in an ocean of tranquility does not mean that one's consciousness is immaterial or that it presided over the birth of the universe." -Sam Harris #trvst #quotes #socialimpact #impact #ocean #ocean #blue #consciousness #life

"The fact that one can lose one's sense of self in an ocean of tranquility does not mean that one's consciousness is immaterial or that it presided over the birth of the universe."
- Sam Harris

"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came." -John F. Kennedy #trvst #quotes #dogood #collectiveaction #ocean #ocean #beach #blue #life

"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."
- John F. Kennedy

"I love how it feels to unwind by the ocean." -Miranda Rae Mayo #trvst #quotes #socialchange #gogreen #life #ocean #blue #love #deep

"I love how it feels to unwind by the ocean."
- Miranda Rae Mayo

A Few More Ocean Quotes...

In the following section, we've gathered a collection of remaining ocean quotes. With its vastness and depth, the ocean has been a fascinating subject for many. From beach lovers to oceanographers, its grandeur and mystery have provoked myriad thoughts and feelings, resulting in countless quotable words.

Whether the ocean brings to mind adventure, peace, challenge, or beauty, these quotes capture its essence from various angles.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

~ Mahatma Gandhi

In the beginning, there was only ocean.

~ Disney's Moana

The sea possesses a power over one's moods that has the effect of a will. The sea can hypnotize. Nature in general can do so.

~ Henrik Ibsen

She loves the serene brutality of the ocean, loves the electric power she felt with each breath of wet, briny air.

~ Holly Black

The calming movement of the sea along with the restless ocean breeze gently caresses me creating a soothing trance which lulls me to a place of peace.

~ M. L. Borges

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.

~ Kate Chopin

But where, after all, would be the poetry of the sea were there no wild waves?

~ Joshua Slocum

The sea lives in every one of us.

~ Robert Wyland

A beach is not only a sweep of sand but shells of sea creatures, the sea glass, the seaweed, the incongruous objects washed up by the ocean.

~ Henry Grunwald

To me, the sea is a continual miracle; the fishes that swim, the rocks, the motion of the waves, the ships with men in them. What stranger miracles are there?

~ Walt Whitman

The ocean makes me feel really small, and it puts my whole life in perspective

~ Beyonce

There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.

~ Dave Barry

Eternity begins and ends with the ocean's tides

~ Unknown

The sea is an underwater museum still awaiting its visitors.

~ Phillip Diole

Advice from the Ocean: Be shore of yourself. Come out of your shell. Take time to coast. Avoid pier pressure. Sea life's beauty. Don't get so tide down on work that you miss out on life's beautiful waves.

~ Unknown

'Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life,' murmured Niko. 'They bring new food for shore creatures, and take ships out to sea. They are the ocean's pulse, and our own heartbeat.'

~ Tamora Pierce

I wonder if the ocean smells different on the other side of the world.

~ J.A. Redmerski

The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too

~ Vincent van Gogh

I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.

~ Lana Del Rey

My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean, so must I never live my life for itself, but always in the experience which is going on around me.

~ Albert Schweitzer

Even castles made from sand fall to the ocean.

~ Jimi Hendrix

So that the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts, seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again.

~ Virginia Woolf

You can never cross the ocean until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.

~ Christopher Columbus

‎I have always been fascinated by the ocean, to dip a limb beneath its surface and know that I'm touching eternity, that it goes on forever until it begins here again.

~ Lauren DeStefano

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash
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